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Posts posted by Kurokusari

  1. Gasai needs a fandisc.


    Yeah although there's the theme of the world has no mercy or is unforgiving but killing of few of the characters might be not the best choice considering that some of the readers might hate the game. You know how business works, no matter how good it is, if it's not well received, you're out. Also it could also go along the lines of 'persevering against the gentle kingdom and win'. But I do agree that having a more bittersweet ending would be nicer.

  2. I'm glad I was able to help~


    That's what I thought too! Maybe some kind of parody?

    Might be. I haven't researched on who are the artists behind the SD art of Yumina so I can't really say. I didn't find it that good to stalk the staff behind it.


    Thank you Kurokusari-san

    Thanks for taking your time making the signature.  :sachi:

    Yeah no problem. Glad to help!

  3. Saying that it was in her mind is true, yes, but I thought it was in that 'space' that the Thing provides the connectors with. I remember Girl A mentioning something like that. Since Sting was the very center of the network of connectors in Takakura City, Kagome was bound to each one of the connectors by that very same network. Since she was the very core of the network, I was thinking that she had been able to manifest herself in that 'space' due to having her avatar stampede, which essentially ruins the connector's mind. If I'm not mistaken, the 'soul' of the connectors seem to drift toward that very 'space' after their mind has been shattered or after they had died. Don't those souls provide Sting's action points, since they're very well connected to Sting's network? I'm not sure anymore. Anyway, since she was the core, I thought she could sever those connections herself by killing them once again. Those are my thoughts on the matter. It couldn't have possibly been in her mind only, since it had direct effects on the action points that Sting had in the very same moment. So she must have severed the connections from her own network.


    Also, I enjoyed Mayuki's route immensely. Mayuki's too good.

    Now I'm not sure of anything anymore. I guess they suddenly turned to info dump at this point of the game. I can reread this to understand it a bit again but I don't have the will to do that.  :vinty:


    Someone end this mystery. 

  4. I've finished Eika's and (technically) Ryou's routes. I'm going over to Onigase's and the maid now.

    Eika's Route

    As I had predicted Eika really had some extreme problems with her sexual frustration. Frankly, the whole route looked like nukige material to me, making me disappointed in the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed it. For some reason I already knew her parents were siblings, though I don't know if I spoiled myself on that or if I had learnt it from Ryou's route or something. 

    Regarding the route, it was mostly sex and masturbation so I don't have much to comment (regretfully, I only came back to my senses and started skipping later on in the route. It seems I really enjoy female masturbation over sex).

    I actually took the whole thing quite seriously until... her hair turned white. Vomiting blood, extreme attraction to her brother? I was starting to think about how being born from incest had somehow caused this but the game made it quite clear it was not meant to be taken seriously by the point she ate a cellphone.

    Either way, if this route makes me look up Nukige of the same type I will forever hold a grudge.


    Their parents... Really quirky but it seems like they revealed an awful lot unnecessarily there at the end. I haven't played the maid's route but now I know, or have been told, that she was hired by them. That their friends were told to watch over them, that they "helped" Ryou (this is actually good foreshadowing - in a recommended order Ryou's route should come after Eika's.).


    Ryou's Route

    This one was considerably more serious than the last, though it consisted heavily of exposition on Chouji's past, which I liked. We got to know about all the nonsense behind the family (what was left out in Eika's route) and in general, their past and how Chouji used to be.

    He looked somewhat cool with how he figures things out as a smart person contrary to how he was in the past. Ryou's issues were very serious but he managed to solve them with a mix of his past self and his present self.

    Then came the H-Scenes, and I'm starting to think this game doesn't do too many normal H-Scenes...


    Contrary to what I thought, Ryou was not completely clueless in matters of sex. Though her personality change from having a camera pointed at her and when she was living together with Chouji while he was afraid of her were really cute, she quickly turned back into her sadist self.

    Very love, much cute.


    I also have a question, was this in the original Japanese? And isn't it just bloody hilarious? (no spoilers)


    Eika's Route:

    Yep I think it has the most sexual content from all the routes so you can expect the last 2 routes you'll read to not have that much. Well just like you said it was mostly about Eika's sexual problems so I didn't really took anything seriously when I realized that. Most of the route is predictable like that their parents didn't die but I didn't expect for Tsumugu to be actually under the orders of their parents. I completely missed this since I thought Tsumugu's reason for being there will only be dealt with in her route. Guess I'm wrong on that.


    Objectively, it's terribad but I really liked the comedy on this one. Those overblown reactions from being separated from her brother and how much she's addicted to him. Such a brocon and it might've awoken my love for little sisters


    And now hear my rant thoughts about Koichoco. This is a bit of spoiler-heavy so read in your own discretion.

    Still hating how the MC's dense and spineless. He won't do anything unless he's forced and he still keeps on whining about it even when he's already doing it. Also what's with the convenient storytelling? This is supposed to be about elections and how they will persuade people and yet they keep the speeches short. This is especially true in the MC's speech since he

    conveniently blacked out and doesn't remember even.a.tiny.bit of what he said onstage. The members said it's good and it ends in that. That and he keeps fussing about his name and being too indignant about it. Sure you'll hate it if people don't get it right but can't he already get it that they're just messing around with him?


    Also there's the forced and awkward scenes. Like seriously, you're in school, someone calls a girl 'smelly' and the girls asks a guy she recently met to smell her. Not only that but also in her armpits. Like what? What? What? What? What? And the guys accepts the proposition. I asked my laptop a few times when this scene was unfolding. I don't know about you girls but I don't think that's normal or even conceivable by a modern human. And no, I don't think there was any implications of seduction or arousal on this one. I just find the situation nonsensical. 


    Now you might be wondering why am I still reading it when I'm already this annoyed but I seriously think it still has some potential to redeem this mess. I'm just past the preliminaries and there could be something better in store for me. Well at least I'm hoping. I don't hate the elections part since it has potential to see a battle of wits and they slip in once in a while but most of the situations are really unnatural. Both in how it happens and the probability of the situations from occurring.


    I deeply apologize to anyone who read this rant but I need to get it out there somewhere. That and I need to find people who have read this already and ask if it will get better.

    To those who doesn't want to get spoiled but want some idea on this, you might want to pass on this if you want a good MC. I find the MC of this VN to be highly undesirable. Well that's just me.

  5. Welcome to the world of Visual Novels!

    I haven't finished KonoSora yet so I really can't say much about what you'd like but you can't hate a good VN. I can't suggest Katawa Shoujo like most of the people above since I haven't read it yet but it was one that led people to playing more VNs so it should be good. As for me I'll suggest Grisaia no Kajitsu. It's pretty lengthy but it's worth your time although the atmosphere is a lot different from KonoSora. 


    Hmm if I'll suggest anything that's close to KonoSora, which is mainly about a club, it would either be Hoshizora no Memoria or Rewrite. Although the two only has the club as the side element but it's still part of the story. And if you want something more about school and about club activities it would be Princess Evangile but it's more on the elections rather than club activities. So yeah haven't read enough VNs to actually suggest really close.


    And about that feeling of emptiness, we all feel that after seeing something really amazing in a personal level so even though you might hate it, it's a proof that you've seen something great.

  6. Alright some of my comments in Rewrite:

    Chihaya's route did contain useful info about Kotarou's ability and the mysteriou's Sakuya's origins but that's pretty much it. Sure it's a good idea to give a background to the heroine's past but I think they used too much time on that. There wasn't much events in the present and I agree that the antagonist of her route is too much. Seriously, burning yourself to death? And what with the contact with Hell after that? His motivations were vague and the only thing I understood is that it's his little play of psychotic revenge as seen in the possibility of the Terra route. To you guys who might've forgotten, he's one of the kids that Kotarou saved. Finally, the appearance of Sakuya's giant form. I think I remember something along the lines of it being able to destroy the world. Like seriously? It makes the Key look like a joke. Forgive me if I'm being too negative about Chihaya's route but it's the very first route I've ever played in Rewrite and I was disappointed in it. So yeah I might be being too critical about it.


    Like a lot of people, I also think that Lucia's route is the best among the heroines but it's not exactly perfect either. While it's personal preference that I liked the little touch of mystery and it really got to me, Lucia's backstory is also quite good (please hit me since I'm getting aware that my bias is too much) and how it explained her usual behavior and how the past haunts her back. The only thing that I think they wasted too much time is their misunderstandings. Kotarou already made it clear that he'll stay with her but a stranger's comment (the doctor's so doctor-like comment) ends up with her not listening until the end. I also really liked the drama on this one (putting aside the misunderstanding between the two because Kotarou is being as dense as Ichika(IS)) as to how it'll be hard to stay together so Kotarou changed himself. 


    Edit: Forgot Kotori's route

    I can summarize it on one sentence. Twisted sense of responsibility of Kotori and vague sense of values.

  7. Yay another lolicon!

    Welcome to the forums!

    You certainly have a different start from the most of us here but that's fine. Either way you enjoyed the medium and got to know the pleasure of reading VNs so it's quite alright. Definitely being able to relate to a VN is a plus. I also had the same experience and it was from Grisaia no Kajitsu (yes, that unrealistic game).

    Enjoy your stay!

  8. From what i understood, that place was in the avatar(Sting) itself.

    Her mind had gone mad (stampede) so she was stuck in Sting.

    Atleast thats what i understood about it

    I thought it was in Kagome's mind since my idea on the avatar is only a tangible representation of where the connectors' souls are loaded in. I think she was using Sting inside where she re-killed all the avatars Sting ever destroyed so I thought that it was unlikely that she was inside Sting. Then again Hisoka appeared out of nowhere (with a sense of self) so I can't really say much about logic in there. Well if it's fully the wills of the original connectors of the avatars then that situation is possible.

  9. Apparently my pc won't be back this week, woooo.  :vinty:

    Wait wut? What the heck happened? Not really angry since I don't have any reason to but did you get the schedule mixed up or did the people fixing it made a mistake? There hasn't been that much requests yet so I think we can handle the next requests as longs as they don't flood in.


    Maybe you can use this free time to add the lexicon. It's a sign from the heavens  :makina:

  10. I guess I need to re-play Rewrite because I don't remember him being like that. The last time I played it was when it was just first translated and I went through it a bit too fast because the length was so long and I just started reading visual novels. I found Kotori's route a bit of a bore so I held the ctrl button a few times.

    The only times I found Kotarou amazing is when he's swinging his 

    lasur blade auroras. That and how he owned everyone in the moon and terra route.

    Kotarou was almost a different person in each of the routes tbh. The different situations definitely affected that.

  11. I was wondering what I was forgetting and I just remembered I haven't posted JustIn's request.

    Yeah sorry can't get it to 800 px width. Draggin it until there makes the characters' faces only visible. I also added the band's name so if you don't mind.

    Also is it just me or is this Chibi art strikingly similar to the ones in Yumina the Ethereal?


  12. I can't right now and that makes me sad. T_T

    Alright Roach just went offline so maybe I'll do it. I'll edit this post after dinner and if no one still wants to take it, I'll do it.

    Edit: Took it


    It's already Friday here but I'm not sure about where you are. You should already get back your PC soon so cheer up. I'll leave all the requests to you when you get your PC back.  :holo:


    Request: Signature
    Character: Girls Dead Monster from Angel Beats!
    Render: .....


    it was max size, you can reduce size of pic
    Typography: SoulJustIn
    Other: If can try make it 800x150... Thank you whoever taking the job. I really not good in skill.


    Anyone wanna take this one? I'll leave it to whoever wants it since it feels like I'm hogging the requests. I'll just take it if no one wants to do it.

  14. I agree so much. I just didn't like the good end very much. It just didn't hit the correct spots for me.

    Well, at least they gave Hisoka a chance to get her own happy ending. Her tale was too tragic, given the role she took in those two routes that she showed up in.

    Hisoka's a great girl, that's for sure. I still feel down whenever I remember her last scene.

    Yeah the good end really pales in comparison compared to the neutral one but I don't want it to be removed. If there was only the neutral one, I think I would've raged since Hisoka got the shorter end of the stick, AGAIN. I was just happy that she got what she wanted in one of the ends.

  15. You're awesome! It's really amazing. Thank you for making it for me~ I will be sure to use it. 

    Thanks and glad to help. Rin was much easier to work in since I found a render easy and the quality was great so it was done quickly. There are some characters where you can't find any render at all. Maybe those obscure light novels or visual novels but LB is popular in both of its mediums so this was an easy find.

  16. Yeah. I only use gradient maps and color lookup most of the time.

    Yeah I never finish any work without using any gradient maps. I used to have more than 10 layers of them and I found out that it was an overkill. I was accidentally neutralizing colors so it went that far. Now I stick to around 3-5. Color lookup isn't really used that much in my works. I usually use the 3rd option only because the other 2 have an overblown effect. Yeah I can adjust it but playing with gradient maps is easier for me.

  17. I finished Hisoka's route a while ago so I cant remember it that well


    I found both routes the same, neither one really had a significant difference than the other. However I felt that the neutral route was more realistic compared to the one where the guy comes back to life.


    Also this track called " Find the Way Out" is it on the sound list on the VN? I don't think I've seen it before

    I wasn't a fan of those kind of endings so I was quite surprised for me to actually like it. That means something.


    For some reason I have a complete OST of Comyu here in my laptop and I have no idea where it came from. It has all the tracks and I saw one that has that title. If we're talking about favorite bgm mine would be Our Chance of Success is High. 

  18. I don't really know what you define as a 'good' protagonist so I'll just throw in the ones that I thought that were 'good'.

    Yuuji from Grisaia Trilogy

    Kenichi from Sharin no Kuni

    Hakuoro from Utawarerumono

    Yuuto from Dracu-riot!

    and many more!

    Yeah as you can see I define good protagonists as people who can actually think and/or be decisive about it. I don't like those who keeps wavering whenever they need to choose. And a personal preference of mine is him to have a sense of humor. Not really a requirement for me but it's a plus in my book.

  19. Thank you so much!  :wafuu:

    Yeah no prob. And scratch that in about an hour. I unexpectedly made it real quick.

    Hope you'll like this one:





    The problem with photo filter is that there isn't really an option I like there so I often forget to use it. Though maybe the cooling filter might work pretty nicely in this case.

    Really? I always stabilize my colors by using that and I actually loved it's 'neutralizing' effect. I mostly go with the warming filter since majority of my works uses a color near red/orange.

  20. Maybe he manually traced the render and used layer mask? Still too much work though. :sachi:


    That looks pretty good. Though I prefer making my own background rather than using a stock one. But then again, that's just me. :P


    Here's the final result of Amuzie's signature. I sharpened/blurred it and added some adjustments. Hopefully it looks better now.


    Yeah I used to make my own backgrounds too by throwing fractals everywhere. Now I'm just too lazy to make it and just blur it to oblivion.


    Btw going a little heavier on gradient maps or photo filters might help in blending. Well that's just my personal preference tho.





    I haven't ever been able to make myself a sig on other Fourms so I figured I would put in a request.   :mare:
    Request: Signature please~
    Character: Natsume Rin from Little Busters!
    Render: I haven't chosen one. I would be happy with anything that had Rin in it.
    Typography: Shiki
    Other: Thank you so much to whoever makes it!


    I'll take it up. I'm free right now so expect it in just about an hour.

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