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Posts posted by bronx819

  1. I haven't been around the VN community for a while because work and life have kept me busy. I had no idea that Tenkiame was ever released, I only noticed when I was about to put it on the licensing survey and saw that it was already released. What happened? And why is it off of steam? Apparently it's on dlsite but when I bought it I had to install the client, and after going through a bunch of hoops and installing it it crashes when I try to install it.

    Also I don't mind shitty translations THAT much, if it's at least legible I can enjoy it well enough, anyone know where I can get it?

  2. On 1/10/2018 at 1:36 AM, Narcosis said:

    It's been a while, guys and gals.

    I don't want to needlessly instigate anyone's hopes, but I'm here to say Tenkiame has been finally picked up for early pre-translation work!

    TL&DR Your prayers have been heard :holo:


    There is no rough estimate as of now and we're not planning to make any for the meanwhile. TL&DR It'll be finished, when it's done™.

    We're planning to translate the trial version first. Trial version covers prologue and common route; there are no h-scenes.

    We want to keep this as low-key as possible for now. We believe it's better to surprise people with sudden releases, instead of promoting the TL for months, just to unexpectedly drop it afterwards. We'll probably post more info here afterwards; it's high likely we might try to put up some simple website for the project, or at least a dedicated thread on the forums, but those will come with more concrete information.


    I'm late cause I kinda forgot fuwa existed after it went down for a while and holidays are busy but FUCK YEAH I'm ecstatic! I'll keep an eye out for the thread/site, best of luck Narc :meguface:

  3. The Majikoi series, the MC is a strategist and even fends off an obsessive girl. Saya no Uta, while his situation isn't normal he accepts certain stuff easily, though that goes more into the insane category. Coμ I think, but I played it a while ago so he might not be as level headed as I think

  4. 14 minutes ago, EdwardWongHPTIV said:

    I'll have to check the LN out.

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    I've seen one about a Pharmacist and a Veterinarian recently. Plus one where a salaryman gets summoned basically to be a stud because of his bloodline. Don't think I've seen a chef or dog though. Oh, there is one where the guy reincarnates as a intelligent sword in another world. Queue the series full of inanimate objects. Oh, and then there's the girl that reincarnates as a spider in a dungeon and a guy that is a spirit that can possess monster's bodies (actually is in a dog for a while now that I think about it). Yet another reincarnation but this time a slime. Totally forgot about all the reincarnation stories. Anyways, enough of that.

    Wait, are you talking about reading the Japanese LN's or translated?

    *Waits for obligatory "It's time to learn Japanese" post*

    Joking aside we shall see. Come to think of it I haven't read any VN's on the subject either.

    Spider eh, that was another of my favorites, not the highest quality but I read it the translation in a flash. Don't recognize any of the others, and now I remember about that chef one, I think the MC reincarnated as a dog in a kitchen in Valhalla or some place, the place with all the Norse gods.

    Translated, it's hard to memorize the kanji (I only remember about 20, maybe 30 if I actually look at em) but I have a very basic grasp on the grammar

  5. 2 minutes ago, EdwardWongHPTIV said:

    *Cough* Well, I've read the manga adaptation of the first two and despite my grumbling I do like those two. Though Tate no Yuusha just finished an arch that I was beginning to find tiresome. Hopefully it gets better. I remember reading Zero but I either didn't keep with it or the translation was dropped (the manga).

    While the setups for both fall into my list, I just really like the characters of both series. So yeah. Love it or hate it. But I groan inside every time I see the same backstory...


    (I probably should get into reading LN's)

    The light novels are infinitely better, but again they're novels. Well since reading VN's is a step above LN's its not too much of a difference, in fact mangas are usually adaptations of either of the two and almost never vice versa. I especially recommend Mushoku Tensei, I found it by looking at the most popular manga on baka updates and the LN was near the top, with good reason. I'm actually sad the LN hasn't been licensed yet

    Well anyway I'm especially looking forward to see what Frontwing does with isekai, actually I think it'll be my first isekai VN.

  6. 2 hours ago, EdwardWongHPTIV said:

    I'm sure you could find older examples in novels/literature... Like I said the idea itself isn't to blame it's how the Japanese Mangaka/Writers are executing the same scenario's when they could do so much more with a little creative freedom. But they don't because it's gotten popular and they're trying to cash in on the trends. Or perhaps it's mainly Doujinshi doing the cashing/fandumb. Either way the result is the same - fatigue.

    Never watched Escaflowne. I know the name but back then I was too busy with work and my exposure to anime was mainly from childhood and eventually Adult Swim. Can't remember when that started.

    I dunno about Isekai anime with girl protag's (at least off the top of my head) but there are a few manga currently running. Of course most of them read like an otome with a bunch of "good looking" guys doting on her. Which I don't really have a problem with. I mean I'd be a hypocrite if I did given the vast number of harems focused on male readers. I just don't understand the appeal of a bunch of tall lanky dudes who typically are at some level all sadists (I know not always). /shrug. Guess that's what Japanese girls like. I recall a Japanese survey about RL male actors I saw somewhere. It was pretty clear that manly guys were not on their menu.

    Anyway, I digress. I'm looking forward to another game from frontwing. I'm just being cautiously optimistic.

    Actually isekai's are my guilty pleasure, three of my favorite light novels (Mushoku Tensei, Tate no Yuusha, and Zero no Tsukaima) are isekai. Someone on 4chan listed all these isekais, like one about a chef or a dog or something, but I'm having a hard time shifting through them all.

  7. 4 minutes ago, EdwardWongHPTIV said:

    Hmmm... Might be interesting. However,

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    protag in an alternate world

    stories are pretty polarizing to me. I either love 'em or hate 'em. Really comes down to the characters and to a lesser extent how interesting the setting is.

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    There are waaaaay to many manga series based around alternate worlds these days. It's getting to the point where they're just picking random vocations as the reason for the protag getting summoned.


    You don't know the half of it, there are so many different isekai stories you'd be able to find one that you'll like eventually. That said this is Frontwing so their content should be good, especially since Kajitsu came out in 2011 so they've probably improved on their creations

  8. 5 minutes ago, Clephas said:

    It was announced for localization shortly after its initial release, I think... but I also think it is pretty far down the list, seeing as we haven't heard anything since.  It is an excellent game though.

    Ahh I see, thanks for that answer~

    7 minutes ago, SpeedBeatz said:

    The source is this Reddit AMA answer; as you can gather from reading it, it is planned to happen eventually, but not for a good while. 2018 would be optimistic.

    On the bright side it is a more recent release so it might be easier to translate it to english. After Phantom Trigger and Subahibi (maybe Island too) are out of the way maybe they'll get to Hatsuru Koto Naki Mirai Yori

  9. Personally I'd much rather play the first VN over watch the anime since, in almost every case, the source material is much more preferable to the adaptation. That said I'll still buy this VN since I love kitsunes, but I do hope there'll be a good chance of the licensing for the first game.

  10. I am very hyped for this. Honestly I only know the very fundamentals of the game, and how there were like 5 versions with different routes and updates, but I like enjoying content like that.

    On 12/3/2016 at 7:47 PM, jetpack003 said:

    From what I've heard, the story is a bit dark and sad especially the endings for some characters. Unless you play it in a specific order that is.

    I love me some tragedy, it'd be nice if it was an unlockable route system like Comyu, even better if the first ending is a bad ending with story.

    I'll definitely fund this, dunno if the higher ranks are worth it but I'll invest around $300 depending on how they change the reward tiers.

  11. On 11/8/2016 at 2:52 AM, Narcosis said:

    No idea what's better - the True Remembrance remake for 3DS or Harvest December series :sachi:

    I know, right? It so straightforward, but at the same time - I've never had such a blast reading a plain slice of life story since the aforementioned True Remembrance (albeit, there are hints of mystery looming around every corner in that one). I have to admit I put the whole idea of translation aside since Arca's last reply, but every time someone mentions this game, I can't sleep without thinking how fun it would be to see this game available to the english community.

    Bug me more. I'll be having a two week paid leave from work now, since it just so happens I could actually try to do a bit more work on the engine and perhaps at least translate the opening. Also, don't forget to badger @Arcadeotic. He's best suited to translate this game and he knows that :holo:

    Oh dearest @Narcosis -sama and @Arcadeotic -sama, bless the VN english community with this simple yet wonderful kitsune miko VN :sachi:

  12. 6 minutes ago, Rooke said:

    I'm on the way out the door, so this will be quick.

    'Grinding' has the goal of 'level increase' implicit in its meaning. That is, if the goal of those 'meaningless battles' isn't to gain levels, then what you're doing isn't 'grinding' (going by how the majority of people use the word.)

    You can grind in any game, and as the MC you have to work hard to be strong to be the hero (or anti-hero) so what's wrong with some grinding? If anything games like Skyrim are too easy, you can max your sneak by modding your controller to walk backwards all night. Some people want to go above and beyond to max out everything in the game, which can result in grinding. Same deal with Kamidori, you don't have to grind (I did but that's cause I suck) to beat the game, but you have to grind to get the extra content, if you just want to beat the game and enjoy the story then no grinding is necessary.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Rooke said:

    Sceneries and it isn't. The scenery is repetitive to the point where they shoe-horn the same CGs into situations where ... they almost shouldn't. It's definitely a budget thing, or it was just pretty shoddy. If people are meeting in a castle it's always the same room with the same items strewn in the background, and the hall is always the same hall and etc etc etc. 

    Nier was just commenting that the sceneries in Sunrider would get repetitive and monotonous, and he said he hadn't seen a Japanese VN like that. I'm just telling him that they're out there :P 

    It's an H-game, and the story requires him to stay in that general area most of the time. Yes they can make varying scenes with maybe some people in the background, but I appreciate the increase in story length at the expense of some monotonous scenery. Different people have different tastes, so far my only real complaint is the music, it feels like they only ever use 4 tracks.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Rooke said:

    Kamidori is a grind-a-thon. Not my kind of gameplay, though I suppose if you like Disgaea you wouldn't mind it. It's very Japanese though, as in grinding is an acceptable part of Japanese RPGs, but not so Western RPGs. I wouldn't recommend ripping this gameplay off. It's boring, imo. There's nothing special about grinding your way to victory, it just requires time and therefore as a combat mechanic ... it's lacking.

    The most recent VN I played, FUNBAGS Fantasy, had a very big and obvious problem regarding recurring sceneries. The sceneries repeat as often as EVNs do. However, I don't see anybody complaining about it. I suppose because they read it for other reasons, heh.


    As for the question in the OP, I think people around here are familiar enough with my opinions by now. There's very few Japanese VNs I enjoy, mainly because I'm not impressed with how most Japanese VNs are written.

    I only had to grind twice to beat a boss, and it was only a few levels. I only used like 5 characters and I made it through ok.

    You mean scenarios or the scenery? I can understand why the scenarios would get repetitive but the scenery its almost to be expected

  15. 55 minutes ago, UnlimitedMoeWorks said:

    There's a common opinion out there that only the Japanese can make VNs and as such, many people think English attempts by non-Japanese are considered crap. That's just raising the bar a bit too high don't you think? I'm sure with enough dedication and hard work, a well-made OEL VN can be on the same quality as a Japanese VN. We just haven't seen many of them yet. While it is true that most of them are really poor quality, there are a few diamonds in the ruff. Katawa Shoujo is the closest to being such an example of that.


    Also I agree with that, though its hard to decide what would make a 'quality' VN. To me, a big factor is art. I dismiss most OEL VN's based on the art, which is shallow of me I understand, but if a group of people on 4chan made a VN with an art style that rivaled some official companies, for free, why can't people backed by crowdfunding work a bit harder in that aspect?

    Though I do remember an interesting looking VN on indiegogo, the art looked good enough, and they had a nice little tier where you can add an OC of your, drawn by the artist. Can't remember the name though.

    4 minutes ago, ChaosRaven said:

    I think the biggest problem of OELVN's is that they simply have a very tight buget, because they are limited to the English VN market which isn't as big the Japanese one. Another problem is the availability of (good) English voice actors, especially one that also do H-scenes.

    Ironically, the infamous Winged Cloud company might be one of the rare English VN developers that might be able to finance bigger titles like Sakura Dungeon for example (judging by Sanatlig's review). Technically, they just do what MangaGamer did in their early times and spam lots of cheap shovelware titles to finance a few bigger ones and slowly get a loyal fan base.

    I think one way for an OELVN to deal with those limitations would be to 'attack' the Japanese market. They could solve the voices problem that way and also get access to a much bigger VN market. Competition would be a lot higher of course, but considering that there a lots of doujin and low buget teams on the Japanese market too, it should be certainly possible. But it also bear the danger that the English VN's get a strong J-VN touch to appeal to the Japanese crowd.

    Another way for an OELVN to be successful on the English market would be gameplay-hybrids. They usually have a better chance to appeal to the Steam users because of the gameplay. That's why HuniePop got so popular.

    Though, considering that more and more Japanese VN's are localized and published in the west, it might also get harder for OELVN to compete.

    Recently a lot of VN's are being licensed and translated, something I am very glad for, though sucks for ORL VN developers. Although I don't like the artstyle for most VN's I see pop out on an almost weekly basis I would love to see another good OEL.

    As for the budget thing there is kickstarter, its worked in a few cases, and yeah include a gameplay aspect. One of my favorite VN's, Kamidori, has a very fun gameplay mechanic. People just need to find the right kind of gameplay that won't be seen as ripping off something else, something that's very hard to do these days.

  16. 6 hours ago, Narcosis said:

    >EVN's are meh

    >KS is an exception because it was first

    This can't sound any more biased :makina:

    Instead making another pointless topic, where people will repeat the same things over and over again, why not use search and add something meaningful to one of the already existing topics? Like this one or this one, for example?

    Cause I was dead tired last night and randomly made the post on my phone D:

  17. 41 minutes ago, babiker said:

    Monster Girl Quest

    'nuff said

    : >

    Really tho, it's less because of how weird it is and more how weird I was expecting it to be, and how well... kinda alright it turned out in the end

    Same tbh, I played it cause some guy suggested it, and even though the battles could be won with a guide it was immersive enough to keep me interested

    A close second, but not exactly weird, is Saya no Uta. I played it cause I watched Madoka Magica and found out Gen Urobutcher was behind it so I figured why not, boy was I surprised by how it ended.

  18. Hiya~ I'm bronx819, the QC from The Zärtlichkeit du Yuri/Tender Yuri Scans at and we're looking for editors. It's kind of a broad term but basically we're looking for a cleaner and redrawer. If anyone's interested please contact us at https://mai88eternalscarlet.wordpress.com/ even if its just to ask questions. If you can redraw then its all the better since we can teach you/provide a guide. Also here's where we post our progress https://trello.com/b/3kCJIUNU/scanlation-progress-the-zartlichkeit-du-yuri feel free to check it if you love yuri :sacchan:

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