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Posts posted by bronx819

  1. I'm surprised no one's mentioned Fuminori Sakisaka from Saya no Uta. He's pretty cold–hearted through most of the story—depends on who you ask, though. Others may think differently. And you may or may not classify him as a "sadist".


    I mentioned Saya no Uta too many times so I figured I should stop~ That said I also didn't mention it because he's not really a sadist since a sadist does oppressing/violent/sadistic things for personal (usually sexual) pleasure. Fuminori is pretty fucked up and an asshole but for more or less valid reasons

  2. I've put off Clannad for one reason or another for years (I did watch like 5 episodes though) but ever since getting into VN's I've realized that I prefer the original over the adaptation with the only exception being Steins;Gate.

    That being said, for those that watched the anime and played/read the VN, which would you recommend? The VN with more detail, or the animation with all the animation goodness?

  3. Seen it and liked it, thanks. I personally liked Mirai Nikki better, but I still liked Another. We need more psychological horror anime! :P Any other reccomendations? I'd prefer them not to be overtly supernatural. (ex. Shiki, Ghost Hunt)

    There aren't many psychological horror anime since it kinda has to spread out to a wide audience. I remember I saw a list of the top goriest anime and it had a bunch of old anime I've never heard of but looked freaky as hell. You're better off reading some manga or VN's, though I think Gantz might be what you're looking for

  4. Azai from G-Senjou no Maou is kind of sadistic, especially in the bad ends of the characters, and he constantly messes with Haru. If you want full on sadism its better to look for some nukiges.


    Goshujin-sama Daisuki has a perverted rich protagonist who has to pick a wife and pretty much owns the candidates so he makes them do what he wants, but never rapes them, its kind of sweet and has a harem end but not much story.

  5. I can't really say it's the general populace since those some people I mentioned are just some of my friends that watched the anime. Also judging by the MAL scores, the score went up significantly between Meikyuu and Kajitsu. Not saying that MAL scores is all that matters since you have to see for yourself but it does reflect the general impression of the audience. 



    Just kidding, we all have our own preferences on this one. Steins;Gate is definitely one of the best adaptations I watched and maybe anime in general so if the VN is better than the anime, I think I might explode while watching it. Seriously, it might be too awesome if that's the case.

  6. I found that adaptation rushed and didn't really do the VN justice. I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this since people are saying that "12 episodes are too long for them to not mess up". The following adaptations of the trilogy was better, or so I've heard so people are saying that it's "too short to mess it up". Really, people just can't be satisfied with what they get. I dropped the adaptation early on since I was dissatisfied with what I was getting then.


    I haven't read the VN for Steins;Gate but I loved the anime. It was a real good thriller and one that kept me coming back in looking for anime when I was still starting up the hobby. As for Utawarerumono, I only finished the VN. The gameplay was okay and so was the story. Not really awesome but not bad either. Maybe above average? I already have the full series downloaded but I'm not having any motivation to watch it so far. I was satisfied with what I got in the VN then.

  7. But there are really good ones too. Clannad's anime adaption worked out almost perfectly. And ef- a fairy tale of the two had a great anime as well.


    Oh right, but I never finished Clannad because I lost interest when it started getting really sad. I like tragedies but mainly when its, what's the word, extraordinary? Like Elfen Lied (manga) or G-Senjou no Maou (not exactly a tragedy but twas pretty depressing, especially the bad ends).

  8. I really like the art style since its creepy looking, but I'm not much a fan of cyclops (which so far is the only monster girl I'm put off by, along with giants). It sounds pretty sweet and heartwarming, then again that art style will always give me a foreboding feeling and at the end I'll see that it has a happy end ;-;

  9. Had it been 24 episodes instead of 12 or 13, they wouldn't have had to cram routes together. It wasn't too bad, just really rushed. I haven't watched Meikyuu or Rakuen yet, because spoilers, but I've heard the pacing for Rakuen isn't too bad.

    That's what I felt too, though I am glad they're animating the other games too. I don't like how it was rushed but I expected it, what I didn't expect is for them to completely change Yumiko's and Amane's ending.


    Though I did like

    the flashback portion, they did really well and didn't skip over too much


    And the thing with

    Yuuji killing Makina's mom was bad since there was the whole dilemma he had with killing people, the least they could have done was make it a bit more meaningful

  10. There aren't many anime adaptations of VN's that work out well, the only ones that I love are Steins;Gate and Utawarerumono, though I enjoyed Air when I watched it years ago.


    On the note about anime adaptations of VN's what's the general opinion of those who watched the Grisaia no Kajitsu anime and played the VN? I thought it was decent aside from trying to combine all the routes into one and completely changing the endings for some of them.

  11. Cause humans like celebrating noteworthy events. You have the major holidays that're celebrated almost worldwide and some events that're only celebrated in the city you live in. Its a way to gather friends and family together to have a good time, its to remember sacrifices, its to celebrate praiseworthy events like your birth etc.


    I'm not a festive person and adamantly avoid any family reunion, and I try to avoid having a birthday celebration, with that said it'd be a bit sad if no one said happy bday to me.

  12. Finally finished Tokyo ESP........... I wish I didn't and not even because of the cliffhanger ending. The animation is subpar, the story infuriating, and I want to punch all the characters in the face.

    Its the usual case of producing an anime while the manga is ongoing, I think it was decent enough but what really irked me is that in the anime her hair turns white only when she uses her power. Its a small thing but for some reason its so annoying ;-;

  13. There's Air, but its pretty old.


    Lonely Yuri has a lonely protagonist and is, well, yuri~


    Subarashiki Hibi has plenty of bullied characters but its kinda grim (from what I've read, I'm waiting for the english patch) and more yuri.


    G-Senjou no Maou has Haru, she's pretty lonely but not depressed over it, and there's Mizuha


    I'm looking for any content with good, anti social/lonely characters too

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