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Everything posted by Keisuke

  1. There doesn't appear to be a difference between .ks.scn and .txt.scn in terms of what you have to do to extract them. Download offzip and use the following command to decompress the .txt.scn file and produce the PSB file: offzip <inputfile> <outputfile> 8 Example: offzip somefile.txt.scn somefile.txt.scn.psb 8 Monobeno SCN to PSB Example (run offzip_to_psb.bat) At this point, you will need some kind of PSB file parser to extract the text data. Here's a text sample that was extracted and formatted using my own makeshift PSB file parser/text extractor: Monobeno Sample Text Extraction As far as finding reliable PSB parsing/repackaging tools, I'd recommend contacting someone like binaryfail, who knows this territory better than I.
  2. The ability to change the font. I'm very particular about how the text looks (I live and die by OsakaMono, which most of you would know as "GrisaiaCustom"). Second to that would be the all-important "Skip Read Text" feature.
  3. Charage, Moege, and Nakige. I was for introduced to visual novels through Nakige first (Little Busters and other Key games), and those tend to rank pretty high up on my list of favorites. I like having an emotional connection to the characters, so I'm big on character development, which is why I also voted for Charage. However, sometimes I just want some light-hearted fluff (can never get enough of them warms and fuzzies), hence the Moege. My tastes tend to veer towards light-hearted comedy and romance, with a bit of drama and tension mixed in for good measure. I like having closure and don't want to feel despair or depression after playing a visual novel, so Utsuge would be on the complete opposite end on the types of visual novels that I'd play.
  4. Amazing work, Mr. Meogii! I'm very happy with my new signature.
  5. I feel like I know you from somewhere...
  6. That sounds good to me. I do feel a little naked without one. Would you be able to make it Noble Works related?
  7. I have played all of Key's visual novels except for Planetarian, Air, and parts of Rewrite. I quickly setup an account on vndb and listed all the visual novels that I have played (in my recent memory): http://vndb.org/u77955/list
  8. Hello, everyone! I got into visual novels a few years ago and through a series of chance encounters and events, I'm now working as a part of the Noble Works translation team. My favorite visual novel is and always will be Little Busters. I have a fascination with tsunderes, but have been told that I'm a lolicon as well. I've been running out of visual novels to play, so I welcome any recommendations, though I am somewhat of a picky reader (I tend to lean more towards visual novels that are more romance/character-focused, though if the story is good enough, I don't mind those taking a bit of a backseat; I also like comedic visual novels like Majikoi as well). That being said, I hope we can all get along and share our love of visual novels, anime, eroge, moege, nukige, or whatever else our fancies may be.
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