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Baldr force loc trailer linked on 4ch; hoax?



It all started on 4chan's /vg/ board in its regular visual novel thread:


The twitter account has some vague cyber-y tweets related to loading and then the trailer linked in the 4chan post. The unlisted video has English subtitles so some effort was put into it, though the "summer 2018" part is probably not happening. Also is it just me or is the tl of the "you betrayed me?!" line weird based on the voice clip? Like she doesn't sound surprised. oops getting tangential here...

So what does it all mean? well, SteppenWolf is apparently a team within the baldr series or something, and TGL is a company which has Giga, makers of baldr, as an imprint. But of course anyone could have made the twitter account and the 4chan post and incorporated just the right references to make things interesting. All in all until we get something more official there's no way to tell if this is a hoax or not; I would recommend not getting too hyped.

Okay zaka but where's the realdeal silly speculation at?

Very well, dear rhetorical-questioner-kun. So like you know how Aroduc was fan translating baldr sky and then sekai project licensed it and then negotiations broke down and it was basically typical sekai project a terrible fracas? The outside guess is that instead of actually quitting tl like he seemed to when he dropped off the scene he's been working on this. It even matches up with things I seem to remember him mentioning about baldr force being better but people wanting sky or something. Anyway take this with more salt than a room containing solidbatman, originalren, astro, steve, and itsangetime, but it's like, maybe possible. Maybe.

Y u no make forum thread?

I want to feel like a special snowflake. Also I figured this'd be a decent water-testing opportunity for this kind of content so here I go.


NEW INFO 17:00 swedish time 15/9:


Two new videos have been posted in /vn/ and on the twitter account:



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actually aroduc´s been quite interested in doing force, it´s just those technical shenanigans which kept screwing his butt, no idea what happened after/during/in the meantime, guess we´ll see, or not, probably

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I guess it would be interesting if this'll become true, although if this is a prank then what I can say is that he did the prank five months late XD. I guess nothing that we can do here other than wait and see, and for that matter whether he'll do official or unofficial project if the video isn't a prank.

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9 hours ago, SaintOfVoid said:

actually aroduc´s been quite interested in doing force, it´s just those technical shenanigans which kept screwing his butt, no idea what happened after/during/in the meantime, guess we´ll see, or not, probably

Oh yeah maybe that was the reason he did Sky then. My memory when it comes to vn trivia is of limited scope, even if I do enjoy knowing random shit this was pretty peripheral.

3 hours ago, Formlose Gestalt said:

My guess is that is some kind of joke/troll attempt. Sadly.

Also I think this would have been better as a forum thread Mr. Special Snowflake.:makina:

Perhaps, to both of your claims. Perhaps.

38 minutes ago, Narcosis said:

You've been noticed.

Now that my kouhai has noticed me, maybe we can recreate the events of this classic visual novel?


On a sidenote, am i nice or not? DECIDE, FORUM-KUN!


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for many readers the biggest issue will be to get the game even running rather than the language barrier, glad i got its dreamcast version like over a decade ago

Edited by SaintOfVoid
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59 minutes ago, SaintOfVoid said:

for many readers the biggest issue will be to get the game even running rather than the language barrier, glad i got its dreamcast version like over a decade ago

Well this is a PC version so idk if there will be any major difficulties, my friend seemed to get it running fine on windows 10. Maybe it'll crash on gameplay or the OP or something I guess though lol.

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dunno about it on win10, but most versions of force did get quite a couple of crashs at multiple occassions on multiple systems other than that. anyhow the game´s true kamige tier despite its age, but yo, can already see them pseudo purists whining because of no ero being in there.

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