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Visual Novels with alot of choices, and less time to make them!


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I know of some vns that have some decent amount of choices like clannad but not what you are asking for, maybe this list can help you



those are the vns tagged as having a lot of choices on them  but i haven't played any to be honest, at least not any from the few first pages

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Neither Little Busters, nor Clannad really fit your description. Here's the thing, Japanese interactive stories tend to focus on a deep narrative and you can't have a deep narrative while also having plenty of choices. Well, you CAN but it takes far more resources than is worth it. Visual Novels tend to have fewer decisions, and your decisions affect which one of 5 or more "routes" you head down. 


Western interactive stories seem to focus more on choice and consequence, and player agency. The ability to make decisions which affect your environment and your situation in different ways. You get less of a central narrative, but more of a user defined story. 


I'm not sure you'll find what you're looking for in Visual Novels. Maybe there's some untranslated ones out there, but not translated in any case.

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Well... I think I will just keep trying, even though you're probablly right... I guess I dont need TOO many choices, but just to the point where you feel in control of your actions somewhat. I definatley see what you mean, and again you are probabley right. I think your information was very helpful, thank you for your wisdom. ;)

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Well, Little Busters does have a school setting which you mentioned you like over in your intro thread. Romance in the routes themselves is so-so


And you are sort of in control of your actions throughout common route. "Do I go to the rooftop or do I go to the courtyard today"  :makina:

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