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Finally an Introduction (and forum activity)

rapid motion

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Greetings, fuwanovel


After a long time as a member, it's been about nine months now, I'll be introducing myself here.


I'm from Germany but my mother is english so I have no problems with speaking it. Gifted with not only that but an above-average skill in maths, I got through most of my school time (which shall end march/april next year) with ease, although I must say I lack a correct attitude when it comes to benkyou-ing because of that ^^. (T_T as I write, I'm learning stuff for a big test (we dont have exams) tomorrow morning and it'll be turning thursday soon... and WoD is launching soon ... T_T)


Anyway, my good friend Nahichun got me into anime by intoducing me to a few series, of which I can only remember Sekirei, which I actually watched pretty quickly compared to my (current) standards.


My next step was getting into minecraft (Beta 1.8 :P) which lead to watching streams, youtube, and to the mindcrack community. I prioritized watching their videos over actual playing and as I was looking through the members mincrack videos, something cought my eye: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfKE4DCDKabll9I_UEAnXfQqFI9md_vbz. At the point he was just starting to air the episodes daily and was at about 35 episodes (I think). I remember downloading about 25 of them to my ipod (I was really proud of myself for being able to jailbreak it and those of my friends ^^) and watching them during a one-week holiday at my grandparents place in england.

I followed Millbee's  playthrough till the end, living through the time peroid in which his channel got a strike for showing half a second of nipple during a transition in a h-scene xP.

I must say I really enjoyed it and honestly, had Millbee not added his humour by voicing the characters, I wouldn't have "played" / watched it. So that was sorta the thing that brought me "over the edge".


After that I didn't do anything related with anime until Nahichun introduced me to toradora, if I remember correctly (I know that was an important part of getting into anime for me). Damnit, everytime I see a picture of that series I have to think of the feels at the end... I love this picture, it gives me the ending I wanted ^^.


Soon after I heard of SAO in a twitch.tv livestream, it was half way through the aincrad part at that point. I cought up with the release and found out it was based on a light novel. Totally into the series at that point (I still love the VN and a lot of the anime) I marathoned it until I got to novel nr. 12. Since then Reki Kawahara realeased the novels up to 15 (Thank you so much for translating, Tap-Sensei ^^) and I'm still pimped for the continuation of the arc. I started watching currently airing animes on the page Nahichun recommended to me, where I still stream them to this day (if I stream them and dont dl them temporarily).


Slowly gathering knowledge about anime and gathering a fair amount of watched series, meanwhile getting into EDM on youtube (and found a plug-dj room I frequent(ed) ), Nahichun invited me over for a sleepover one day and he showed me his collection of VNs. At the time I had never heard about them and was very interested as Nahichun explained all the stuff that comes with VNs. I wont ever forget that akwardness, as he was looking for A cg to show and couldn't find it between all the H-cgs xP. I was particularly interested in one VN he showed me: Majikoi.

So he sent me a link to the download on fuwa and soon I was going down all the routes, explicitly playing chris BEFORE wanko, which - I must agree - was a good warning.

A little before I was finished with all the routes except Miyako (he told me she wasnt tled yet) Nahichun came to me with the "Miyako translation thread" here, at the time having <100 pages. 

In February shortly after Nahichun joined there I registered and followed the thread (without missing stuff till ~400 pages). I didn't write a lot (before transfer to G&C and after), but (I think) I was "known" as shakadou, him still being my avatar ~.


So after 9 months and with miyako soon translated (I HAVE FAITH) I decided to introduce myself and contribute to the forum activity.

I occaisionally chat in the fuwa skype group and hope to become more widely known through contribution in the future.


My interests, etc. are on my profile, so if you wanna talk about anything in there (or more) feel free to pm me or add me on skype, whatever you want.



Towards a long forum-membership!




r4p1dm0t10n  /  (aka sir seoman snowlock, you can call me "rapid", "shaka", or whatever)

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Indeed ~

Also, I think that's the most I've ever talked about my life before, even if it's "only" a segment of it ^^ Although it's a pretty big one 


You can't really talk about your life from then until now fully, since it's beyond our capacity to recall everything significant that has led us to where we are now. I salute you for actually trying to share it though~


Sharing one's life is really nice. It gives the impression that you're actually willing to share with us pieces of yourself. Something like that. ;)

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