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Valvrave the Liberator *Spoilers aplenty*

Dark Ariel7

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That's objectivity vs subjectivity. Because everyone's tastes are different, objectivity is basically there to create a common ground in which to evaluate a certain work. I don't place too much value in objective quality since I tend to avoid being critical with stuff I watch for fun, but it does have its place in discussion. There's not much you can discuss about an anime if you're only talking about how much you liked it, unless the goal of the discussion is to learn more about each others' entertainment preferences.


Valvrave really isn't a well-written story, and the qualities that make it subjectively enjoyable to some may not sit right with others. I've come across a lot of people that just outright hated the series for not making any sense. Same thing for Code Geass R2. :P

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I've seen enough people enjoy Valrave to equal the amount of haters. That makes it above bad IMO. It's not an anime that pretends to have high quality writing. There's more than just writing to an entertainment. If you are judging objectively, you also have to factor in the consistent animation, and as you have mentioned, the awesome soundtrack and its genius timing. You have to go over all of it. While it wasn't thorough with them, it did introduce many original themes into a Mecha anime. It really pushed the limit with the consensual rape scene, and while I'm no advocate, I thought it was an interesting move on Sunrise's part. 


Getting into the "so bad it, it's good" category isn't the right way to describe it. IMO that is reserved for movies and shows you can't take seriously at all. It's Samurai Flamenco level, where turning off your brain isn't enough to keep your eyeballs from falling out; and prevent your body from dropping to the floor and laughing.

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I've seen enough people enjoy Valrave to equal the amount of haters. That makes it above bad IMO. It's not an anime that pretends to have high quality writing. There's more than just writing to an entertainment. If you are judging objectively, you also have to factor in the consistent animation, and as you have mentioned, the awesome soundtrack and its genius timing. You have to go over all of it. While it wasn't thorough with them, it did introduce many original themes into a Mecha anime. It really pushed the limit with the consensual rape scene, and while I'm no advocate, I thought it was an interesting move on Sunrise's part. 


Getting into the "so bad it, it's good" category isn't the right way to describe it. IMO that is reserved for movies and shows you can't take seriously at all. It's Samurai Flamenco level, where turning off your brain isn't enough to keep your eyeballs from falling out; and prevent your body from dropping to the floor and laughing.


It's more like the story has so many ridiculous plot twists that you have to turn off your brain so you didn't laugh at them.... and actually amazed + mindblown and entertained by them.

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It's more like the story has so many ridiculous plot twists that you have to turn off your brain so you didn't laugh at them.... and actually amazed + mindblown and entertained by them.


If you've seen Samurai Flamenco, you'll understand what it means to have crazy plot twists. Valvrave is so tame in comparison lol. The plot twists in Valrave were over top but it's no more nonsensical than mechas fighting in space, and students living on a giant terraformed platform named after a vacuum cleaner  :lol: . 


I think you'd have to have a certain love for "theatricals" to enjoy it. 

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