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Welcome to Fuwanovel ^^

I understand how you feel about your family, even though they know I play VN (well, they know I play something, they don't know what a Visual Novel is), I always change to another window when there's someone around.

And in my case, before joining Fuwanovel I didn't have anyone to talk about VNs, although I just started playing them recently.

Anyway, I hope you have a great time around here

Same. I change the window so they won't see anything. I do it for Tumblr and all of the sites I go on (except for Youtube since I just watch Let's Plays there)

I only talk to that one friend because the other ones I know are really annoying when it comes to anime and calling me "_____- san" when saying my name. I told them about Hatoful Boyfriend and other Otome Games and then they judged me even though they're worse. Like, they're my friends but still.

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Hi there! Welcome to Fuwanovel.

My family see's me playing VN's but i always try to save if ever the next scene will be the . . :D/>

Just like the posts above, i dont have anyone to chat regarding VN to.

Luckily, while looking for DCIII translation, I ended up here. ;)/>

Enjoy your stay mate.

One of the things that guided me here was because they had a forum and I was wondering if I could talk to people and then I was going into my shy phase and yeah ; u ;''

Pffft-- I have to make sure there isn't any NSFW scenes in the games I play or my parents would slit my throat. I'm okay with NSFW and I was surprised when I got away with Katawa Shoujo (mostly since my dad would freak out about it) and still kept playing it and finished it xD.

Also, I saw that they were doing a Dangan Ronpa translation here so that also interested me. = w=

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Hey i keep it to myself as well, altho my family was somewhat suspicious at one point why i have all these figures & wallpapers & pillowcases, all is right.

are you playing dangan ronpa in english?

if you like otome game, there's a few more here https://fuwanovel.net/novels/otomege and hadaka shitsuji should be out soon, there's always quite a number of them in the works, mostly Boy's Love, but this is really unusual.

anyhows welcome~

Urgh, I would love to have a body pillow but parent problems man ; u;''

I'm reading a Let's Play of it on SomethingAwful forums and I'm on Chapter Three Abnormal Days.

I remember me long time ago that I downloaded some doujin and then I got scared cause my mom was doing a scan of the computer and the next day I deleted all of them .// u //.'' So me playing BL Games would be another risk but I think I can sneak it by or something.

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Welcome to fuwanovel.

Katawa shoujo... aaah yeah :)/> I really need to play it xD

Also some while ago (well its quite a long time) I just decided not to care about people's opinion on my form of enjoyment.

If I like something, I enjoy it and do it whenever I like and don't hide it.

And my life become 100% better xD

I got even some merch, when I shown to my family what my future wives need to look like they were shocked but well, it is my life and I like what I like and nobody can tell me what to not like xD

So my mobile wallpaper is a cute loli, I have cute loli mousepads and I play j-pop loud and proud when cooking or whatever xD

Ofc I don't show H content to family because well... its like showing porn... but playing normal VNs or watching anime is no problem for me.

So I recommend to anyone do the same, not be shy of liking anything, whether it is sport, art or visual novels xD

Your happiness should come first and if you enjoy dating 2d girls (or boys or whatever) then go for it and don't be shy xD

It's really good. I like all of the stories to be honest~.

I'm preparing myself to wear lolita clothing to Supercon and I'm actually surprised that my mother would let me wear it. She know about how I like anime and she likes very little. I want to buy figurines which I'm going to try to buy since I want a Mami Tomoe figurine.

My phone has allot of stuff on there. I like cute lolis and k-pop but I don't crazy over groups that much. I never thought about buying a mousepad before since I'm using a laptop right now, but later we're going to buy a Windows 8 computer so I'll be using that also.

Oh God playing H games is the biggest risk ever. My mom also uses my laptop at times to watch movies so yeah ;// u //;

It's really fun playing otome games and stuff since there's a story to it and you become attached to the characters and such (also I'm a female and pansexual so yeah). At times I let things slip since I'm not thinking and then my mom would say "but they're not real" and I just feel awkward for that moment > u >''.

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Welcome! Really glad to have you!

Visual novels are great. I love them. For whatever reason, they're an art form that really speaks to me and sparks a lot of strong emotions. I ain't ever gonna give them up. That said, there's a pervasive stereotype about Japanese animation here in the US (or at least where I live), and I know that both my family and my wife eye my love with some suspicion. Thankfully my wife is totally supportive of the habit, which makes it much easier, but I, too understand the loneliness of the hobby.

How did you find Fuwanovel?

Thank you! I'm happy to be here! o v o

I love visual novels and otome games and such. You form a bond between one of the characters and if the story line is good, it's totally going to bring up some emotions. I'm crying that URL I haven't listen to Never Gonna Give You Up in a while My friends are bad examples of it. They call me "____-san" and another calls me "_____-sama" and I'm like "No, please?". That's nice that your wife supports you. I hope if someone starts to like me (for some odd reason) is supportive of what I do and not judge me.

I found Fuwanovel when I was looking around for some torrents and I saw that they had a forum and I always wanted to join one but the one I used to lurk around was strict. For example, if someone already posted what you posted, it gets taken down really fast. Another thing is if it's useless stuff and not something "important" they also take it down. There isn't even and introduction thread so I kind of pushed it away from me. Then I saw Fuwanovels forums and how everyone got along and I joined.

Sorry for the long text ''orz

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Hi, Welcome to fuwanovel...



Yes, just want to say 'hi'... Another talk and greetings already said by other members. It's fun just watching lively conversations with many new and veteran member...

Oh hi there! o v o

No it's okay, I love talking and having conversations with people I'm comfortable with. Either way, thank you for saying hi!

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Thanks for adding me as a friend. We have a TS chat, it's in the other talk section so you might want to check it out.

Just a forum note though, you can use the multiquote button when quoting several posts.

You're welcome! And yeah I should use that shouldn't I Sure also. I m but I will do that later since I have school and stuff and it's hard to balance everything out. But I will though! o v o

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but later we're going to buy a Windows 8 computer so I'll be using that also.

be careful, w8 is known to have lot of compatibility problems with VNs especially :o There was this chart on vnaer blog and many of the games listed were not supported at all (and I get you are reading the older ones that have English translation and those are the ones with problems).

And then friends told me about some other software compatibility problems they had so I decided to skip this windows or at last wait for long time before trying it :)

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Hello and welcome! (seems like I use this a lot for welcoming newcomers..)

It's really funny how your avatar reflects the part of you being shy and stuff ^^

And I also play VNs with my family watching (sometimes ^^), and when I do, I make sure to play VNs with an all ages rating.. For the rest, I play during graveyard hours, around 12 midnight to 4 AM..

I also find it really cool that you can make friends from VNs.. I hope I can find a friend tooo..

Enjoy your stay here ^^

Hehe, no it's okay!

Yeah, she's also one of my favorite characters in Dangan Ronpa. Touko Fukawa is her name. u v u

I can only do that when it's summer since I'm a student and trying to get into good school. I play All Ages and my mom even saw me playing a bit of Katawa Shoujo and thank God it wasn't anything bad at the moment.

Yeah, I'm really lucky by meeting someone else who likes the same stuff you do and don't judge you for it.

Thank you so much ; u ;

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be careful, w8 is known to have lot of compatibility problems with VNs especially :o/> There was this chart on vnaer blog and many of the games listed were not supported at all (and I get you are reading the older ones that have English translation and those are the ones with problems).

And then friends told me about some other software compatibility problems they had so I decided to skip this windows or at last wait for long time before trying it :)/>

Yes, My wife has windows 8 and about 85% of the games ive tried dont work.

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be careful, w8 is known to have lot of compatibility problems with VNs especially ohmy.gif There was this chart on vnaer blog and many of the games listed were not supported at all (and I get you are reading the older ones that have English translation and those are the ones with problems).

And then friends told me about some other software compatibility problems they had so I decided to skip this windows or at last wait for long time before trying it smile.gif

+1 to this.

This is also the reason I stay with win 7 despite having a win 8 already. I think they are working on this already as Dota 2 seems to work fine already.

And again, you can just multiquote.

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be careful, w8 is known to have lot of compatibility problems with VNs especially :o/> There was this chart on vnaer blog and many of the games listed were not supported at all (and I get you are reading the older ones that have English translation and those are the ones with problems).

And then friends told me about some other software compatibility problems they had so I decided to skip this windows or at last wait for long time before trying it :)/>

Ah, so it's a good thing to keep my laptop and wait. I mostly use my laptop anyways since it's portable and light. Yeah, I may just sit it out and then download some later when everything is fixed. Thanks for telling me this since my mom is also thinking about a Windows 8 laptop.

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WindowsXP and Windows7 are the -only- good ones. I refuse to go to Windows 8 (if I switch it'll be when linux wine can play the games I like \o/)

I really don't want to switch to Windows 8 (and if I do I'll may have to buy a Mac for school and not the iMac I really don't want it) since I'm used to Windows 7 but the one with Windows 8 is a family computer so I don't have to worry that much.

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Thank you! I'm happy to be here! o v o

I love visual novels and otome games and such. You form a bond between one of the characters and if the story line is good, it's totally going to bring up some emotions. I'm crying that URL I haven't listen to Never Gonna Give You Up in a while My friends are bad examples of it. They call me "____-san" and another calls me "_____-sama" and I'm like "No, please?". That's nice that your wife supports you. I hope if someone starts to like me (for some odd reason) is supportive of what I do and not judge me.

I found Fuwanovel when I was looking around for some torrents and I saw that they had a forum and I always wanted to join one but the one I used to lurk around was strict. For example, if someone already posted what you posted, it gets taken down really fast. Another thing is if it's useless stuff and not something "important" they also take it down. There isn't even and introduction thread so I kind of pushed it away from me. Then I saw Fuwanovels forums and how everyone got along and I joined.

Sorry for the long text ''orz

You're a super-celebrity! What an awesome introduction thread. Tons of responses.

Re: Not Judging - That's a really important thing to have in a relationship. Accepting and loving your partner for who they are (accepting both good and bad) has been an awesome and huge blessing. That said, knowing yourself and setting self-boundaries is important, too.

Re: Joining a Forum - Well, I'm glad you chose us : ). Hope you feel welcome, and we're happy to have you.

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You're a super-celebrity! What an awesome introduction thread. Tons of responses.

Re: Not Judging - That's a really important thing to have in a relationship. Accepting and loving your partner for who they are (accepting both good and bad) has been an awesome and huge blessing. That said, knowing yourself and setting self-boundaries is important, too.

Re: Joining a Forum - Well, I'm glad you chose us : ). Hope you feel welcome, and we're happy to have you.

Oh my God no I'm an awkward fish nope never.

That's cool being married and such. I'm not the dating type but maybe later I'll be since I'm more focus on education right now. Once I'm done with school and get a job, I'll try dating since I'm curious about it.

I'm really happy to be here and lucky that I got allot of replies on here ; u ;''

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