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Ayakashibito won't run, even after running the bat.file.

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1. Make sure you are in japanese system / unicode locale. Changing your region is different, and will not help. Look at this guide: https://fuwanovel.net/faq/setting-windows-to-japanese-locale

2. If you are not, or were not when you first ran the .bat file, run it again once you are in japanese locale. Potentially you might have to clean out a bad registry entry caused before to make that work, but I think it won't actually be a ptoblem (touch wood).


Please screenshot or note down the text of the error you get.


As far as I can tell the replacement file is identical to the one we're using in the current release? O.o

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1. Make sure you are in japanese system / unicode locale. Changing your region is different, and will not help. Look at this guide: https://fuwanovel.net/faq/setting-windows-to-japanese-locale

2. If you are not, or were not when you first ran the .bat file, run it again once you are in japanese locale. Potentially you might have to clean out a bad registry entry caused before to make that work, but I think it won't actually be a ptoblem (touch wood).


Please screenshot or note down the text of the error you get.


As far as I can tell the replacement file is identical to the one we're using in the current release? O.o


Thanks. that seems to have done it. The problem I have now is that the program crashes each time I try to get into the systems directory to change options.

Any idea what might be the reason for that?


Edit: Never mind, it was because I had two copies of the game on my hard drive, now that I erased one, it's working fine.;)

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I really don't know to be honest, it would maybe be caused by a corrupt registry entry somewhere else but I can't really tell. If you feel comfortable poking around in the registry, editing the bat file should bring it up in text form and show you where to look. Completely random suggestion: try maximizing/windowing it with alt+enter before going into the menu I don't think it's going to help, but stranger things have happened. If the crash gives you an error, try to get a picture of it.


About the bat file stuff: essentially, the first fuwanovel release (maybe the v2 as well...), in fuwanovel tradition, had a broken .bat file (this was a pretty sneaky error though, caused by UNIX-style linebreaks or wrong encoding or both...)

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