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Are traps cute?


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I met this girl through a mutual friend. She was pretty cute and we had a lot of similar interest when it comes to reading, outlooks on life, blah blah blah... So I asked her out on a date, figuring she'd turn me down anyway cause she was waaaaay out of my league (in my mind anyway). She didn't. So, we started dating. I'm not a very physical person and she seemed to appreciate this so we never really got any further than some fondling, you know. After a month she told me about her 'issue'. I told her I didn't care. We ended up going out for about three months. She suddenly broke up with me because according to her 'she wasn't good enough for me'. She broke off all contact and I haven't seen her since.






You're probably right. But I figured it was close enough ;)


Be careful what you wish for, most transgender people suffer from severe psychological issues (feeling like you're born into the wrong body does that to people). In hindsight, that's probably what caused our breakup as well. I've heard that over 50% of all transgenders end up trying to commit suicide at one point :(


This has to be the saddest story I have ever read.

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Dang Cofee-tan!!! i`ll just upload his pic later so you can be the judge!!!

If i have knitting skill,maybe i`ll make his a mahou shoujo costume or somethin.

Okay, I'll be sure to judge his trap level.


Now I kinda want to see that....

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