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Visual Novel Aer is Confusing


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I tried to read something on Visual Novel Aer recently and am extremely confused due to the terminology used in it. It's too much for me to keep searching up the terminology, so I'd like to ask right here: WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?!


mini | holy | tsun | magic | sept?



I may keep adding depending on what else I can't understand.

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I don't see how any post on VNAer is confusing. Would you point out one for better referencing?


VNTS stands for Visual Novel Translation Status which is clearly written on the title of a lot of posts.

4chan.. do I really need to explain what 4chan is?

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It is literally written on the title "VN Translation Status"

I don't think it's that confusing or hidden.


I also don't remember seeing any of the other terminology you pointed out, hence why I'd like you to show me a post you didn't understand.


And I really don't think I can properly explain what 4chan is so I'll post a representative picture


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So 4chan is... Another Internet?

Anyways, here's where I was looking: http://visualnovelaer.fuwanovel.net/tag/code-geass/

4chan is more like the trash of the internet.


That post is from 2011, how did you even get that deep.

Hell it was even written by Aaeru.


Also those  "mini | holy | tsun | magic | sept" are just demo DDL Mirrors which are probably down by now.


Kami-ge might be an unfamiliar term though, that I can understand.

Kami-ge is short for Kami Gemu which translates into english as something like Godly Game and it is a word used to refer to god tier games in general.


But to call VNAer confusing based on one post from 3 years ago I think is a little exaggerated.

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