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Help me identify this anime

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So today I was on YouTube, suddenly an anime advertisement came up, it got me quite interested, but I it didn't tell its name. I'll try to summarize what happened:


Two guys were being bullied by two other guys in a alleyway. Then this guy comes, makes a pose, and his t-shirt kinda of tears up, revealing that he was using a bra. He then makes a movement and sends the bra flying to one of the bullies face. What he did next I can't quite describe, but the guys flee from him in fear.


Any idea which anime is this, I've got no proof but I think it's some type of classic...


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Chibi nee-san is too awesome for words.

That nurse too ... 

All the characters except the two gross blondes are awesome xD

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Oh, I've been wanting to watch that for a while but never got around to do it for some reason. Thanks for reminding me.


...I've discovered the origin of about 20 gifs I've seen all over the Internet and that might still be in my folders somewhere.

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