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I'm new to VIsual Novels i have only completed one so far (Katawa Shoujo) and am playing four at the moment (Saya no Uta, Fate/Stay Night, Grisaia no Kaijitsu and Seins;Gate). I'm not really into forums, this is the first one I've ever made an account for, but I plan to be as active as possible and if I ever do anything wrong do not hesitate to tell me. Also, english is not my native language so I'll have to ask you to bear with me and forgive any misspells or grammatical mistakes.
Looking forward to talk to all of you.

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Thanks for all the welcome messages :3 Is a fairly good list of VN's but i think i should rewrite my intro because I fell in love with Grisaia and have been playing it so much that I've been ignoring the other 3 xD Also i think i have to add Ever17 (i think that's the name) because I've been seeing so many people mention it that I feel I should be playing already, although i have no idea what it is about

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