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Rewrite, Is it a good or bad game?


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Was not expecting the opening animated video at the start of moon that was surprising, and it had stuff from all of the routes. Hmm, it was kind of awesome, though it kind of made me jump because as was not expecting it with random Japanese jumping out of my speakers and all.

Haha, fair enough. That animation makes me wish that White Fox would animate/adapt Rewrite.

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Haha, fair enough. That animation makes me wish that White Fox would animate/adapt Rewrite.

Same here I would be awesome and at the same time confusing as hell because the would not doubt have to explain all the complicated concepts. Oh, I am reading moon now and...

They are playing a board game were they destroy earth over and over again while trying to make one that works!? This is so complicated, but I love how they are throwing the comedy in to help fill in between fights and serious scenes.

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No, "Terra" is 100% linear,

except for one very clever moment.

Ok thanks, I see they twisted the story around there was not expect that,....hmm. This one actual gets a little dark then all the others.

The Guardian are even bad guys now even though he is still working for them sheesh and he joins Gaia. Oh, and on the part were he make a familiar my mind going childish, I would totally have snake familiars.

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Ok thanks, I see they twisted the story around there was not expect that,....hmm. This one actual gets a little dark then all the others.

The Guardian are even bad guys now even though he is still working for them sheesh and he joins Gaia. Oh, and on the part were he make a familiar my mind going childish, I would totally have snake familiars.

Let's just say everything makes sense in the end.

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I just finished the first route which is Kotori's I have to say I am less then pleased with the outcome. The give you all the build up and depressing stuff and then thrown in a shitting as fucking ending. I mean...damn what the hell this one of the most depressing visual novels I have every read.

He loses all his friends because they all work for the bad guy and then they do not even tell you what happened to Kotori in the end.

I like the balance of comedy and action in the first part of the store is nothing but depressing mixed with a dash of fucking sorrow. I am not lucking forward to reading the other story line but I once I start I visual novel I finish it they I may have to play child movies in the back ground in attempt to prevent myself from getting depressed while reading them. Oh, and on a further note I wrote this after stay up twenty four hours to read this. So as you an can guess the my mood while writing this is terrible and I could kill kittens and puppy's right now. I just had to express how depressing the story was to me....just ugh.

Well I just finished Kotori's route and honestly I loved it it wasn't depressing it was beautiful it like the end of Tsubaki's route in G-senjou no maou (if anyone ever played that lol)

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Ah the feeling of finishing route it always make my heart flutter unlike the feeling of finishing a anime which is the worst feeling you can have

This is a very true thing, and I agree with you on this. Oh, on earlier note already said I was tired when I wrote that so...and I did not like how it left question marks floating around my head.

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Alright guys I am going to be straight up with you all I am flat out displeased with the final ending, why do they all have to be bitter sweet.

I mean sure all the heroines make it, but seriously the main character and key get turned into a tree seriously. Oh, and before that he had to kill his mentor, that just plain sucks. also the ending screen with there feet standing on the moon next to a plant, um...the character is not even himself anymore

I like parts of this store but at the same time just plain disliked how it end it is supposed end well for main character. Ugh, but my final decision is that I love the novel though there was a lot I did not like and I hope the fan disc get translated soon so that I can read it. I love the all the character and the story is good for the most part, even though there was irritating parts and then some terrible endings. I just do not understand why the character I like the most out of all of them had the worst ending in my opinion, that being Kotori and Shizuru. Now that empty filling is hitting me that I get when ever I finish a book, move or TV series, or game, damn I need to find a something else to read fast. Oh, for those who read the fan disc does it cover all the routes endings or just a few of them?

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One of the messages of Rewrite is that

Life cannot exist without Self Sacrifice. That's why Kotarou had to do everything himself.

As far as the fan disc:

Shizuru's and Akane's stories are alternate universes while Kotori's and Chihaya's are after-stories. Lucia's is almost a wacky alternate look at her route overall and Kagari's is.. a bit hard to explain, but it seems to take place at the same time as Moon.

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One of the messages of Rewrite is that

Life cannot exist without Self Sacrifice. That's why Kotarou had to do everything himself.

As far as the fan disc:

Shizuru's and Akane's stories are alternate universes while Kotori's and Chihaya's are after-stories. Lucia's is almost a wacky alternate look at her route overall and Kagari's is.. a bit hard to explain, but it seems to take place at the same time as Moon.

That is pretty much correct on the money. Also almost all Key stories are bittersweet, this one just has a lot more layers to it. It is obvious that it is a Romeo Tanaka work, because of the themes and the story. You should look up the interview with the makers of Rewrite, it gives a better feel into why the story ended the way it did.

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Bittersweet isn't for everyone. Of course you'd be disappointed if you were expecting a happy ending with all the characters frolicking through fucking flowers. Surely the rest of the game should've had you prepared for the ending.


Although the build up from all the other routes definitely leads to that end. Especially after the path set on Moon.

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Looks like I have succesfuly lost track of the conversation I'll come back and read this when I finish the game and Shiki-san I have discovered that you read at the speed of light

Thank you, I know I just love to read. When I have access to multiple books I can read about five or six in a week that are about four hundred pages long. Oh, and another thing I said this earlier, but I skip through the common route each time I started a new route so it cut the reading time in half.

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Bittersweet isn't for everyone. Of course you'd be disappointed if you were expecting a happy ending with all the characters frolicking through fucking flowers. Surely the rest of the game should've had you prepared for the ending.

I know but I was hoping for something I little better then that I mean, they did give all that build up and then everything end like that. Plus, already said I love the book, and that I am going to read it again at a later date. Plus, the ending of this one did not tick me off as much as other visual novels, Sabers route in fate/stay night is one of them along with Akiha from Tsukihime. And those are the my most favorite VNs, especially since they are what got me started reading VNs.

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Ok I have finished Shizune's route.......this shit made me literally cry like a baby as I watched the credits roll by for the second time cross out my earlier statement this is truly one of the saddist things in existent that ending is far beyond bittersweet

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Ok I have finished Shizune's route.......this shit made me literally cry like a baby as I watched the credits roll by for the second time cross out my earlier statement this is truly one of the saddist things in existent that ending is far beyond bittersweet

I am in agreement with you there.

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Ok I have finished Shizune's route.......this shit made me literally cry like a baby as I watched the credits roll by for the second time cross out my earlier statement this is truly one of the saddist things in existent that ending is far beyond bittersweet

Chihaya's rainbow happiness ending might cheer you up.

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