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Sono hanabira ni kuchizuke o games


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I´ve played nr 1 and 6, Nanami x Yuuna. I know its pretty much just a yuri nukige, but those two games I honestly enjoyed, mainly because of the colorful, cute and funny characters. Yuuna and Nanami pretty much makes the game entertaining even when they aren't ... you know... Playing chess. :makina: ( .. what a horrible analogy)

That being said, I am wondering if the other games are at all worth it? For the ones that introduce new couples, are the characters enjoyable similarly to Yuuna and Nanami, or is the only appeal for this franchise´s games the fact that its yuri with like a billion H-Scenes? 


(Not really interested in the ones that introduces several couples at the same time, as they changed the art style of Yuuna-Sama and Nanami-Chan, which I find to be unacceptable and unforgivable!)




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SonoHana 3 is objectively the best SonoHana game. (Paging @Zakamutt for a long winded explanation on why)

Or at least that's what I thought until read SonoHana Nyuu Jene, which is better than all previous SonoHana games combined, imho. (Can't spell twincest without wincest)

But unless you can read Japanese, SonoHana 3 (and the sequel, SonoHana 5) will be some of the best ones you can get. It really boils down to which couple you like most, to be honest, since most of the games have no plot.

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SonoHana 3 is objectively the best SonoHana game. (Paging @Zakamutt for a long winded explanation on why)

Or at least that's what I thought until read SonoHana Nyuu Jene, which is better than all SonoHana games combined, imho.

But unless you can read Japanese, SonoHana 3 (and the sequel, SonoHana 5) will be some of the best ones you can get. It really boils down to which couple you like most to be honest since most of the games have no plot.

Hm, well my Japanese isn't very good. I am terrible at reading kanji at the moment. Does it happen to be in 100% hiragana? :vinty: 


3, 5, is the couple in that Mai x Reo?

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SonoHana 3 is objectively the best SonoHana game. (Paging @Zakamutt for a long winded explanation on why)

Or at least that's what I thought until read SonoHana Nyuu Jene, which is better than all previous SonoHana games combined, imho. (Can't spell twincest without wincest)

But unless you can read Japanese, SonoHana 3 (and the sequel, SonoHana 5) will be some of the best ones you can get. It really boils down to which couple you like most, to be honest, since most of the games have no plot.

Quick question, are all of the main characters voiced like in previous games? And does this : twincest : Mean what I think it does? 

... If so I might give this a go in RAW form :makina:

Edited by Dergonu
I suck at English
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Yes all the characters are voiced.

And yes, one of the 3 main couples in SonoHana Nyuu Jene is a pair of twins.


Awesome. Guess its time to dust of the old text hookers and grab a dictionary.

Edit: started it and Ai is sooo cuuute <3

Ai and Aya ... my poor heart :pyaa:

Edited by Dergonu
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