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Everything posted by Nashetania

  1. What is this, Angel Beats?! But for real now. I am not shy, just insecure. And I don't like failure. I had a girlfriend before and I was the one who confessed to her, so there's that. EDIT: Also, you sound like a douchebag who only cares about looks~~ ⋆
  2. Confession: Yesterday I talked to a girl and I hinted that we should go play badminton together (we live in a same flat and there's gym before our flat where we can play it). Well, she either didn't take the hint or just didn't care. And I was too afraid to tell her straight, because I thought she would turn me down (which I assumed from her behavior, even though she was smiling and stuff)...
  3. My point was that I don't want to see season 3.
  4. Well, I hope it won't be as anti-climatic as the end of season 2.
  5. I am 99% sure that @FruitsPunchSamurai visits Funnyjunk.
  6. The latest episode of RWBY was pretty dark/grim. And people say it's a kid show.
  7. When I tried to order it, there was only Japan options
  8. Do they ever ship this kind of stuff to Europe/US?
  9. Well that's good, because I am not illegal.
  10. I should stop drinkign whole tobbtle of wines.
  11. Confession: Got a new haircut... I look like a perfect idiot now~~ Reaps?
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