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Posts posted by Nimbus

  1. Chapter 6 spoilers


    *sigh. Believe it or not I actually really enjoyed the beginning of this chapter, it showed me that, against all odds, Okabe may not be as bad as I thought (though 5 chapters of horseshit is still unforgivable).

    But then the idiot plot kicks in. Maybe I'm really critical of this point because they go out of their way to give this story a brain and how the protagonist is a scientist. One of the key elements of science is recognizing patterns. When Okabe time leaps and thinks it was just a dream I could accept this (even if he remembers the line "Are you ready to time leap?") but the fact that he's been seeing patterns all day and hasn't thought "gee, maybe it wasn't a dream" is just stupid. Sure, it creates further conflict but so what? the conflict already happened and actually had surprises to t. here I'm not excited, intrigued or even sad, I'm just thinking "what the fuck did you think was going to happen Okabe you pathetic excuse for an intellectual?"


  2. I was going to save my Pre-Chapter 5 thoughts until after finishing chapter 4 (seeing as how everyone says I'll start enjoying S;G at chapter 5) but to hell with it; it's late and this chapter is just dragging on and on...


    I'll begin by saying I like almost everything about this vn. I'm enjoying the soundtrack, the art design is great, the story is fascinating and I really want to see where it goes.I'm loving most of the characters, Mayushi is highly enjoyable despite early doubts, Kurisu is always the most interesting to listen to and all of the other female character hold their own.

    Unfortunately there are three things I hate about S;G.

    Firstly, the protagonist. I know everyone says he gets better during/after Chapter 5 and whilst I'm open to this it doesn't change the fact that for nearly half the vn Okabe is the most intolerable, annoying, self-contradictory piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure of having to read about. Because we're stuck with shit-for-brains at all times is dialogue is ruining what would otherwise be great moments of exposition and story development. His reactions are all the same, he has one comedic feature which isn't even funny, so repeating it constantly make me want to throttle him until he turns purple and he's just such a fucking asshole. There was one moment in chapter 4 where he offers to take Mayushi out for dinner and I really liked this scene, it was one of few moments I could actually tolerate him, but unless the rest of S;G has more of these moments I simply cannot fathom Okabe getting any better.

    The second problem which I hinted at earlier was the pacing. This may be a result of me just not having a good time but it really feels like S;G is just dragging along. It feels like you could cut out every third line of text and would loose absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.

    The final problem is that S'G is relying too much on the Idiot Plot means of progression; where the story only advances because the characters are being idiots. twice now Okabe has revealed the time machine to people by screaming about it in front of outsiders and at this point he's just being a hypocrite as well as a dickhead. Furthermore the scene in which he fondles Ruka  and discovers the past has changed was incredibly stupid. How a "mad scientist" couldn't have connected the dots during that unnecessarily long scene is beyond me.

    I really wish I could like this vn, and you're all probably sick of me hating on S;G before Chapter 5 but keep in mind I'm 2/5 of the way through the whole game and can count the enjoyable moments with just one hand. Even if the rest is fantastic I won't be able to gt around the crap I've had to put up with.

    I hope I'm wrong and that I'll be eating these words, but I just doubt it. 


  3. Curious on everyone else's opinion on this; Does anyone else think Okabe's relationship with Luka Pre-Chapter 5 is kinda abusive?


    The guy is yelling at Luka for the smallest, most trivial matters which brings him/her to the point of tears. He may be joking around but he/she takes everything Okabe says seriously, and he damn well knows Luka does.

    If they were dating I'd be calling for an intervention, if not the police.


  4. Spoiler

    Basically her involvement seems to now come from the characters doing uncharacteristically stupid things. After all the crap Okabe spills about trying to be secret he tells a journalist everything before realizing what an idiot he's been. I get that this scene was probably intended to be funny but the fact that I simply didn't laugh, I groaned instead.

    Perhaps I'm being too harsh (this vn is still in my bad books) but it's really just pushing it's luck. I really enjoyed the previous scene because they actually progressed the story, had proper conversations about what was happening and everyone else drowned out Okabe's annoying habits. I was riding a high from that scene only for it to come crashing down. 


  5. 1 minute ago, Vorathiel said:

    10 chapters.

    why do you hate him? I had to try 2 times. One, about an hour of reading, I strongly bounced off S;G because Okarin was, who he was in the prologue. But second time I knew what I'm going into, and Okarin didn't surprised me. And then, around 4-5 chapter I started to like him. Not very much, but enough.

    He just annoys me on every level possible. It's probably amplified by the fact that I'm enjoying all the side characters (Daru is your standard Otaku and isn't particularly memorable, but otherwise inoffensive). I'm still really early in the game (chapter 2 or 3) so Okarin will get better from what everyone says. I'm just worried if the grind will be worth the payoff. 

  6. 7 hours ago, FrozenRaven said:

    Not gonna lie, it was only for a moment, but I thought Luka was really cute. 

    At least I wasn't the first person to say it.


    And now for something completely different; whilst I do like the idea of the choices being implemented as what replies you send I wish we could actually see what the reply would be before you have to send it. When I see a topic the reply would be about, what I would say is ultimately very different from what Okarin would say so I almost always end up regretting my choice. 

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