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Everything posted by SanadaShadow

  1. Um, Miyako has nothing to do with time travel, does she?
  2. It usually is in Castlevania's case. I can only hope they come up with a good ending for once.
  3. I never gave that first excuse. I really did want to betray just once in the game, no matter who I betrayed. Well, you could say that it counts as trickery, but it still is unfortunate that they didn't understand the meaning of "COMMENCE THE BATTLE", especially when there would be absolutely no point to betraying..
  4. It's the same way I'm not surprised by Kosaki's perviness.
  5. There's a limit to how many likes you can give? I never knew...
  6. But your first thought was just how he would squirt, was it not? You wanted it...
  7. Never expected anyone to call my words wise. Thank you, kind sir.
  8. False. I know of debujin tho. Next person has a fondness of curiosity.
  9. Something about that Harmonia song just seems... off, to me, personally. Instead, listen to this truly golden piece.
  10. That was literally the only think Kosaki could think of.
  11. You can't wish to copy someone else's circle. Make your own if you can. However, please avoid dropping salt as it drastically raises my blood pressure. You can join the next next game (not a typo) by PMing Stray Cat.
  12. ...Did you not understand the joke? Honestly, people these days can't read the mood through a forum post. jkjk. I've begun to watch FMP! The Second Raid and Fumoffu simultaneously. Since Fumoffu seems to make no real difference to the main storyline, I just watch it when things in TSR get too heavy for me. And, my god, it is heavy.
  13. It's okay if I post, right? If it isn't, may I please join the club? I have a longer history in these games than in VNs, so I believe I should be eligible in case of any requirements. ? That puzzle with the D-pad was particularly fun The first hallway section from the top really impressed me with how well they used area control to make the player have a very annoying time. That second hallway section, though...fuck that. Seriously, that was horrible. Hated every second of it. Have to say, so far, the game could pretty much lack a story and I wouldn't care that much. The story is pretty underdeveloped besides setting up the player for the gameplay. Aside from the whole "Dracula's mansion" thing and the random people scattered inside, I've yet to see much of anything. Like I said, though, that doesn't really faze me much, since the gameplay is so fun. It's a little disappointing, though. Really? Not everyone fights it first? I always headed for it first thing, I loved beating the crap outta that little shit. That D-pad puzzle was really fun, especially the last one. it was so exhilarating to find myself so utterly outmatched that I had to take damage no matter what happened. Even so, returning from the room beyond the hallway was the most hellish thing I'd ever experienced. Seriously, though. The bosses were all so weak. The other Castlevaina GBA games were much harder, and that made it much more fun. However, AoS just has this... this mysterious charm about it, Soma Cruz and Julian Belmont are the best protags ever (SotN's protag not included, that dude's in a class of his own). It was even more fun facing off against the rival moments before entering the final realm. Truly, the last boss was not even close to good enough. However, the rival was near godly for myself. Having such skills, even having such a smart AI, he actually forced me to take a super potion in the battle. I had yet to even do so once so far. Why is everyone so far ahead, lol Lol, that little shit. Patterns so easy to read, so easy to dodge, so easy to counter. I guess I was years ahead of most of you, I destroyed the game around two years ago. I'm actually seeing how adept I still am at it, using nothing but Gram to fight all the bosses. Gram is so godly fast (even if its reach is short). Of course, nothing can beat Balmung and Claim His Soal, but that's the challenge. Use not something too weak, but use not something too strong either.
  14. Exactly what thing are you talking about? Nevermind, I failed them all anyways. Next person has more than three names (meaning your real name is at least as long as Yukimura Sanada Ieyasu Tokugawa).
  15. Palas, on 12 Apr 2015 - 02:32 AM, said: F/SN is back so of course I'm watching it. Isn't it fine? They were rather annoying, and I bet UFOTable was running out of its drawing budget or something so they just cut them out, period.
  16. I'm very deeply moved. Even if it is just a game, becoming an honorable martyr for the sake of your partners is admirable indeed. I guess I've only to wonder about the outcomes of the other teams. How many will make it out with us? How many will pretty much commit suicide? How many will drag the others down with them? Even that has its own excitement.
  17. Amazing, I feel exactly the same way. On the other hand, Miss Premium... Goddamn her. I can't believe someone so annoying was inserted into the game.
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