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Posts posted by MDruidd

  1. Do people actually respond to the generic posts...? I never knew.


    hmmm, I don't know your mind and don't know other people's thinking.
    but if I am, of course, 
    I read nor write a post, so i must respond =="


  2. Wow. Even if I'm trying to annoy the new guy or overload them with info, I still try to be original about it...

    well, everyone has their own way :)

    if they respond to me, then I become to the original, not try to use macro chat feature :D

  3. SAO of course.,


    Hamatora 2nd Season, because I wasn't satisfied with the first season and was curious.

    Tokyou Ghoul, because the theme is Supranatural,Gore, Drama. I've never seen the anime genre of gore and drama in one form


    Fate/kaleid liner Prisma?Illya 2wei! ,I've been waiting for this, and can't wait for it: D

  4. After the "Grisaia-Disappointment" i now just started G-Senjou. I think i really will like it from what i've seen till now. I like kyousuke, all the other characters and the whole setting. So I'm looking forward to the next hours :)




    That's good :)

    G-SNM, My Favorite VN,

    i recommend, First Play Mizuha Route :)

    Two points for G-SNM. It really doesn't matter what path you take in which order, but I recommend Tsubaki's route first and Haru's route last. It's an amazing VN.

    Second, try not to use a walkthrough for this specific game. It's just strangely fulfilling.

    Haru Route is Best favorite of course, because that route is True Route

    My Favorite route in G-SNM :D

  5. So I'm finally finished Grisaia... That was hard work for me ;). Like you know I don't think that this is a good VN, but thats only my opinion. 


    At the end my favourite routes are Michiru & Sachi, perhaps they are the most "grounded". Someone feels that is kind of borring but i prefer this. Also i like the characters of those two.


    The Next one is the Amane route. I really loved the ending there, also the storyline was good but somehow it feels not so satisfiying like the others.


    The Yumiko route is next. I don't know what to say, it was simply ... yeah, whatever. If you know what i mean ;). That is kind of sad because i really liked yumiko in the common one.


    And at last the Makina route, i really didn't like these. the More time i played, the more i was annoyed by Makina.


    Thats all from me.



    Michiru no 2 for my favorite.,

    My reasons is, Tsundere of course, the story is simple, but it makes me sad when I read it, has two personalities because the heart is another person's heart (unique)

    hmm amane?

    yupp that's true, the after story is long

    tell, of them have babies, yuji working, their children married, have grandchildren, yuji died and Amane died after yuji

    I don't really agree with you about yumiko route, but i don't mind :)

    your thoughts about Makina is same with me :)

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