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Posts posted by MDruidd

  1. Hmm. I think I have watched around 100 animes. I only keep a few I watch because they are all time favorites or long run animes like One Piece, Naruto, Fairy Tail and so on.


    I got an Excel and Word document for this kind of information:

     - Completed series

     - Watchlist

     - Total amount of hours

     - Score

     - Personal opinions of animes in a really short review.


    Yes I know MAL and such sites exist.


    This way I can delete completed animes and folders. I actually kept folders (full or empty) eariler before I started with my statistic documentation. I download animes I find available in a new folder for converting. I usually watch anime in the evening/night and I like to watch it on my TV but my TV can't read .mkv so I need to convert everything to something else, usually .avi or mp4.


    After that I add the converted files to my folder I share with my TV and deleting the old files and this process just keep going.


    Well I am overambitious sometimes. :)


    haha, you look like me. 
    I also have a lot of remarks about anime and VNS updates. 
    but I just put it in Notepad with a different title. 
    If you have an account on MAL, why not put it in your profile? 
    it's nice, I guess 
    ahh, I know what you mean by ambitious 
    I also sometimes like that too
  2. Am I the only one here that can't read the error messages because the screenshots are too small?


    I'd like to at least take a look at them just for the sake of it. It would help if you posted bigger screenshots.

    me too =="

    i've try to zoom the image, but i still can't read it.


    that's true.

    we can easily see and understand it :)

  3. Thanks for your welcome.


    I didn't read much for now so my "favorite" VN can very well chance in the near future, but for now it would be rewrite.


    I already read sharin no kuni, so of course G-Senjou no Maou is already on my list.

    Everything key related will eventually get read, so air/kanon/Planetarian/... is on my list, though it will probably be a long time before I read them all.

    Grisaia and Umineko look interesting so I will probably read them someday.

    Yupp, if you get some trouble just PM me.,

    i'll help you :D

  4. See, this is the kind of topic I tend to go all out for. I cleaned off my shelf just so I could get some good pictures. I don't know why some were tilted on their side or upside down, but whatever.




    The whole collection. Keep in mind, this has been going for about 8 years. Unfortunately I've let quite a bit go since I started, but this is what I have right now.




    Just my anime (and my VNs). I don't buy as many of these because they're more expensive. Also included: The ToHeart 2 figure I bought in the fifth grade, years before I knew what ToHeart 2 or eroge was. I just wanted a pretty figure, and that one was cheap. You can also see where her ankle broke off when my cat played with it.




    More manga. You know there's a problem when you have to start double stacking. Also, the remnants of my 4-year Yugioh phase.




    The rest of my manga, some light novels, my beloved Komari plushie, and a Freezing artbook I won in a Funimation giveaway a couple years ago that's autographed by Caitlin Glass and Monica Rial.




    And finally, my oversized Lucky star stuff (interestingly enough, despite only having Kagami goods, she's actually my least favorite character- that was all I could find at my local anime shop), my PS2 games, and my smaller figurines.


    I download a lot too, but usually only stuff from the currently airing seasons, or shows that came out in the past few years that are either unreleased, or too new for me to afford. Most of my hard drive is dedicated to VNs.

    WOW. That's amazing.


    that's looks like a Shop >.<

    8 years for that?

    i can't image how you to get all of them.


    Manga, Figures, LN,etc

    aww, that's  looks very neat and clean. 

    all stuff also looks very well maintained.
    that's  pretty perfect for me, I envy you
  5. That's all of the anime DVDs if have. I have a bunch on my computer, like everybody else. Probably around 100 shows.

    that's really good >.<

    You've got anime on the computer, still got the DVD, and have a lot of stuff from Japan.


    I feel lost :o

  6. Just saw Rokujouma

    So a ghost girl,cosplay girl,underground girl, alien girl and furthermore the club president and the landlady seems to be a part of the harem as well.

    Also wat about the first one he saw when he fell,wonder when she's gonna appear again

    when first i see it.

    I think this might be the same as ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin, that's wrong, lol :D


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