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Posts posted by MDruidd


    well, it's not really your fault. actually, I find this rather ironic. generally, I partake in my duties as a member of the Grammar Police (our mission is to correct and serve) and can REALLY break out the baton when it comes to some people, but surprisingly enough, knowing that English is actually, at the very least, a second language for you is somewhat, cooling, in a sense

    also, yes, Haru IS the true end, why else would that misery conga line be there? shits and giggles?



    well, I know that.,
    but this game in several different genres and also has two Ending in each character, 
    and I think all of the characters in this game is good


  2. Believe me, it really is that bad.  There is no such thing as a good machine translator.  The best they can manage is non-abstract individual words.  When it comes to grammar or abstract concepts...  *Clephas grimaces*


    From experience, I know that most efforts at translating Japanese are closer to 'approximation' than most would like to admit.  At least part of this is because the Japanese quite simply don't think like Westerners.  There are tons of subtle cultural and regional differences - not to mention the experiences and conditions that formed them in the first place - that have made their language into something that is fundamentally out of sync with English.  Yes, some things translate nicely... but even more things don't.



    Edit:  I've said this in other threads, but this can't really be emphasized enough... I'm a subtly different person when I'm thinking in Japanese.  Languages are one of the largest building blocks of a culture, and when you learn a language, it broadens your horizons... and at the same time makes you realize how different what you've just learned is from what you were born into.  It was gradual enough for me that it wasn't much of a shock to my system, but people that don't understand Japanese without the filter of 'mental translation' really aren't equipped to comprehend just how different the thought processes behind the languages are.

    for me, it's not so bad, can be said really bad, i guess.,

    but tolerable, can be read while listening to the sound of the characters.,


    and I've also tried the patch machine translation as well., 
    as flyable heart, 
    I was just about to try to play this game with some patches + ITH + Atlas, 
    I still didn't quite understand the Japanese language, but I understand a little bit in case of the voice..,
    so I can tell if this is good too but too bad too, I guess: D
  3. well, when i played G-Senjou no maou, the first route i play is mizuha route, and haru route in the end of course, because that can unlock if we've to complete all route =="


    man, i forget if Haru is the true end =="

    sorry sorry, my bad :D

  4. oh god no, I've heard there's a bit of a misery conga line involving tsubaki, Kanon, and, um, the other one (wow, I must seem really awesome right now) so I've kinda held myself back, because I want to drown in those feels. This is what I want myself to be like by the end (jesus christ I've just realized how massive of a sadomasochist I am)


    wow, normally, everywhere are always looking for good route or best route and then bad route.,

    now, i know if you is sadomasochist, lol :P

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