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Jun Inoue

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Everything posted by Jun Inoue

  1. "*record scratch* *freeze frame* Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation." This game, though. Man, this game. Fire, poison, water, some mist and even ice. And it's raining. Me and a friend vs 2 cooks, a waitress, 2 drunk patrons, a dwarven bard, a mysterious traveler and a tinkerer. Not sure how we got here. Things just kept escalating.
  2. You'll love Kaos so hard. Self-depreciating cutie.
  3. Also, I'm personally having a blast with Golden Kamuy and Comic Girls. SG;0... is the kind of anime I'll wait for it to end and then binge it, probably.
  4. Complaints? I remember happy people and happy people but too tsundere to admit it.
  5. So an isekai that's not about cheap wish fulfillment? What's next, a yuri that's not a shallow and fetishistic portrayal of how people think lesbians are?
  6. When did Re;Zero become a controversy.
  7. Got nothing on Comic Girls, face it! Kaos is love, Kaos is life.
  8. It wasn't precisely deep, but I actually believed the characters it presented, and their problems and life, so the interactions and such in the restaurant were nice to watch, apart from entertaining. But with this anime... it feels kinda shallow. The characters are excuses to show a short scene with food and exaggerated reactions, and then perhaps the interesting part of the show: when it ends and we get 5 minutes of a dude teaching about Japanese cuisine.
  9. Man, Isekai Izakaya feels like a watered-down version of Isekai Shokudou. It's entertaining, but... does feel quite shallow.
  10. If you're looking for the romance aspect, I wouldn't recommend them. They are very plot + character heavy, so the game never "goes" into actual relationships. There's a very obvious crush between the two main characters, with really cute scenes, but it's not a defining aspect of the game nor does it have much "screen time". @snowbell55Hm... Mask of Truth might be better due to it being the half where the story is truly "realized" and where you learn all the stuff about the characters and world. It's the true climax of the story, so it has that going for it. On the other hand, if you are more into the casual side of the game, then Mask of Deception will be the good old times that you miss.
  11. Haha, indeed! I had my share of suffering, as I first watched the anime of Mask of Deception, then the game... and, finally, we got Mask of Truth. I hope you don't have to wait for long, or you'll go crazy.
  12. Whaaaaat theee fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
  13. The DarliFra staff have received death threats for the latest episode lol. All hail the anime fandom \o/
  14. @RanzoWhere's Oboro's route though
  15. Happy to hear that! And I very much recommend to have Mask of Truth ready, because the moment you finish Mask of Deception... you're not gonna want to wait and see what happens. Good luck with the epic journey!
  16. Possibly. I mean, if you got to episode 18, it's a pity to drop it before the last stretch. Although the chained cliffhangers might have had a reduced effect on you if you were barely interested to begin with. You double posted because you're passionate like that.
  17. My god, playing Persona 5 with the English dub really left me unprepared for the horror of some of the jp voices... Kamoshida and Ryuji sound horrible. @ittakuI've heard that Kawahara has nothing to do with the new SAO, so maybe, BIG MAYBE, it miiiiiight not be a heinous crime against human rights. PD: Since the topic of Re:Zero has resurfaced... I'll say that the show certainly benefitted from the week-to-week wait. Its most important arc, the last one, was basically insane cliffhanger after insane cliffhanger, which will have quite a reduced effect when binge-watching it. Also, the whole theory crafting and discussing while the show aired, etc. It was an anime with some actual depth/substance, in a genre that tends to be filled to the brim with filler garbage.
  18. Like some other JRPGs, it kind of divides itself into 2 games. The first is generally more chill, then ends on a climatic cliffhanger, and the second game is the "true" development. So you'll get quite a bit more fighting on Mask of Truth! (while still having chill sections, do not fear)
  19. Ah, good, good. And, certainly, the first few episodes basically introduce the main cast and context... and then the insane show begins.
  20. Btw, what do you mean in the Gintama part? One of those two "latter" should be "former", right? I'm guessing/hoping you meant the first episodes are the not-too-rememberable.
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