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Posts posted by REtransInternational

  1. What are the chances anonymous edits are also going to be blocked...?

    It's not ideal since it looks like the scripts are a mix of translatable text and other cruft, but if you want to move away from TLwiki and tryout RWI send PM or use the contact info in the signature. We can get you setup with an account for every one who wants to work on the text and the scripts uploaded (how many lines total/size?)

  2. It already exists! Or so I recall. I remember posting in it, it should still be around there :blink

    Did you mean this one? It's not exactly only translation requests, but close.

    Or since we have a suggestion in the OP here already, how about renaming it and repurposing this thread for future requests?

  3. The Dos and Don'ts of "Serious" Translating (draft version):

    DO strike a balance, between keeping the original meaning of the Japanese, and rendering the English as naturally as you can.

    DO translate with the aid of multiple dictionaries and thesauri.

    DON'T crowdsource (dividing routes among translators is OK, but individual lines? No.)

    DON'T translate into any language other than your native.

    DON'T translate to/from an intermediate language.

    DON'T use MT (that should be obvious)

    Even supposedly simple "moege" can be affected when you violate these rules. We've all seen the evidence, haven't we? Well, I guess rules are made to be broken...

    That's been discussed at length here. Fuwanovel is about exploring new ways to produce translation more efficiently, and to break away from the "old culture". The old culture's attitude is "you must do it our way" and they embody the belief that quality is an absolute, sacrificing many other things that are often just as important. There'll always be tradeoffs, and we view quality/accuracy as not the only factor in delivering value to the consumer. Make it easy and enjoyable to increase participation, finding new processes to explore the tradeoffs, exploiting technology, that is what the new culture is about.
  4. hey sakurafreak, was thinking this project might be better suited to visual novel reader? http://sakimichi.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/how-to-translate-visual-novels-without-hacking/


    ^ you can get help from people who are also reading the game. much easier than doing it on wiki, because Wiki is just work. the VNR doesn't feel much like work, you're mostly playing the game. Not to mention TLWiki is not a good place, they're not going to help you. I was IP banned just for criticizing one of the owner's blog post one time last year.

    Also with the VNR method there is no need to hack the game to reinsert text, if that helps.

    We also have RWI, a web-based interface that makes it easy to translate while viewing original lines side-by-side. No installation required, works in any recent browser. Patch release and other services are also provided, although we're currently somewhat busy with other work.

    Either way, continue translating at a steady rate, and have fun.

  5. The editors of wikipedia does not get to choose whether his edits are locked permanently to his version, no matter how brilliantly he wrote it or how many thousands of hours he spent researching that article.
    Good point. It is odd that TLwiki, despite being a wiki, went almost the exact opposite route from Wikipedia...

    Being able to show multiple versions of a line might be interesting, if only to compare how different translations can be.

    Regional/dialect issues also suggest it is good to give the user more choices.

    The preference filter suggested above would also help, but should default to any-available --- that's the goal after all.

  6. However I do not agree with him going against the free competition. He can do TL for money, but he has no right to tell people to stop doing it for free. If I volunteer to go helping old people for free, I don't expect people that work in the care system to get mad because they get paid for it.
    This has a parallel in the software industry, with the open-source movement. There are many companies that pay for jobs working on open-source software, and they still make a profit from it. They have realised that the old business models do not benefit the consumer nor the producer, and changed to providing the software for free and charging for support, i.e. moving to services instead of product.
  7. Hackers usually do not actually translate. It's a work for translators. So, their 'times' are not overlapping. And if hacker has good skill, not much time required for him. Well, in compariosion with.

    Time and effort for good human translation >>>> edited machine translation. And if most of readers even cannot see difference between them, or not care (just give me any translation, they say, good translation can up fun from reading, but i'm fine with anything readable, they say), that's... frustrating. And leads to great loss of interest to translations.

    It should be kept in mind that in the end it is the consumers who decide, and giving them what they want is going to be the way to grow. Expending effort to go beyond that can seem frustrating but that's the reality of it. Machine translation vs human translation has always been controversial because human translators fear of being replaced by a machine. Although that is not going to happen soon, they will still fight against it because systems are constantly improving. Hybrid approaches are likely to become commonplace in the near future, so translators should learn to work with and improve the technology rather than fight against it. Currently, HT has the accuracy advantage but are at huge disadvantage (several orders of magnitude) with speed, MT has a huge speed advantage and accuracy disadvantage. There does not seem to be much interest in making human translator faster (is that even possible?), but much research happens for improving MT accuracy. That's why they should work together to improve both. Overall it is about value; as a consumer, what is the balance between accuracy and speed that you want? Going forward I expect we will see this tradeoff diminish.
  8. Not using the font may lead to issues later on as that is not a configuration we tested and support. In other words, if it works then great; if it doesn't, then it's not unexpected either. The MiscFixedSC613 font name is embedded in the engine and that is what it looks for; if it can't find that font then it will fallback to some system-determined font that depends on what fonts you have installed, and clearly we cannot test with all configurations of fonts available on user's system. The reason for the custom font is to allow readability at the size that was needed to fit all the text.

    In your favour, the majority of crashes caused by not having the right font has happened very early in the game, so 2 hours through may have passed that point, but it's not a guarantee. Proceed at your own risk, save early and often.

    Regarding accuracy this definitely is nowhere near perfect. It was the translator's first time. You may find the quality decreases for a little while because at some point he was competing with another translation attempt so some parts were rushed, but should increase after that toward the end.

  9. The div.bbc_spoiler selector is empty. It looks like this

    div.bbc_spoiler { width: 100%; }

    should work.

    (Someone with the right privileges needs to edit the right CSS files; meanwhile if you know how to use userstyles you can fix it in your browser with that.)

  10. This is not 4chan. Please use the quote function.

    Like I said' date=' it's a poorly edited machine translated script dump (which answers your question). [/quote']That's not what you said, that's what Ixrec said. You can find his original post if you Google some of the text, and you have conveniently left out this sentence:

    which is definitely not true.

    As the translator specifically requested a spelling check, we are quite confident that there remains very little if any spelling errors in the text.

    The amount of misinformation floating out there about this release is huge, and comes from "the old culture".

    Let's keep Fuwanovel neighbourly. :)

  11. We'll be migrating to visualnovelaer.com, and the issue was that the blog started getting a LOT of traffic and thus attracted the attention of moderators. To my knowledge, this wasn't an act of ill-will or reporting, but internal wordpress TOS-checking.

    If true, then that would be cause for celebration and not despair.

    Aaeru has made significant progress in spreading the word about VNs, and this is just one of the small growing pains part of that process.

    Getting that attention from the opposition means success, not failure.

    Thus this is a recognition of the first major step, and a signal to prepare for what lies ahead.

    Look towards the future and congratulate yourself!

    Well done, Aaeru. :)

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