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Lucky Bucket

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Everything posted by Lucky Bucket

  1. 3 out of 4 voices tell me to go to bed, the other one wonders if penguins have knees.

  2. True, although I'd rather wish it wouldn't (Bills) Next person has an uncommon hobby
  3. White album 2 what? False hadn't even heard of it. Next person loves Yanderes
  4. Personally I think the original wasn't bad at all, I just hated that Chris (One of my two favourites of the original game) didn't get an after story untill S.But besides that I really enjoyed it
  5. I think the anime is okay, but the manga is more fun, I have the same feelings with D-frag
  6. True, I have arachnophobia. Next person loves insects
  7. Have fun, I think by the time you finish (Since I usually read 3-4 pages at the time and then take a break) there will be atleast 2 more pages
  8. True, for I am a shinigami. Next person is on the border line to a different realm
  9. False, I can eat during work! (Hi I'm joining in, sorry if this has been done already) Next person is a dance maniac.
  10. I advice you to read it, and if you like it you should try the sequel: Majikoi S, the original heroines aren't translated but there are some new heroines (I think 5 routes correct me if I'm wrong) that have been translated. Also the third game Majikoi A-1 has Yukie's sister Sayaka translated. Hope you have fun reading
  11. I can't actually read it, but I can somewhat understand what they're saying, and I've tried reading it with VNR and from what I can understand from there it's a nice route (Talking about Majikoi A-1), but I enjoy benkei even off-route
  12. Kazuko and chris from the original gang, personally I like benkei and yoshitsune the most
  13. I think you misunderstood the post the guys translating it now (as far as I know) are still working on it, but they switched between what route would be finished first
  14. Girls these days give each other the emptiest compliments. "Aw babe you're just omg like I can't." The fuck does that even mean?

  15. I can't read japanese, and I've read basically all english novels that I was interested in z_z
  16. People need to go Off-topic (even more) because I'm running out of things to read (that I actually enjoy) z_z
  17. Sounds about right, 4 grinding ones and the final one with a level 70 boss, it gives an amazing amount of exp but if you kill it it's gone until you start a new play through
  18. Well, your shop will start running better I believe after chapter 3-4 (Been a while since I played), but yes it's better with someone from your party to use as a clerk, personally I used Sharty because I don't really like using her in combat
  19. Just finished the first playthrough (I chose Yuela) of Kamidori Alchemy Meister (Or rather Kamidori Dungeon Meister) sure took time. but it's a lot of fun to play ^^
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