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Everything posted by AqworldThunder

  1. I'd have a really strong douchebag type character (Like Rance for example) running around raping lolis. The story would be him pretty much running from the government as he rapes every loli alive, I dunno why but that seems like it would be so damn entertaining to play. The soundtrack would be full of compositions by Yuki Kajiura and Joe Hisashi. It would have a story that takes over 5000+ hours to beat with like a hundred good endings and one bad ending in which the protagonist figures out he rapes all the lolis and killed himself.
  2. I've almost finished Katawa Shoujo, I took Lily's route last and she's definitely the best heroine in the VN. Only Rin left and then I'll get 100%. I'm planning on playing Hoshizora no Memoria next
  3. Saya's Song You can beat it in a couple hours and it's really good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPdgMs5yY-Y
  4. Image fail. A gatling gun though? It looks cool but I prefer pistols.
  5. I only recently got into osu in Decemeber when I got my rig so I'm kinda noobish atm. I recently finished a A7X marathon so I'm pretty proud of that. http://osu.ppy.sh/u/3239567
  6. Natsume's Book of Friends (second season) it was overall ok but the opening was damn awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suLGzcL9eNs As for my favorite OP/EN? Favorite opening http://vimeo.com/84852695 Favorite ending http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeA9-6fqs6Y
  7. Can't get more badass than Yujiro! Fists and swords are the best, though it would be scary if a heroine was on Yujiro's level...
  8. I prefer them, they're not necessary however.
  9. So I played a good bit, I conquered Hanako in about 4 hours. The H-scenes are surprisingly short. I'm planning on going after Lilly or Rin next.
  10. I downloaded Katawa Shoujo so I'll play it later today. I'll disable the H-scenes and put my tablet on the lowest setting possible for brightness and I'll manage
  11. That's a shame. I guess I'll play Katawa Shoujo because it looks pretty interesting. I'm playing on my tablet in public... how many H-scenes are there?
  12. I'm looking for a good story with no H-scenes and it needs to be 1.5GB or less. I would prefer 3+ heroines but I can do with 1.
  13. I'll check those out, I might play Hoshimemo if I liked those other 3 a lot. Thanks a lot for the recs
  14. I've just recently started playing visual novels, so I've only played 3 so far. I'd like a visual novel that you can beat 10 ~ 20 hours and have loli with H-content. Tragedy and other sci-fi related elements are a plus. Here's my list - http://vndb.org/u60926/list
  15. 1. Gintama 2. When They Cry 3. Serial Experiments Lain 4. Hunter x Hunter 5. Scryed 6. Steins; Gate 7. Madoka Magica 8. Hell Girl 9. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann 10. Monogatari Series: Second Season
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