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Cheeki Breekiv1.1

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Cheeki Breekiv1.1 last won the day on June 4

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  1. Kids which are girls scare me also patch for text will be done in like 2 days
  2. nope still alive pls click link if you want note the patch is for the original release of muv luv alt fable
  3. Patch will be done in like 9 to 10 days the only routes im not touching is miki and kasumi
  4. patch will be done in like 16 days. currently going to waste my life at anime convention for the next 4 days and wasting my time playing war thunder yuuhi route done so is class rep currently working on mikoto then its fully done i'd touch the Miki and Kasumi route but I find that scary for my online record I might translate the small bits but none of the Erotic stuff gonna start supplement afterwards which will take longer since i dont exactly have a base to work off of it yet but I will finish it. wish i had a patron so i could drain peoples money via the month like one of those crappy renpy Ero game devs
  5. Ive made a dumb automation script with gpt yes i know machine is doo doo Man is best when it comes to translation but their is strength in metal also im using translated text from gpt waving through its garbage and reading/comparing the JP text and then fixing any issues its total doo doo but should work
  6. on vndb there are unofficial patches for chinese. Go look at what the chinese did and have a addon to translate everything you read on the webpage as you read and maybe you might find what your looking for also use the wayback machine if the links are dead
  7. Also how do i upload profile pics without broken images or blobs of blue/pink/green pixals
  8. Marimo and Yuuhi routes done partial now its time for Class rep and Mikoto then after that im starting supplement or i might do miki's route aint sure yet. and once supplements done Schwarzesmarken
  9. I think im getting ahead of myself but i have a dumb idea for muv luv supplement and thats extracting the text from the remake shoving it into a txt folder format it so its in lines in a txt folder via either a java or python program then put it into the 2004 or was it 2003 release of muv luv supplement gut any text thats not supposed to be in there and hope it works then edit any issues which should save me a shit ton of time and then i translate whats left over to do. and if i cant figure out how the texts work imma take the lazy sack route and just type the remakes translation line by line into the 2000 release cause im a loser who doesn't want to read moon runes and translate it until it comes to what i want. and then when it comes to Schwarzesmarken I gotta translate it myself
  10. it had translated images in the plugin file im just trying to figure out how the hell can i shove em back in
  11. Got RioX working just had to beat my windows operating system to death in order to be logically set to Jap Locale and now RioX works. I Shall now insert images and maybe make shitposts out of extracted images. if i can figure out how of course.
  12. Nope nothing at all but im trying to get into contact with the guy who was originally working on the patch and asking for a few pointers. Also Riox seems off to me but whatever. Also apparently it only extracts things not inserts and i don't have any tools that can insert images or replace images and im not sure were i can find em but only time will tell till then i shall work with text at least i got that working.
  13. When im done suffering with Muv luv supplement and altered fable then yes maybe one day either as a solo project or with some other fellas or if i get my hands on the Russian translation teams copy put it through Mtl instead of translating Russian moon runes to english then that too
  14. I have no clue how to fix the Error source not found bug when trying to open rio files but i did find it https://web.archive.org/web/20220901000000*/http://riox.thisillusion.org/
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