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Posts posted by loam

  1. On 5/26/2022 at 6:27 PM, loam said:

    I'm releasing a NekoNyanDatTool update (previously known as AokanaDatTool, but renamed because several games now use this engine).

    It can now (un)pack Parquet (Mobile/Unity) and Senren Banka Switch/Unity files. Both games use the "aokana_switch" format; I've added aliases for those for ease of use, "parquet_mobile" and "senren_switch" respectively.

    The reason it couldn't before was because the tool tried to decode the file names as ASCII, but Parquet Mobile and Senren Banka Switch have UTF-8 paths (due to japanese filenames). This has been fixed.

    Binary: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0cw55ccjp2c77cn/NekoNyanDatTool.exe/file

    Source: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3cdhkgijn56t4tn/NekoNyanDatTool_26052022.7z/file

    Man, the bs5 is so clean compared to whatever mess this psb shit is, fucking M2 Cheeseware... I guess I'll be busy trying to port scenes to the Switch. Also I wonder why they had to bundle in e-mote for the relatively basic subset Senren uses...

    Hi there. I just want to give a heads up regarding support of the Steam release of Clover Day's Plus:

    It's the same engine as previous NekoNyan ports.
    The encryption mechanism is the same as the one in Aokana/Senren Banka Switch, Parquet Android.
    You'll be able to unpack the .dat files by passing "portable" to the format argument of the tool, for example:

    NekoNyanDatTool.exe --input "C:\Install Folder\Clover Days Plus_Data\StreamingAssets\adult.dat" --output outputFolder --unpack --format portable

    (Beginning of rant)
    Once again the assets are needlessly encrypted, killing any compression opportunities for the download size and making Steam waste its time trying to compress what's there to the benefit of absolutely no one and detriment of everyone. But at least it's the same stupid system so you guys can use keep using the same tool.

    Also using il2cpp for the very needed maximum performance on a glorified image viewer with overlay text, where all of the code that had a chance of putting a load on the CPU (namely Emote) would have already been on native libraries anyways, with the usual Unity bloat that will make even the biggest CPU caches scream and run in fear, which no native compiler will ever fix. I hope next time they exclude the Augmented Reality, Web Cam, and Android modules from the Windows build of a Visual Novel (and this is assuming that Unity provides that capability, you'd assume considering how widely used the engine is... I'd be slightly surprised and disappointed if that's not a thing EDIT: okay it is a feature: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-ui-disable.html).

    I pray that they don't change the "encryption" format, not because it'll be hard, it'll just be even more bothersome because of native code shenanigans, which is just a waste of everyone's time.

  2. Hey there's, it's been a while. I didn't even knew there was an update for the game already! Seems I missed it for a little beat over a year... sorry for that! The patch already contains fixes to the script from PC that were not yet released on Switch, and I think the fixes are very minor, so if you really want to play, I'm sure the base version (or an update that released when this patch released - I'm not sure anymore!) should work.

    I've retired from Switch homebrew (Steam Deck replaced all of its homebrew use so I lost interested), and because of this the project is very buried and archived under my hard drive, but I still have the tools so I can probably come up with something next month, no guarantees though.

    Some asked me (through other social media) if something could be done for a Senren Banka R18 Switch Patch, which runs on the same engine. I tried researching to this, but it's incredibly difficult to pull off because the original source of the scripts was compiled to an M2 middleware format (that I can only describe as a rather needlessly complicated hot mess of garbage). As a result, macros got expanded into single operations for the original engine. On the Switch, these macros were implemented on the engine itself and converted variants are to be seen on the converted source that this engine uses. To do a Switch patch requires a workload multiple times bigger than what the Aokana patches took.

    On 2/8/2022 at 1:39 AM, Seleiya said:

    i accidentally saw this post almost two years past also does the extra1 include in this switch version not that i expect an reply hahahah, just wanna say my regards thanks

    In theory it's possible and I already tested this over a year ago, but distributing a simple drag and drop for EXTRA 1 would be piracy. I could make a patcher or something but eh...


    On 2/7/2021 at 10:09 AM, Grayscale said:

    Would it be possible to get the source code somehow? 

    Sorry for the horrible delay. In case you're still interested:


  3. I'm releasing a NekoNyanDatTool update (previously known as AokanaDatTool, but renamed because several games now use this engine).

    It can now (un)pack Parquet (Mobile/Unity) and Senren Banka Switch/Unity files. Both games use the "aokana_switch" format; I've added aliases for those for ease of use, "parquet_mobile" and "senren_switch" respectively.

    The reason it couldn't before was because the tool tried to decode the file names as ASCII, but Parquet Mobile and Senren Banka Switch have UTF-8 paths (due to japanese filenames). This has been fixed.

    Binary: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0cw55ccjp2c77cn/NekoNyanDatTool.exe/file

    Source: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3cdhkgijn56t4tn/NekoNyanDatTool_26052022.7z/file

    Man, the bs5 is so clean compared to whatever mess this psb shit is, fucking M2 Cheeseware... I guess I'll be busy trying to port scenes to the Switch. Also I wonder why they had to bundle in e-mote for the relatively basic subset Senren uses...

  4. I've updated the Linux patch for AokanaEXTRA1 to include the patches from the official 1.01 update, which fixes some small bugs - official note:


    The Linux patch is to be installed after installing the official 1.01 patch, either automatically by Steam (make sure you don't have any pending updates) or by using the installer they provide (to avoid going through Wine, the installer can be manually opened with tools that can open NSIS installers, for example 7-Zip, then it's just drag and dropping into the game's root directory). If it works correctly, you should see "1.01" or "1.01 (Steam)" while running on Linux.

    Other than that, installation instructions are unchanged.

    New download link (link in main post has been updated as well - you don't need to download the older patch for this one to work): http://www.mediafire.com/file/5qkd4az69yytqe0/AokanaExtra1LinuxPatch_1.01.zip/file


    On 11/13/2020 at 3:29 AM, garha said:

    Legit made an account just to say thank you so much for making this patch! I picked up the Switch version and I was really hoping there was something like this. I'm curious though, do you know how hard it would be for someone with programming experience to make something similar for another VN, say Grisaia?

    The difficulty would depend on the engine and its file formats. I've never peeked into other VN engines, I'll admit I'm kinda of a newbie around stuff used in VNs, but small reverse engineering experience as well as experience with the Switch's inner workings and homebrew resources did help a bit in the case of this patch. It was also very easy to reverse engineer the main executable, because of Unity/C#. Other VNs can be harder, specially if it's an uncommonly used engine (less tooling & resources around) and/or contains console-specific changes to the executable and/or file formats (more time spent disassembling). Like I said before, I don't want to make any promises, but I might be looking into other VNs in the future, starting with the ones people have asked me about.

  5. 14 hours ago, iGSfYMkbtk said:

    I tested the program and found a problem about "repack" part of this tool:
    The output *.dat file seems not be accepted at all or loaded correctly by Windows-Steam version of both Aokana and Extra 1!
    The CGs (or even maybe sounds and scripts too?) inside repacked part of the game shows up as gray screen,
    Even without modifying anything and then just straight up pack them back immediately!

    Proven by unpack all of the 12 unpackable *.dat files in "AokanaEXTRA1_Data" from Windows-Steam Extra 1,
    then pack them back with this tool, replace the original *.dats,
    then the game won't even start the startup sequence after launch the game...(whole screen just went black.)
    Commandline used: "AokanaDatTool.exe" --pack --input "unpacked_root_folder" --output "repacked.dat"

    I also tested to unpack the repacked *.dat from this tool back to a different folder,
    then compares with the unpacked file hashes from the original *.dat, and nothings different...
    Then i tested another known working script from GitHub:
    Use that to unpack the original games *.dat to another folder again,
    compares with the result from this tool but again... All of the files hashes are the same...
    So the "unpack" part of this tool is ok.

    (BTW, the unpacking speed of this tool is significantly faster than that script from GitHub mentioned above!
    Great job man! Sorry for my bad english...)

    Hey, thanks for reporting this. The bug was caused because the paths were being written with a trailing \ into the .dat file when packing them, because my code is removing the base path without considering that and just removing what you give it in the --input. If you use --input "unpacked_root_folder\" with the broken version, you will notice it will work properly. I used this tool like that while making the Switch +18 patch. This is clearly not the intended behavior, so I've fixed it:

    Updated download links:

    Binary: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0zgkf38g3dswoy6/AokanaDatTool.zip/file

    Source: http://www.mediafire.com/file/51oelx9qq91gh6s/AokanaDatToolSrc.zip/file

    Thanks for letting me know!

    PS: I didn't knew a python script existed out there already, but it's clear there wasn't an attempt to understand what the code actually did. I tried to make the code as clear as possible with meaningful variable/function names so I hope somebody finds that useful.

  6. I heard that some were having trouble extracting .dat files that come with Aokana and AokanaEXTRA1, despite it apparently being based on another known format from what I've heard.

    Here's a tool that allows you to both unpack .dat files to folders and folders back to .dat files that will work with the game if you decide to modify its contents. It supports both the PC and Switch formats. Early versions of this tool were used to make the Aokana +18 patch for the switch, which consisted in simply unpacking the PC +18 files and pack them into the Switch's version format.

    Binary: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0zgkf38g3dswoy6/AokanaDatTool.zip/file

    Source code (C#, .NET Core): http://www.mediafire.com/file/51oelx9qq91gh6s/AokanaDatToolSrc.zip/file

  7. The patch is done! Only minor C# script patches were needed, it was just a matter of carrying over what I did in the original game to EXTRA1, so nothing interesting to tell. I'll try to edit the main post to make it look cleaner when I have time. In the meantime there's good instructions on the README file that allow you to even run it under Steam on Linux with full integration working.

    NOTE: The Linux patch is to be installed after installing the official 1.01 patch (which was released some days after the game's release), either automatically by Steam (make sure you don't have any pending updates), or if using a non-steam version, by using the installer they provide here (click here) (to avoid going through Wine, the installer can be manually opened with tools that can open NSIS installers, for example 7-Zip, then it's just drag and dropping into the game's root directory). If it works correctly, you should see "1.01" or "1.01 (Steam)" while running on Linux.

    Base patch: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5qkd4az69yytqe0/AokanaExtra1LinuxPatch_1.01.zip/file

    English videos (these play when you play the game on English/Japanese - not needed if you will play in chinese): http://www.mediafire.com/file/5h53tkbjz7wwatk/AokanaExtra1VideoFilesEN.zip/file

  8. 4 hours ago, binaryfail said:

    Engine dev here. Extra1 isn't using opus at all, so the mem leak shouldn't be a problem this time around. (It was used on Aokana's Kickstarter physical release and Switch port though, so a small patch wouldn't hurt if needed.)

    Oops, that's what I get for not really checking the audio files in the .dat files... thanks for the hint. I'll just reuse what I did for the previous patch then.

    I get why you would use opus on the Switch, since it has a hardware accelerated decoder for opus. I had to use this for a port of an old game, it had performance issues with the original mp3 files, while wav was ok but wasted too much space, so hw accelerated opus was the perfect solution.

    The game is now running on Linux, and now including a little guide to have full Steam support, something I couldn't really test because I didn't own the Steam version. Some trickery had to be made because Steam was very stubborn and refused to install and launch the game on Linux, or didn't acknowledge instances of the game launched outside of steam. I'll be uploading files shortly and reworking the post since it's become a little bit disorganized with multiple patches/mods in one single post.

    Some screenshots:




    I noticed that curiously the chinese videos are now encoded in vp8/vorbis, just like I did for the previous patch. No need for additional downloads for chinese users then. I can only speculate it was because of the good file size gains and little to no quality loss like I also noticed.

  9. Poking at my freshly bought copy Aokana EXTRA1 copy, it now includes a native ogg/opus decoder alongside the .NET-based ogg/vorbis decoder. Asset system is the same as the original Aokana PC version.

    While reversing it, I found what seems to be a small memory leak with it: the opus file and pcm buffers do get freed, but the library's own pointer does not get freed (the one where the opus file and buffer pointers are stored)!

    The source code would resemble something like this - if you notice, "decptr" never gets freed. Might be good if someone informs the engine dev at Discord about this, although it's rather small and never becomes a problem (32bytes * 3718 voice lines = approximately 0,12mb leaked when reading all voice lines - seems to allocate multiplying by the ogg channel amount, not sure why, so it might be up to 0,24mb or so):



    If there's no weird shenanigans with the new stuff, I should be able to finish this in a couple of hours (reinstalled pc so I have to setup dev environment for Linux again).

  10. On 10/6/2020 at 9:37 PM, leycec said:

    In homage to loam's profound contributions to humanity at large, @leycec Productions presents... Lutris-based Linux installers!

    My GitHub repository currently hosts experimental Lutris installers for loam's awe-inspiring native Linux port of the official NekoNyan, JAST, and Steam releases for Aokana – including a supplementary installer for the Steam release optionally installing the free-as-in-beer Perfect Edition+ R18 DLC.

    What's most needed from the Linux visual community now is testing. Please help us get a better idea of the state of these installers by submitting a new issue documenting your installation experience. Installers verified as working will be published to the Lutris page for Aokana. Until verified, these installers will only be available from this repository.

    Since the initial "AokanaLinuxPatch.zip" archive is both unversioned and inaccessible from automated Lutris installer scripts, I've also taken the liberty of hosting that zipfile at this repository as a GitHub Release named "aokana-linux_0.0.1.zip". If that displeases you greatly, loam, just let me know and I'll make everything right again.

    Also, would you like to be added as a repository maintainer? I'd be delighted to give you push access. If you're not already hosting your Unity changeset somewhere, this could be the perfect place. If you are already hosting those changes somewhere, just let me know the URL and I'll link to you straight away.

    Thanks for all the hard-working volunteerism! You have my vote for the next NekoNyan engineering hire. 😌

    Thanks for all the hard work! I don't have much time to maintain stuff like that, but it's amazing that someone picked up what I did and made it a simple one click install for Lutris users.

    I'm not keeping track of the changes in the Unity assembly, just edited the binaries in dnSpy and wrote all the custom Linux code there (on second thought, I probably should... it'll be for the next time then). I haven't created a GitHub account for all this stuff, but I probably will when I find the time to make one and upload the sources there. Feel free to redistribute it wherever you want, the version number is fine too.

    PD: I was going to post a pastebin including the libaokanaproc.so source now since it was very basic, but I lost the source while reinstalling my PC! It's very basic though, basically just libwebp and a specific function exported. I'll also upload the source of the tool I wrote for the Switch patch, an (un)packer for the .dat files, when I take care of setting up github stuff.

  11. 7 hours ago, Kalkal said:

    Thanks dude its a great work ! Switch it's pretty cool because instand of PC you can play anywhere easly.

    Are the H-Scene only available on replay gallery or you can actually see thoses during story ?

    Someone know if there is any other R18 patch for switch games ?


    H-Scenes are part of the story, just like the PC version. The only exception is one additional Misaki H-Scene that gets unlocked after finishing her route.

  12. 8 hours ago, Windy3252 said:

    I was using docked mode. Thank you.

    I figured. The issue was that the PC targets 1440p, while the switch version targets 1080p, and scale textures accordingly on the screen. The packed hi-res assets as such were made with 1440p in mind for PC and 1080p for the switch. Using the 1440p assets on the switch caused stuff to scale incorrectly on the switch. I've resized all hi-res assets to 75% of their original sizes (1440 * 0.75 = 1080) so now they'll scale properly. The patch is also now smaller because of that (~52mb smaller).

    I've updated the main post with more screenshots and the new download link.

    New download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/yf86ywni65n6ki8/file

    Thanks for reporting!

  13. Hello, I've finished the Aokana for Linux patch:

    This patch allows Aokana to run on Linux natively, without any compatibility software like Wine/Proton/etc. This eliminates most of the bugs related to these compatibility solutions and I guess it removes the overhead of such a compatibility layer if this was of any concern to you.

    Videos had to be transcoded to webm (vp8/vorbis), because Linux can't play the already-present mp4 videos. The file sizes are very similar for English videos (~16mb bigger) and I didn't notice any visual deterioration. The Chinese videos on the other hand are around ~100MB smaller. You'll have to download them again for videos to work on Linux; the patch will take care of loading these instead. I uploaded these as separate downloads so people don't have to download videos for a language they might not speak. When using Japanese, the English videos are loaded instead (don't worry, the subtitles for the videos between chapters are saved somewhere else except for the opening - it's the same on the normal release)

    About Steam Integration: I couldn't test it myself, but I provided the Linux equivalent of the library that the game tries to use for Steam, so it should work. Feedback about this would be appreciated.

    The patch works on Windows too, in case you switch frequently between Windows and Linux. The patch will run the original windows code and will not suffer from the differences Linux has.

    I also took the liberty to add a small extra feature: If you run the game with the Continue.bat/Continue.sh files on Windows or Linux respectively (or pass --continue as a command line arg, which is what these files do internally), it loads a special save file (a save not present on the load/save menu that gets saved everytime you exit the game; this save on exit functionality was already done by NekoNyan, but not used anywhere) immediately after starting the game, skipping the intro logos/movie and placing you right back where you were last time you played. No Title, no Main Menu. You should be able to try this out even if you've never used the patch before because of what was mentioned before.

    Unfortunately it has a few but subtle/minor differences from the Windows version (explained why on the rundown further below):

    • Save thumbnail uses Unity-provided bilinear filtering (like the Switch version), which provides inferior quality compared to Windows' bicubic filtering.
    • Importing a background or saving an image using the Sprite Viewer won't work because Windows specific dialogs were used and no alternative was coded into this patch (at least for now).
    • Letterboxing (black bars on sides/bottom) will be present if you resize the window manually and it doesn't match the game's aspect ratio, unlike the Windows version which corrects itself.
    • The game's sound won't be paused when minimized, unlike the Windows version.
    • Apparently the game tries to set the cursor on Windows for things like prompts and the gallery. Even with the original windows game, I never saw this behaviour even though it should've worked (no idea why). In any case, this wasn't ported to Linux.

    Main patch: http://www.mediafire.com/file/k02f4pb0ovxckn7/file

    REMEMBER: Download the Linux-compatible videos for your language!
    English videos (also used when the game is set to Japanese): http://www.mediafire.com/file/bhm65i1h9tx68yv/file
    Simplified Chinese videos: http://www.mediafire.com/file/s3rai72u2je60t1/file
    Traditional Chinese videos: http://www.mediafire.com/file/fsisjaibh73wc8v/file


    Screenshots: (SFW)






    Boring technical rundown:



    This was relatively "easy" to do because of the fact that this VN in particular is using a custom in-house engine based on Unity, made by NekoNyan. It's written in C# (Unity's scripting API is mainly in C# for those that may not know) and it's highly portable since all the Platform specific stuff is either handled by Unity already or isolated and easy to change. UI and other stuff are loaded from files inside a custom format (which also includes the scripts), which means effort has been put into making this a repurpose-able engine for future projects (they have a few projects announced to be on their new engine as well). Porting it to Linux wasn't a walk in the park as all this would suggest though:

    Fortunately, Aokana was built with Vulkan support (I've heard it solves some issues and runs faster for some). This is nice as no effort has to be done into porting DirectX shaders to Vulkan/OpenGL manually; some custom shaders are being used for some effects and since it gets built into a DirectX specific format by Unity when building, it would've required redoing those for Vulkan. Linux defaults to Vulkan for running the game as a result. OpenGL wasn't included on their build.

    The script itself had to receive some changes to actually run on Linux. On the original Windows version, because Unity doesn't provide some stuff to manipulate the window freely, some stuff had to be done using the Windows API. On Linux, X11 (the most common window system) has a rather old and cumbersome API. Most use desktop environments which implement X11, but others might use Wayland, or who knows what. In theory they should also have a working X11 compatibility layer, but in practice this doesn't always work and tends to break. Anyways, I could've make the extra effort to port functionality but since it's just a couple of small features for an unofficial port I just didn't think it was worth the effort for now. This is the reason why minimizing detection, cursor moving made by the game and window size correction are missing in Linux. As for the file browser for saving images and importing backgrounds for the sprite viewer, it also used a Windows specific dialog. Like before, and being a kinda niche feature, I didn't implement a new cross-platform dialog for it, so it will not work at all, sorry if you were planning to use this.

    One rather unexpected hurdle to go through was the usage of a custom native windows library called aokanaproc.dll, which took care of the resizing code and webp support: webp (an image format, a very good one) is used for almost every texture of the game. Because Unity doesn't support it, it had to be implemented in their custom native code. As a result I had to download and build a compatible library, libaokanaproc.so, which will do what aokanaproc.dll did on Windows, but on Linux (sans window resizing code).

    As for the videos, it was very simple: mp4 not supported in Linux, so it needs another format, and between ogv and webm, webm seemed more favorable, so I went with webm (vp8 for video, vorbis for sound).

    The save thumbnail quality issue: Windows specific code was being used (System.Drawing, which isn't officially supported by Unity but can be used nonetheless), which provided Bicubic filtering when downscaling the texture for the thumbnails. Unity doesn't provide a straightforward method for resizing textures, so some tinkering with textures in the code had to be done, and the best I could get was bilinear filtering which is provided by Unity. I believe the Switch version uses this since the quality is very similar, so I decided to leave it like that.


    Overall this was fun to do, Unity is a very good engine when used the right way.

    Any feedback is appreciated, and if the game gets updated I'll try to port any script changes to Linux again too.

    I hope anyone that ends up using it enjoys it!

  14. On 9/10/2020 at 1:59 PM, Windy3252 said:

    I discovered this graphical issue. Do you think there is any way it can be fixed? I am concerned that I will continue to see stuff like this as I progress. Please see the attached image. Also I have a patched switch so a mod chip is the only way I can get CFW. No need for pity sir I enjoy SX OS. Thank you.

    Image: https://imgur.com/a/TNACj1r

    Hello, sorry for the late response, as well as for the graphical issue. I could swear I tested this scene though, but I didn't test docked mode, are you using it? I'll look into this in these days.

  15. I've been working on a patch to make it run on Linux natively (i.e. without Wine, an actual Linux executable) with the Linux build of UnityPlayer + patches to the code.

    Images below (no actual spoilers, just to prevent from cluttering the post)





    It works great so far, fixes some issues Wine apparently had (missing text on some parts), but it still has a couple of issues (no mp4 player on linux -> op/ed and chapter videos refuse to play so they have to be transcoded + some platform specific stuff stubbed for sake of testing) that need to be fixed before releasing this. Since it's Unity based and most of the code was platform independent, it was fairly easy (except for aokanaproc.dll for which I had to build a Linux replacement libaokanaproc.so for webp decoding, + savefile thumbnails refused to load because a raw texture was being converted to jpg using System.Drawing which only works on Windows officially, had to replace that with a Unity built-in one-liner texture2D.EncodeToJPG(), dunno why that other thing was being used). Expect a release in the following days!

  16. On 9/2/2020 at 10:24 PM, Windy3252 said:

    Does this work with SX OS please?

    I think it should, but you'll have to change the folder structure of the zip apparently. Try this:

    • Go to the "sxos" folder on the root of your sdcard, if it doesn't exist create it
    • Go to the "titles" folder inside the "sxos" folder. If it doesn't exist, create it
    • Open the Zip file and find the "0100990011866000" folder inside "atmosphere/contents" and drag it into the titles folder

    The "0100990011866000" folder should be now inside the "titles" folder which is inside the "sxos" folder on the root of your sdcard (so the folder structure should be "sxos/titles/0100990011866000/[patch contents]"

    Let me know if it works for you!

    SX-OS is just an overrated and priced fork/clone of atmosphere which is free, I wouldn't use it but some must because of the mod chip I guess, I pity you if that's the case.

  17. On 8/30/2020 at 7:41 AM, Anixia said:

    whoa , this is really brilliant , i am wondering if someone out there can make patch from pc to switch and you really made it , I really appreciate what you've done , thanks !

    oh and i have question , can you make something like this to other vn too? maybe like if my heart had wings , grisaia or maitetsu . i know how to make the folder and the path , but is that all you just do? i know all about how this patch using LayeredFS to make it work and actually i just tried using nekonyan patch to my switch before but it didnt work lol , turns out that you can make something like this out of boredom is really cool . so yeah , can you apply pc patch to other switch game ? and all you just had to do is make the folder and correcting the path to make it works ?

    To be honest, it really was helpful that the engine was written in C#/Unity, it made the stuff a lot easier since you can navigate through decompiled source easily (i hope this doesn't change lol). Usually I only reverse engineer stuff because of necessity (i run a server for an closed source mp mod for a game, also closed source). As for other vns, it might be harder since some (like maitetsu) use custom stuff like e-mote, and unlike Unity, I'm not very knowledgeable in KiriKiri stuff. That said, no promises, but I might take a peek into maitetsu since that one would be actually one that I haven't still played and looking forward to in some future.

    In general, the difficulty depends on how the port was made, if the assets packaging is different (different formats or just different storage code with no apparent reason like here), and in that case, how difficult could it be to have to repack the assets.

  18. Hello, thanks for the feedback you all. I know playing an eroge with sex scenes on the switch isn't very popular (lmao) but I appreciate nonetheless the appreciation you've shown. I want to address a few comments I've seen:

    I've seen people on Discord concerned about nintendo finding out about the unused voice clips. Nintendo mainly doesn't care about some horny voice lines that haven't been used, and they only review the game itself, it's not like they'll dive into the game files or anything (they probably don't even have the time to unpack the files format and etc.). Somebody referenced the gta sa hot coffee situation but still, it's only audio, no explicit pictures or anything. Not even their staff seemed to care (i know some of them are already aware through discord, greetings to all the people from there :) ). The content you have to restore is still a big amount and any single thing about modding is something nintendo doesn't care. Just way too many hoops to jump off through to get hentai on the switch (Which in theory is already achievable without modding by using a dns trick to trick the switch into opening a browser for "authenticating"). I might have made it sound like if it were a big amount of waste but the voice files are pretty well compressed so it's a trivial amount.

    About this patch itself, well, it was just something I did out of boredom, like a challenge to see how hard would it be (being myself a small-time developer with little experience in modding actual games alone by myself), I'm not expecting anyone to actually play it but it seemed to me the right thing was to release it for anybody that might find this useful. Besides, in theory, you can also download the adult patch for free without even actually owning the game, so there's that.

    About the takedown part, this is a niche market, nintendo usually only care about first party IP. Some people probably already downloaded it so it won't be "effective", and if the download gets taken down, I'll get the memo and just disappear so ninty doesn't try to come after me lol. I rarely make such online releases so I like to see people appreciate it, it keeps me motivated to do similar stuff :)

  19. November 2021 message (I don't want to bump the thread):

    Hey there, it's been a while. I came back and just read messages from october last year, lol.

    There's been updates to the game but they've been somewhat trivial afaik, so I don't think it merits setting up again my whole setup for the project.

    Also, I think I have spotted at least one instance of someone attributing the patch to someone called "trigger_segfault". I don't think this was done in bad faith or anything, probably the result of some innocent confusion, but I want to clarify that only me, "loam", made the patches here. In the scope of these projects, I don't go by any other names on social media.

    That is all. Download numbers are low, but I hope someone out there enjoyed the patches. Thanks!

    Linux port comment here: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/23163-ao-no-kanata-no-four-rythm-linux-port-18-patch-for-nintendo-switch/?tab=comments#comment-522629

    Aokana - EXTRA1 Linux Port: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/23163-linux-port-now-released-ao-no-kanata-no-four-rythm-linux-port-18-patch-for-nintendo-switch/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-523833

    Switch patch:

    Hello, I made this patch some days ago out of pure boredom just to see if my hacked switch with Aokana installed on it would be able to handle R18 assets and I thought about releasing for other people who still haven't played the game and would like to on their hacked switch, but uncut, since otherwise it would be forever stuck for no reason on my hard drive as I already completed the game on PC.

    Keep in mind this only works with a Hacked Switch with Atmosphere. If you want to see if you can hack your switch follow this guide: https://nh-server.github.io/. The zip is premade so that, provided that you're using Atmosphere CFW (which you will if you finish carefully the guide there), you only have to unzip the contents of the patch to your SD card's root folder.

    For other CFW users (not necessary if you already have atmosphere/followed the guide I linked previously): It may work with other CFWs, provided they can patch romfs. Just make sure the path is the same (romfs/Data/StreamingAssets/patch.dat). Atmosphere is the most popular though, so I only tested there.

    The H-Scene button in the gallery replay menu, although blank in this release, still works, so if you unlocked some of them just click it.

    This works with the Base version + Update 1.01. I'm not sure if future updates will break this, so keep that in mind. To know if the mod works correctly, you'll see "1.01 SW (R18+PE)" on the bottom right corner when it's loaded (it's usually "SW 1.01" only).
    Screenshot (WARNING: NSFW):






    Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/yf86ywni65n6ki8/file

    Some technical details in the making of this patch which may be or not interesting:

    • This VN is made on a custom C# VN engine on top of Unity, made by NekoNyan. It's visibly made for reusability in the future, and according to some announcements it will be reused in future projects of them. It's very nicely done so kudos to them.
    • While .NET binaries in the PC are unobfuscated, the Switch port used IL2CPP, probably due to platform limitations.
    • Despite being in Unity, this engine loads content from a custom format instead of using Unity itself for them (not that it's a necessarily bad thing to do). It has some custom simple encryption, with the keys of the files themselves being inside of the archive. Other than that, it's just an archive with files and folders inside of it.
    • They slightly changed the encryption algorithm for the Switch version. While the PC format was easily readable by looking at decompiled C# code about how the PC version itself loads it, it was trickier to see how the switch loaded it because of the game being compiled to C++. That said, this cool tool helped me to locate the encryption function for the Switch, which turned out to be a simple 2 lines change. This change doesn't affect size nor performance so I can only imagine why they did this....
    • With that figured out, I had to make an (re/un)packer for this game to pack the R18 assets since it needed to use the switch format for it to work. I can release the source code and binaries if anybody's interested, just hit me up here or by email.
    • The switch version prefers different formats of its assets: swp (some Switch image format?) instead of webp, ogg vorbis instead of ogg opus, and some others. Even so, it supports loading all formats of the PC version.
    • The switch version contains voices for H-Scenes on the base game (except for the Perfect Edition H-Scenes), even though they go completely unused. This effectively lowers the size of this patch. Some trivial metadata for the replay gallery is still there, but goes unused because you never unlock any H-Scenes.
    • The binary as well as bs5 scripts (aokana's script format) still contains lots of code that handle R18 assets and scenes, if they somehow (heh) were to be available to the game, which facilitated this patch by a lot.
    • This engine made by NekoNyan is very well done and I hope to see more VNs localized by them on it :)

    If you find a problem just let me know here or by email ([email protected]).

    I hope you enjoy it! I know Nintendo won't....

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