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Posts posted by SieghartXx

  1. Mikakunin really needs a season 2. The OVAs were pretty funny.

    Kobeni wanted to be a sex criminal when she grew up. What a lovely dream.

    Mikakunin best girl ;_;

    No Game No Life is being as awesome as I wanted it to be <3 reminds me of Mondaiji-tachi, and I love it xD

  2. Comyu

    The kinda obvious reference to Hermione from Harry Potter


    This one I don't know, but here it goes: 

    The main character works at a bar, and the Chinese owner is seemingly attracted to him (saying that he swings both ways). This reminds me of Family Project (Kazoku Keikaku), since the MC also works at a bar, and the owner is also a Chinese that wants to, hum, nail him. Both owners seem to have a deep connection to the underworld, and are depicted as mysterious but seemingly powerful people.


    I know there were more references to other games, but I can't remember them right now ;A;

  3. Clannad: Nagisa aside, the other routes are quite good, although the anime covers a bit of them (obviously setting the romance aside). Even so, I recommend you to play it, as the visual novel in itself is reaaaaally long, and the routes are pretty awesome (there are even a few characters that aren't introduced in the anime, by the way, although they're not heroines).
    Little Busters!: This one is awesome, the heroines and each route's story are really cool and the Refrain is just amazing. It's a long one too, and it's filled with comedy (although Riki tends to belittle himself from time to time).
    Grisaia no Kajitsu: The main character is a badass, although he's kinda oblivious to romance until you progress into a heroine's route. It's also lenghty, and the heroines are all lovely (although I didn't like Amane, but I assure you, that's just me).
    Hoshizora no Memoria: Yet another lenghty one. The main character isn't a badass, but he's not a wimp either, and there are seven heroines, although you have to unlock some of them by completing other heroines. 

    I can't think of many more (just woke up xDD), but Kaguya's recommendation list has a lot of good choices!

  4. I think anything would've worked, he just needed something strong enough to "replace" or "overwrite" the flag; love was just at hand. I find the concept, flags and stuff, to be quite good, at least it's not something I see everyday (like the overly cliched settings I see in some other shows).

  5. Tatsuya from Mahouka is so badass.

    Winning a fight without your oponent barely moving is just OP. I want to see the guy's reaction in the next episode.

    I love protagonists like these. Really eager to see more now.

    And this is nothing, just wait until you see him in his first "job"... xD

    And people were afraid this would've turned into Mahou Sensou. Please, Mahouka is good :c

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