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Everything posted by azada83

  1. Nice. I mainly went technician, but i dipped into ghost a bit for the emp. That game has a lot of potential. Too bad most hiests just normally end with battling waves of enemies. The best parts of payday are pulling off roberies all stealth like as if it was an actual hiest.
  2. Awesome. Ill add Humanity to the list. Thanks alot. Ah ok. My programming knowlege only goes as far as some html i learned in high school, so that one slipped by me. My bad lol
  3. azada83

    E3 2014

    Dito. My Steam name is Brutalkill if you want to add me. More money down the drain. At least its towards something worthwhile
  4. Well i love harems so this one sounds like a good one. Added! thanks again!
  5. Ill probably give it a shot when it's finally released. At least the setting sounds cool
  6. Already saw snafu, but My little Monsters a new one. Added to the list. Thanks alot mate! Saw em both already :/ Thanks though.
  7. I fell off the battlfield bandwagon after 3. Use to love it though. Hows this one compare to the older games?
  8. azada83

    E3 2014

    Evolve looks absolutly sick. You see the new playable monster they debued?
  9. Added Hetalia to my list. The other two are already on it. Thanks! Oh i remember that one. I started reading that manga a while back but never got pretty far. I remembered not liking the mc that much. ill add it to my list anyways. thanks! Bam! Added to my list. Thanks mate!
  10. Yup. Watched it on hulu a while back. Pretty good Already saw Kore Wa Zombie. Non Non was just added to the list. Thanks! lol was just searching for that. Thanks alot.
  11. Love both of those shows. I need more shows like that lol
  12. Havnt seen Cormartie or Yonodemasuyo. Thier on my list now. Thanks alot!
  13. Already watched panty and stocking. Realy unique. I'll put Gintama on my list. thanks! Already watched pet na kanojo, and tried mm and baka, but im not realy a fan of series like that where the MC is constantly getting wailed on for no reason. Ill put Nichijou on my list though. Thanks!
  14. Actualy, no i havn't. Ill check it out thanks. Yeah sorry for not putting up a list of already watched anime, but i've just seen so many that that would be a big project that i just dont feel up for. looks like I'm watching Noucome. Thanks guys!
  15. Ska all the way. Saw Reel Big Fish live 4 times now. Awesome. Glad to see the next persona spinoff is gonna have a great soundtrack.
  16. Just got Gundam Extreme Vs Full Boost imported. Beast of a game. Real shame it wont ever see a us release. Love payday 2. What class do you main? Rofl just started replaying origins to hype myself for inquisision
  17. Just finished watching black lagoon and now i need something cheery to turn my mood around. I need suggestions for a good comedy anime or manga. Can't seem to find anything good that i havn't already read or watched :/
  18. Went away for a while and had a mini heart attack when i couldnt find this thread in the vn translation section. Glad to see the translations still going on, and that there's an actual eta.
  19. Have you played thier translation of if my heart had wings? They did much more than just take out h-scenes. They got rid of every dirty joke and all the kissing scenes. They didnt just get rid of the h-scenes, they got rid of all the romance. Not too mention the translation was so poorly edited it was pretty much unreadable. Thank god some awesome people on this site decided to make a patch to fix it,
  20. I like this idea. That way people who want info on the project can just check the first page rather than constantly asking, and everyone just talking can continue without being interupted.
  21. Amen brother. One day us Lazy Club members will control the world..... Or not. I dunno. I'm pretty sleepy.
  22. Hmmmmmm.... food or anime products? This is tough...
  23. That hurt man. That really hurt. I come up with plans all the time....... Ok so I can't think of any off the top of my head, but thy're in there somewhere.
  24. Glad to see my offhand comment managed to start a discussion completly unrelated to the topic of this thread. All according to plan. *Evil grin*
  25. It realy sucks how often that that's the case. Too many good anime get cut short. :/ Speaking of anime, anyone here see the majikoi anime? WTF did they do to miyako?! The only thing they got right was the fact that she likes Yamato. They completly ruined the rest of her personality. @_@
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