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  1. not a problem at all! thanks for voicing your opinion, it definitely is of value to us. i'd love to hear what you think of the game when you finish the entire thing, so if you feel so inclined, e-mail me at enjoievan(at)gmail(dot)com when you're done. would love to read your overall thoughts.
  2. no worries at all! i guess i jumped to conclusions about the nature of your comments, assuming you found them more unwelcome than merely jarring. thanks so very much for the kind words, i truly do appreciate it. for what it's worth, i absolutely agree that the miki one in extra is very poorly transitioned (no good segue from romance scene, and keeping that desecration line from the adult scene definitely does raise some question marks), but this is an issue with the japanese as well. i do think you'll find the rest of the scenes to be more well-integrated with the new non-pornographic content. you just happened to choose an awkward outlier as your first (or second) one, in my opinion. my hands are kind of tied on that line translation-wise, but if we hear more feedback like this we'll definitely discuss it further. your english is pretty flawless, don't worry. my fault for misinterpreting it, sorry.
  3. hi there, glad you're enjoying the translation. both of the lines you mentioned are fairly direct translations of the japanese, and it's the decision of the localization team not to artificially alter their meaning. the "all-ages" moniker is a bit misleading, i'll admit - in all of the scenes, the script does explicitly confirm that sex takes place, and most make direct references to it that are not intended to be subtle whatsoever. some are more blunt than others in this regard, but this is 100% intentional. basically they removed the porn while keeping the sex, if that makes sense. sorry if you feel this is discomforting, but this is the creator's intent. while i've certainly taken my fair share of liberties with the script, to change this to be any more vague isn't really something i'm comfortable doing as a translator. changing kei's line, for example, would require altering the entire game to either remove her VA or record a new line to replace it. this is not within the scope of this project whatsoever. we're not the developer of the game, just the localization firm. as such, we don't get to make changes like that. this is the same all-ages version that's appeared on PC and consoles for almost a decade, so while i definitely can appreciate your concern, the game's written in language that's pretty clear-cut and doesn't leave a lot of room for interpretation. i'm truly sorry if you feel like the in-game disclaimer or tagging on the steam page was insufficient in this regard.
  4. evan here from the ML team confirming that 18+ scenes were edited simultaneously to all-ages scenes. just echoing @Suffolkthe notion that either one was given priority in the translation regard isn't accurate. as @WinterfuryZX speculated, there is additional work to be done when backporting from a PS3/VITA all-ages release to a PC release that includes both. you will know as soon as we know. in the mean time, i hope you know that these scenes were not just removed, but replaced with new lines and scenes that appear in english for the first time in this release, along with additional CGs you won't see if you only play the 18+ version. i do, however, totally understand the desire to want to have the original experience, and appreciate the fact that many people will want to wait for the patch before they start playing. just figured i'd at least throw that out there for those interested.
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