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Everything posted by Crysis99

  1. Once again the Huns move South-Westward, our direction towards the Goths. We Shall burn down any country that stands in our way. We are the Huns, we shan't make any speech, only burn what lies before us.
  2. Hmm... since none of them particularly interests me, I shall take up leadership of the Huns. We move Westward attacking the Western Roman Empire. (Is there gonna be any role playing?)
  3. AVG32 was the predecessor to Key's Reallive engine, and there has been a port to iOS for quite some time now. Credits to this post for pointing me the right direction. What you need: Jailbroken iOS Device (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad) A Windows PC One of supported VNs installed into your Computer I-Funbox (Or any other way to transfer data onto your phone) Preparing the Data: Grab the voice converter, data converter and the AVC files. Extract the AVC files somewhere. Run the Data Converter (avgconv.exe), if you'd like to see the progress, use a command line prompt to launch it. The first popup is prompting you to choose the AVC file. Pick the AVC file that corresponds to your game, e.g (AIR, Kanon). (If you want better quality images, open the AVC up with a text editor and change a line to VGA=1) The second prompt is for where the game is installed into. Once the process finishes, you should end up with a WLK2XX.AVD file, with XX representing the game's number. (Which means it varies) run the voice converter and point it at the game's KOE folder, and a KOE.pac should be produced. Convert all the .wav files inside the BGM folder into mp3 files. (e.g. using lame) Make a folder, name it appropriately, and place your WLK2XX.AVD file inside, put all your converted files from the BGM folder as well as your KOE.pac inside the WLK2XX folder, with XX once again representing your game's number. (If unsure check your WLK2XX.AVD). Oh, and also chuck your preferred font file into the game folder along with the .AVD file with the name of default.ttf (recommended font) Installing the app: Grab this file Edit the Info.plist and edit the CFBundleIdentifier, from com.ipodons.waffle to something like com.waffle.wlk2xx or something Edit the line in SDLAppParam.plist from WLK2XX.AVD to the name of your AVD file, e.g. WLK2TH.AVD Edit the line in SDLAppParam.plist from "/var/mobile/Media/ons/WLK2XX" to the appropriate location in the phone, eg "/var/mobile/Media/ons/WLK2TH" Via your preferred way, transfer your converted data to your phone to the location you specified in the last step. Lastly, open up the zip file from the first step, and transfer it to the "/Applications" folder. Give it 777 permissions Reboot or respring your iDevice Have fun Screenshots: List of Supported Games: 00. Kanon 01. Kanonデモ 01. Kanon_Sデモ 02. Kanon全年齢版 03. AIR 04. AIRデモ 04. AIR_Sデモ 05. SenseOff 06. SenseOffデモ 07. Ribbon2 08. フロレアール 09. PureHeart 10. 恋愛CHU!デモ(TechGIAN版) 10. 恋愛CHU!デモ(Web版) 11. 好き好き大好き! 12. DEVOTE 13. 檸檬 14. 姉妹妻 15. flowers 16. さよならを教えてデモ 17. ねがい 18. 恋ごころ 19. 白濁姫 20. 継母調教 21. effect 22. さよならを教えて 23. SenseOff体験版 24. すわっぷAふぉ〜B 26. いいなり 27. バレリーナ 28. 陵辱同窓会 29. 絶望 30. 恋愛CHU! 31. 魔薬 32. BabyFace 33. 注射器2デモ 34. 注射器2 35. 湮滅 36. JELLY 37. ススキノハラの約束 38. MIND 39. ススキノハラの約束デモ(Web版) 40. 入院 41. 許嫁 42. 満つる月 43. セラフィム・スパイラル デモ 44. 密猟区2 45. 発情カルテ デモ 46. 発情カルテ 47. 最強彼氏 48. DEVOTE デモ 49. 檸檬 デモ 50. 密猟区 51. Queen of Darkside 52. 少女 53. 未来にキスをデモ 54. 雛ちゃんの唄声 55. お姫様だっこ 56. 養父 57. 逃亡者 58. 姉妹妻DEMO 59. Care 60. Repeat 61. 家元 62. 拷問遊戯 *** 動作せず *** 63. 朧月都市 64. セラフィム・スパイラル 65. 未来にキスを 66. 涙 67. 面会謝絶 68. 罪と罰! 69. 陵辱バスツアー 70. アトリエ 71. 偽善 72. 飼 73. CIRCLEMATE 74. SWEETPALACE 75. 僕の為に鐘は鳴る 76. WORM 77. COSTUME 78. めるとも!デモ 79. めるとも! 80. もっとLOVECHU! 81. Siesta 〜すすき野原の恋物語〜 82. FirstLive 83. 飼育中 84. パラノイア 85. 縛 86. 持ち物検査 87. 犬 88. 八ケ池 89. 蜘蛛つかい A0. 48-図形の恋- A1. 吐溜 A2. 無惨 A3. 嬌烙の館 A4. 裏稼業 A5. しーまにあ A6. みせたがり *** 動作せず *** A7. 骸 *** 動作せず *** A8. 玩弄 A9. 箱娘 AA. よこどり AB. 絶望2000 (If you've noticed, the numbers correspond to WLK2XX number you get) Unofficially Supported games (Not applicable to the above method): 1. Triangle Heart 2. Sore wa Maichiru Sakura no Youni 3. ToHeart2(PS2 Ver.) 4. ever17 5. Bless (They each have their own instructions, if you really want to know perhaps just ask.) Some Links: http://www.retropc.net/kenjo/zau/ https://web.archive.org/web/20130811153135/http://www.iphooone.com/pukiwiki/index.php?AIR%C2%BE http://hi.baidu.com/alancn/item/eb39396a53eb0b94c5d249b9
  4. Also for tentacle lovers, Venus Blood: Frontier works with the appropriate patches
  5. Finally, we have a somewhat decent KiriKiri 2 engine for Android. I was browsing through Sakamoto's website, and came across one of his posts about it. I won't be talking much about it, but instead on how you can play the free version. The site has two different sites link for downloading, the Google play site and the Baidu site. At first, I didn't know, but there are two different versions, but after reading in the forums (It's mostly in Chinese), I found out why the baidu download didn't work. The two versions, the paid one in the Play Store, and the Ad-driven Chinese version. Chances are, (unless your phone is in Chinese), the app will crash if you try to launch the free version. That's because the developers intended it for the Play-Store-less China users. If you haven't guessed already, all you have to do to bypass this is simply change your language to 中文(简体) [simplified Chinese], and perhaps also your region to China time (GMT+8:00, 中国标准时间). Course, this seems like such a pain for a single app, and I for one hold a certain disdain towards the Chinese language, so the whole UI in Chinese might not fit well for some of us, in that case the app is for purchase in the Play Store in English, so there's that. Do read Sakamoto's article on it, the links are in there. Oh, BTW, I've gotten the G-Senjo no Maou, the English ver. From Fuwa, working with it, the patch to make it compatible can be found in the site listed in Sakamoto's post. As far as I've tested, it can go in game and seems to work flawlessly. Source: http://visuallyneko.wordpress.com/2014/06/22/kirikiroid2-for-android/
  6. Yo! Welcome to Fuwa! I don't usually write on introduction threads (or at all anyway), but I'll make an exception since you're name is James as well. As I mentioned, my name is James as well, nice to meet you James! (I've always wanted to say that) Have fun here, kekeke. Here's a pun for you: How is a loli and a nukige similiar? They both have no plot (Hopefully, someone gets this joke )
  7. You guys need translators? Well this was the first untranslated VN I finished, so I feel a certain obligation to help this game get translated. In fact, I still have it installed. Honestly, I didn't know this was related to the SonoHana series. Well if you want a translator, I believe I can help, just send me a PM.
  8. Well while browsing through the bookstore, I came across this book under "Best Sellers" I liked the art so much, I bought it on impulse. Plus, hey, who doesn't like bunny girls? So anyway, it seems like a really new book, and I'd like to ask, anyone here read or reading this? It seems like a nice book. If you have, what were your thoughts? How was the book? Oh, and no spoilers please
  9. This might actually be the closest I can get. Might there be some other word though, something with a little more negativity? She was kinda pissed when the MC used that word, so might there be something else? Well in any case, this will do, thanks!
  10. Can someone help me out a little? Might any of you be familiar with the word 腐れ縁 (くされえん) I've dug a little, and found that it translates to something along the lines of an inseparable bond, a horrible relationship, or something along those lines, and there's a sort of negativity in it. However, I can't think of how to express it in English. Here's some of the lines. お隣で、くされ縁の。 くされ縁じゃなくって、幼なじみ。 The character in question are those ”いつもお前のそばにいって" those childhood friends who always help you out, the girls who are like an old woman, nagging at you yet caring for you, well perhaps a search for "kusareen" might yield you some better descriptions. Well what I need help with, is find a suitable English substitute, keeping the negative connotation and other underlying meanings in this context. I thank you in advance for any help rendered.
  11. This might interest you, http://visualnovelaer.fuwanovel.net/2012/06/vns-on-psp/ I'm not quite sure if the links are still alive though, also, on cripter was ported for the PSP, here are some packaged readily, http://www.nicoblog-games.com/psp-iso/visual-novels-ported-to-psp-english-download/ I'm not quite sure about the links though, wonder if they work. Hope you have fun, highly recommend Tsukihime, that game's quite nice compared to the other on scripter games.
  12. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, and for that I apologize. Find the line which has "Point=" Add like one or two to the number after that, for example if for you "Point=93149", then add say 3 to that number, then it should become "Point=93152" If this still doesn't let you skip baseball, then keep incrementing the number until it does.
  13. You can actually bypass it by editing your save. Simply save before the baseball match, then open up your specific save. It should look something like this Simply edit the "Point=" line, for example to "Point=93156" Your value might be different but simply add a few numbers, then load to check if you bypassed it. This works for any xClannad game, and I read it from some Chinese site whose name I've long since forgotten. I've still a few of my xClannad saves, though LB:EX is quite buggy, for one thing, I couldn't seem to get a good end in Mio's route, even following a walkthrough, so I suspect some bugs in the background, but I haven't tried the other routes, though they might not work properly either.
  14. The Chapel was empty. Perfect. I wouldn't want anyone to see how weak their Tsar was. I was a fearless leader who would so anything to win, at least in their eyes. What was I doing, leading this poor country into a war like this. Not only that, we were losing land, and fast. My best generals and advisors, many killed in action, and one fell by my hand. I knelt before the altar, praying. Praying for the for the lives lost, that they may find peace. Praying for my people that they may lead better lives. Praying, for my sins, the ones I have committed, and those yet to come, that they may be forgiven. Though I know that what waits for me at the end is not salvation, but instead damnation. That much is inevitable. "Bless me father, for I have sinned." The confession chamber was quiet, and the priest that lay behind those blinds strained closer to hear my confession. "Father, I have led men to their deaths, I have lied and mislead people into their own doom. Father, I... I have killed a man by my own hand." It was then the tears started flowing, my conscience could only handle so much after all, and it was best to just let it all out. "Worry not my lost lamb, The Lord will absolve you for your sins, his mercy will save you. For he knows you did it not of your own free will. Rest in peace my lost lamb, all is not lost. Believe in the Lord, and he will deliver. Go now, and do what you must, and remember, God is always with you. As for your contrition you must..." I left the chapel, finally feeling as if a burden has been lifted from my shoulders. For once since I became Tsar, I felt free. The responsibility which once rested on my shoulders, now nothing that God is bearing my burden as well. I headed for the war room, another meeting will once again begin. "My comrades, you who have given much for the country, much for me. Firstly, I would like to thank you for all of your efforts. It is thanks to you all, that we have come this far. To thank you for your effort, I will hint something to you, this war has reached it's turning point, and it will end in blaze of glory." With this, the generals stood up, and gave a standing ovation. All of them, except of course the now deceased Lenin.... Perhaps my guilt hasn't completely gone away yet... The rest of the meeting went with me listening to the planning done by the committee. Now matter how they looked at it, the best course of action was too keep attacking Sweden. This, of course, goes perfectly with Aneki's plans, so I said nothing of it. We also took an important photo, one that raised all of our morale. By the time it ended, I retired into my quarters. “James!” Within seconds of my beckoning, my trusty aide was by my side. “Be sure that Lenin’s family or relatives are well compensated. Make sure that his funeral is grand. Also, to everyone else, he dies in a fierce battle, not for insubordination.” These might not make up for killing him, perhaps nothing ever will, however, it’s always better than nothing. Thank you God, for leading me the right way. I will see to it, that even if I die, Sweden be conquered. They will burn. Before he left, I made one last request. “James, mail this photo to the Generals of Sweden.” I handed him the photo. It was a coloured photo, an expensive one at that. James tried stifle a laugh, before walking away. The photo was of me and my generals, making funny faces. Under that, was scribbled in Russian, what might be the English equivalent of “Fuck You”. I smiled, this was perfect. The conquest of Sweden shall continue.
  15. I heaved a heavy sigh as I left the meeting room of the Commission. I had my orders, crisp and clear. Continue with the invasion of Sweden. "Sweden...... huh......." As I took a seat in the carriage, staring out, I lost myself in a sea of thought. Sweden brought back memories of the Hollow Wars..... which technically didn't happen. I wonder if this really was a good idea. Sweden's latest attacks have not only left me with less land, but quite a few of my skilled generals have been killed on the battlefield. May their poor souls rest in peace. The carriage came to an abrupt stop, shaking me out of my idle daydreams. I seem to have arrived back at my palace. The war room was my next destination, for my generals awaited me there. "Sire! What is this! You said we would be led to victory! Instead, we are losing land and precious resources!" I expected as much, they were angry. Though we've lost, it seems their morale is still at an all-time high. Rage has made them reckless and angry. "Your highness, I suggest we form a truce with Sweden. In fact, I have already sent a letter inviting them over for a discussion over a treaty." It pained me to keep secrets, yet they must not know of The Commission...... Wait what! "Y...You invited them over!" I slammed my fist on the table, and this obviously startled my generals. "Who authorised this! I will have him hanged!" I snarled at them. I looked them into the eye, yet every one of them had their heads hung low, presumably with shame. All but one that is. "Lenin, might you have something to do with this?" He got up, standing tall and straight, exuding confidence. "In fact...." Was all he could say, before a bullet penetrated his skull. I had already pulled the trigger on the gun I was holding. W..What Have I done. I looked around the room, and they all were staring on in horror. I... was blinded by anger, I have wronged. However, I still needed to save my face, so I had to make of this opportunity, no matter how much it had to pain me. "Any more traitors will face a death worse than his. In fact, he wouldn't even have the mercy of death." I hid my pain under an evil grin. "We will continue our conquest of Sweden, and we will see this through to the end." "May God forgive us." With these words, I left the room, leaving for my quarters. I called for my aide once more, "James!" "Send another letter to the Swedish, telling them the previous invitation was a trap, and that they may come at their own peril." All for the glory of The Commision. I hope you're happy Aneki of France. May God forgive us indeed. The Russian Empire continues with the invasion of Sweden. "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?" -Matthew 16:26
  16. I shall once again reign as Tsar Crysis of Russia. The crowd cheered as their glorious leader took his place at the podium, the people cheered. I took a moment to bask in the cheering of what is now my people. Their spirits seem to have been lifted since I 'persuaded' the old Tsar to 'retire'. What was his name again? It was not important that's what it was. I motioned for them to quieten down, and a sombre silence descended upon the crowd instantly. "People of Russia, I am honoured to be your new Tsar, and know this, I will not disappoint. As you know, Europe is in conflict, embroiled in a 'Great War'. Russia, will also take part in this bloodbath." Murmuring erupted amongst the crowd, once hopeful faces strew with doubt. I hate lying to people. I wonder if this country really can handle a war? "I am aware of this Country's economic problem. You are probably thinking this war will doom our country. But hear this Russia! I shan't lead you even deeper into the abyss of poverty and decadence! I will instead lead you into a new pinnacle of civilization! We shall take control of the whole Europe! No, we will become Europe." The faces of the people reaffirmed my efforts. Their faces once strewn with doubt now sparkled, hope was with them. Poor things. Patriotism, it clouded their judgements, my conscience probably couldn't take any more. I need to end this soon. "We will be victorious! We will win! For the glory of Russia! For the Motherland!" With this I turned around swiftly, hiding my tears from the people. People I will lead to death, people I will lead to destruction, people I will never see again because of this bloody war. I called for my Aide, "James!" "Send word to Aneki of France, for the Sake of The Commission, I have gained control of Russia, and am awaiting further instructions." For know, I pondered to myself, was I really sacrificing all this people? Aneki was the leader of Sweden in the Hollow Wars.... That's what we shall attack first then. "General, brief the troops. We will decimate Sweden first." Russia marches into Sweden
  17. True. I didn't even know there was an image war. The next person is bored enough to come to this section of the forum.
  18. Tokimeki Memorial 4 Translation The Tokimeki series has played a big part in shaping Dating Sims in Japan. The latest game in the series, Tokimeki Memorial 4, uses the same old classic formula, but with better graphics and all that. Story-wise, it’s just the good old plain Dating-Sim type story, without too much emotional baggage that is seen throughout Dating Sims and Visual Novels alike. The game has beautiful art and perhaps decent music, and the language difficulty isn’t too high either, helped by the fact that it is almost fully voiced. The main thing that probably put off many people from playing this game, was the lack of an English translation. As far as I’m aware there has been no real attempts at translating this game into English, though it has been translated into simplified Chinese. That’s where this thread comes in. I would like to start an English translation of this game, and am looking for people who are willing to work on it. What this translation needs is basically the whole package, Hackers, Translators, Translation Checkers and lastly, English Editors. As you can see this translation still needs quite a few people for it to take off. If you are in anyway interested, just drop RainHeaven a PM. Thank you all for your support, and hope that this game will see a translation.
  19. Keep up the Good work! I'd like to help, but instead I'll just leave this here http://proger.i-forge.net/Stage_Once_-_a_Visual_Novel_hacking_tutorial/IPD This might or might not help you, but I think it's worth reading フアイト!
  20. I am aware of the differences between the OPs, and I cant remember if I fixed that certatin problem (basically I cut out the parts between the text before and after the OP) As for Little Busters, I have bypassed the baseball minigames and fights by editing the savefile, a method I found in a chinese website of which I have long since forgotten. I cannot however, be sure that it works perfectly, for I seem to face difficulty finishing Mio's route, even after following the Walkthrough. Not sure anout the other routes though.
  21. This chat has become nothing more than an extension of the IRC
  22. Well I havent really been active here.... Thanks though
  23. For me,It would be Mio Nishizono from Little Busters, she kinds of reminds me of how I was during my Elementary School days...... Plus shes really cute and she says things that I believe in too.
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