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Everything posted by pandahao

  1. hm wondering if anyone here owns a ps3 vn?
  2. I don't know of many AMV's but one i do recall liking these 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-306ETJ-Rjg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enRoI52wqdA
  3. I used to prefer streaming, but now i torrent because torrenting is so much faster than streaming...yeah its weird lol.
  4. pretty sure it's related. The game is is one big story divided into 3 parts. It might be a little weird if you just started part 3.
  5. Honestly I wasn't a big fan on the monster rape thing, the plot is pretty cliche and predictable but somewhat enjoyable. Characters are pretty interesting, gameplay is meh but for some reason ended up enjoying it late game.
  6. 1) I don't mind if it was an optional route, but it's definitely not something i'd be super excited over. 2) It's okay to portray these things because everyone is different with different tastes. Just like every society is different and have different ways in managing things.
  7. XD I think i only went hardcore 3 years ago, I was pretty casual about the anime/manga till i went to Japan,
  8. I just finished part 2 of monster girl quest...im so glad i gave this a shot lol. Didn't look too appealing to me when the first part was translated. Ended up enjoying it a lot
  9. ah i gave that one a try, not really my cup of tea. By fantasy i mean like swords and dragons and stuff haha
  10. Honestly I haven't been paying attention to myself as to what i like most, but I do enjoy fantasy type settings. I usually give anything a shot as long as it's not straight up sex eroge.
  11. Can't say I've got more experience in the VN department, i read very little in 4 years time span xD. I'm very picky on VN's.
  12. Muv-Luv Alternative + Muv-Luv, Muv-Luv starts out as a school romance but after that it gets like a 180 spin to it lol. It goes from Muv-Luv-->Muv-Luv unlimited (part of the same game) then alternative if you want to play the whole thing in sequence. I personally finished Alternative twice before playing the first game.
  13. I'm a bit late to this also but welcome
  14. Probably the type that acts cold and actually cares on the inside. Though it really depends on the overall character development but that's usually what i go for.
  15. only took you a day ? dam took me like a week before i got over it
  16. Currently playing Monster girl quest...i think im very late on it hah its okay I've been there lmao. "Whats the meaning of life!" moment
  17. definitely have to try that one out if it ever gets translated. And thanks for the welcome everyone.
  18. If i had the money I would definitely buy 2 copies of it xD (only if its good enough to blow me away)
  19. thats a impressive collection of VN's. Never gave muv-luv Alternative a shot though?
  20. ill keep campione in mind, but do you know which volume i should start reading since i just finished season 2 of the anime?
  21. Just very curious about the community's taste and which eroges they enjoy so much they're willing to dish a lot of money out for. I personally own only 4 vn's (Muv-Luv Alternative, Mahou Tsukai no yoru, Little busters Ex, Koitate)
  22. Bit hard to choose but overall I do like Tohsaka Rin the most. Overall most type-moon characters are great Really? I should really read the DxD novels then, I've only ever watched the Dxd anime's. Rossweisse seems to be a great character already haha. (I'm a sucker for valkyrie's and long silver hair here)
  23. Very curious what title both your avatar is from. Mind sharing?
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