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Posts posted by BookwormOtaku

  1. Been playing Maki's route for Tsujidou-san no Junai Road now. The backstory reveals on Hiroshi's end have been interesting, plus Maki's been a pretty funny character so far; first time I've seen a conversation between characters entirely in emoticons...and apparently you can have a phone conversation in emoticons too without even texting :huh:

  2. I like JAST kind of out of a combination of nostalgia and the good games they release are worth playing. On the other hand though their slow release schedule (I honestly think we'll have all seen Avengers 3 on DVD by the time Seinarukana releases) doesn't do them many favors in my eyes. I like Mangagamer better since they have a pretty solid release lineup every year and the fact that they're a lot more open with their customers than JAST helps too. I also like MG kind of has a "can do" attitude about their localizations which kind of helps give them an image as the company to look to for potential localizations of an eroge you really like *coughKyonyuuFantasyseries*; JAST has more of an image of "appreciate whatever they can release" which was fine a decade ago but now...

  3. Wouldn't it be a better idea if the weaker male protagonist became a badass, inspired by the strong female? I don't mean becoming all Goku but becoming level headed and strong socially instead of the CLICHE NICE GUY


    That's kind of what happens in UBW


    Yeah, she wants the D ... King Arthur huh ?


    But Wasn't Unlimited blade works the route that was animated ? I didn't watch but talking with people who did it seemed that way  :huh:


    The TV series followed Fate with a couple nods to the other two routes, UBW was made into an animated movie. There is another TV series in the works which some believe is supposed to follow Heaven's Feel.

  4. One I could cautiously recommend if you want something tragic is ef since I hear the last of the stories fits the bill. I say cautiously since I haven't finished the game myself (such a long backlog...) am only going based on hearsay.


    Dramatic ones I can recommend but have no reviews for:

    Private Nurse (not a nukige despite the title)


    Yume Miru Kusuri

  5. One more recommendation which is a bit premature for me since I haven't finished either yet, but I highly recommend Grisaia no Kajitsu and Majikoi too. Both have great characters and comedy and good stories from what I've played so far, though between the two Majikoi's more light hearted.

  6. (Tho Shakudou's Disciples havnt had much screen time in the translated parts so I cant speak for them yet)


    Two of them have some screen time in Chika's route, probably one of the reasons I consider it the best of the subheroine routes (hinthint to translation guys, please translate this when you're done with Myako and Agave ;) )

  7. I think the first VN I'll be completing next year will be Grisaia no Kajitsu. I'm currently on Sachi's route and have kind of held off a little before Chriistmas since I was at the start of her flashback and I kind of wanted to preserve my current feelings of holiday cheer since I got the feeling the dark turn of this particular flashback (which I hope isn't too long like with Yumiko's (my only real problem with the route) is going to be particularly grim.

  8. Just passing by, wishing you all a merry christmas guys, have fun and sorry for not releasing the patch at the end of the year, it turned out to be longer than I expected (this was the first time I did something like that and it seems like a messed up with the time needed a bit ^.^)

    Not to worry, we're all just grateful for you're doing this for us. Merry Christmas!!

  9. To me, the best part of that article was this:


    "if we keep expanding to about twice the user base and sales we see now, I think we’ll start seeing even more developers joining in."


    Interesting coincidence, not too long after that Kotaku reviewed  Kara no Shoujo and its sales really shot up so  maybe at least some of those buyers will come back for more

  10. As someone who currently has Kazuko's route as my favorite for this game (could (hopefully) change with Miyako's or the Agave route) I'll say I didn't come out of it disliking Chris as what occurs in the route makes sense for the character and it's not like there was anything malicious about it.


    Have to say I'm really looking forward to playing Miyako's route in english and as soon I finish I'll be going straight to Majikoi S to enjoy her after story and those mini-endings throughout the main story.

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