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    danpc reacted to OriginalRen in Lucid9 (available for free on Steam)   
    Welcome to the Fuwacast! Episode 13 - Lucid9

    Thanks again you guys! It was an honor getting the chance to speak with all of you.
  2. Like
    danpc got a reaction from zakobot in Fan Translating Time Travelers VN (Level-5)   
    Thanks for taking time to make a sort of translation of this game!
    I was looking to try it since it was announced but by now it seem pretty obvious there won't be a localization.
    I'll definitely watch youre Let's Play/Translation of it!
  3. Like
    danpc reacted to Diamon in Violet Hill (DEMO released)   
    Can't wait for your demo to play it!
  4. Like
    danpc reacted to Zalor in The need for a VN Development Promotion Forum   
    I've noticed that over the past couple of weeks there have been more threads created that either advertise new western made VNs, or threads that are scouting for people to participate in making a VN. In the past I've noticed that threads like these were not as common, however recently they've gotten far more in number. (Which is great!) But a big problem I see is that most of the time these threads get quickly forgotten. I found a number of these threads (which I will link to later) and only one of them is on the first page of threads in the Visual Novel Talk forum. This is bad. Fuwa's goal is to make Visual Novels more popular in the west, and garnishing the support for new western developed VNs is a must. While a fair amount of us (including myself) discovered VNs because we were already interested in other Japanese related things (anime and Japanese video games) I also know a lot of people in this community had Katawa Shoujo to thank as their first VN. Katawa Shoujo, a western produced VN. People can complain that most western VNs are inferior to Japanese ones, but the best way to popularize VNs in the west is through western VNs. Unlike most visual novels, several semi-popular Youtube channels gave Katawa Shoujo exposure in someway or another. The reason Katawa Shoujo was getting this exposure by westerners was because it is western. Now I am fully aware that most western VNs don't compare to Katawa Shoujo, but my point is that western VNs provide western exposure to the medium that is often too difficult for a Japanese VN to accomplish (no matter how good it is). 
    One of the main problems with forcing those who want to provide exposure for a VN project to post their thread on Visual Novel Talk is that often the VN they are promoting is still being developed, and there may not even be a demo released. Meaning they start the thread not with the intention to discuss the VN, but to promote it. This contradicts the reason most people go on Visual Novel Talk (to talk about the music, story, characters, and art of VNs they have already read). Thus the topics that promote a VN quickly sink into obscurity. In fact in my archiving of relatively recent threads that promote VNs there were a few interesting ones I missed entirely simply because I was away from my computer for a few days on a short vacation. It saddens me the most when one of the threads I read (https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/5359-sunrider-part-1-was-just-publically-released/) was started by a guy who works on the development team of the VN he was promoting and how that topic lasted for only 8 days. The person saw Fuwa as a potential source for receiving exposure for his VN and we as a community (including myself although I did play the demo) disappointed him. Fuwanovel should be a place where VN developers can advertise their VNs without their threads being forgotten in mere days. Also, to further illustrate why Visual Novel Talk is not a good forum for those who want to promote VNs, the discussion of the VN the guy was promoting turned into a critique of the VNs writing. The guy wasn't even a writer for the VN! But can you blame people for critiquing a VN when that's the reason that people go to Visual Novel Talk? No you can't. The problem was that the OP simply wanted to promote the VN, not discuss it. There was a conflict of interests. Those reading the thread wanted to talk about the VN, meanwhile the creator of the thread just wanted to promote his VN.  A VN Development Promotion forum would be the ideal place for these posts. For one, the purpose of visiting such a forum would be to see what new VNs are being developed. Two, since these topics aren't as common as most Visual Novel Talk topics, they would be able to last longer on the first page results (which would lead to more exposure).     
    Here are links to the threads I found promoting VNs within the first three pages of history on VN Discussion: 
    (this last link links to the one topic that actually managed to stay on the front page and has 6 pages of replies, however most topics promoting a VN aren't this lucky). 
  5. Like
    danpc reacted to Andrew C in Konnichiwa, minnasan!   
    (Sorry for my lousy attempt on Japanese on this topic title It's been a long time since I've actually written/spoken in it.)   Hello everyone. My name is Andrew, I'm stepping into my 20's, and I thought it would be nice to introduce myself. I've been around here for a while, and I've found really useful stuff here. I really like how all of you managed to "create" this community, and I want to congratulate all of you for that.   Let me tell you a bit about myself. I worked a couple of years ago on translating a visual novel from English to Spanish (there isn't much market for Spanish-translated visual novels out there I'm afraid, so it was one of those rare one-time-only kind of things). I never new what VN was it, though they just gave me the dialogs I had to translate, and that was all. I never cared about it actually, I just liked to help.   I'm currently working and studying on the field of computer programming, and I'm a writer on my free time. I've written a lot of short stories and I'm developing a novel. I never got to be a published author though, but that is something I want to achieve on the not-so-far future.   Programming, writing, translating... They have one thing in common: Language. I just love learning and using languages. The more the better.   I've tried one time to develop my own VN (there are a lot of engines out there for doing so) but I found myself to be completely bad at drawing, so it ended up being one of my many unfinished projects.   What really consumes my time is writing. I actually enjoy it a lot. I'm currently writing for several blogs about video games and anime in general, but what I really like is creating stories and characters, and that's why I'm developing a novel. (and I have ideas for several more.)   That was about it, actually... I hope I can contribute with something to this site, since it's content has been really helpful to me.   Thank you all who stoped by ^^  
  6. Like
    danpc reacted to Dizzyworld2 in Anyone interested in making a VN or VN-like game?   
    Aww, I always come late to these topics for some reason >.<
    Since it seems like this group already found CG artists, I'd like to join as an SD artist. Samples here.
  7. Like
    danpc reacted to Helvetica Standard in Anyone interested in making a VN or VN-like game?   
    Game engine :
    - danpc (engine creator)
    Amazing. Not only did you assemble a huge team out of thin air but you actually created your own VN engine?
    *Takes off his hat*
    I wish you guys sucess with your project! Remember to stay frosty and remain united even when things look tough (because they will be.)
    As a fellow project leader and VN developer, I'll be closely following your progress. I can't wait to see how your story unfolds! :3
  8. Like
    danpc reacted to CodeUltra in Anyone interested in making a VN or VN-like game?   
    I'll go ask them right now.
  9. Like
    danpc reacted to CodeUltra in Anyone interested in making a VN or VN-like game?   
    I can join the ideas side,
    And maybe help with editing
    I know of some artists
    If you want I can call them.
  10. Like
    danpc reacted to Gahaha in Anyone interested in making a VN or VN-like game?   
    Well I'm a writer only, However, I am very interested in possibly pitching out some idea's if nothing else. there was an arc partly about this very thing in Comyu I'm currently working on my own Normal Novel though. since I am a talent less hack in other area's lol If I can help in someway just let me know.
  11. Like
    danpc got a reaction from aideed in Anyone interested in making a VN or VN-like game?   
    I was thinking about waiting a few more days to see if anyone else wants to join after that we would start discussing plot ideas.
  12. Like
    danpc reacted to aideed in Anyone interested in making a VN or VN-like game?   
    current staff list - updated  (still recruiting people in all catogories)
    project head/creater
    game engine developer
    -danpc (main)
    -anyone else who wants to help
    story writers/ ideas 
    -anyone esle
    -anyone else
    -Dals's friend (maby)
    -anyone else
    if any one disagrees or would like to join in any of these please
    say so
  13. Like
    danpc reacted to aideed in Anyone interested in making a VN or VN-like game?   
    current staff list
    game engine developer
    -danpc (main)
    -anyone else who wants to help
    story writers/ ideas 
    -anyone esle
    -anyone else
    -Dals's friend (maby)
    if any one disagrees or would like to join please
    say so
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