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Status Updates posted by DarkZedge

  1. I wonder...at which point do people start trying to justify taking their own life, is there such a basis? does it variate? do some people see someone else's problems and think of it as small stuff? 

  2. Some of these cgs....I swear, so great to look at :kosame:


  3. Merry Christmas everyone, hope you have a great time and enjoy these holidays with your loved ones (or Pr0n gamus).


  4. Finished Shinigami wa Kiss and really enjoyed it, the last route more than the other two but it was overall great and now i'm playing through Swan Song by popular demand although i can't remember who told me to do so:miyako:

  5. Got Gahkthun, time to see if it's as great as everyone keeps telling me it is

  6. Disappointing to say the least, expected better.


  8. Ah, fuck it. Some days make you wonder why you even try or give a shit.

  9. If people leave by their own hand then they should come back the same way, no one should have a granted invite waiting for them to finish their temper tantrum. We're not kids, rules are rules and no one is above them.

    To all of those who complain about having to follow simple rules to mantain order I'd like to simply remind them that we try our best to keep everyone happy and comfortable.



    And if you ever do consider coming back you'll just have to ask, that's all. Best of luck.





  10. Fucking hell my back is killing me.


  11. Fuwa seems to be quite unstable..sometimes it will load and others it won't prompting to try again later..sems things are breaking left and right and being fixed at the same time.

    At least now i can type and see my messages and notifications again as before i couldn't unless i used Edge which sucks major ass.

    Hopefully things will be better or back to normal soon enough, i know Tay and everyone is giving their all to fix it:sachi:

  12. A recent post about HD art made me remember some of the games I've played which in my opinion have amazing art, among those rests the Kara no Shoujo series along with Cartagra. 



  13. Woot stuff is still broken, but at least progress is being made lil by lil, i want the spoiler tags button back though...i fail too much without it :kosame:

  14. Well, made a new sig..I like how it came out though it's nowhere near perfect

    Improvement even if slight it's still improvement :sachi:

  15. Time for some more Homura love while I wait for my maids to arrive. :sacchan: 

  16. Despite it's flaws or other problems that it can be said it has Comyu is still one if not my favorite visual novel, while far from perfect I can't deny the enjoyment I had while reading it nor the satisfaction after being done with it so long ago.

    I really should re read it completely for a third time.







  17. Aye damn, I'm completely addicted to this maid game....As if I needed more addictions.


  18. So disappointed in people from here and people whom I used to think I knew. Give someone power and they become someone else in some cases. 


  19. After some time having erratic time frames and not being able to be on for a while...I'm back and gotta say I'm damn glad to be...I missed Fuwa and it's awesome people :sachi:

  20. I should put down the maids in favor of finishing some vn's but at the moment I just can't... this game...I swear. 

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