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Status Updates posted by DarkZedge

  1. Ah Grisaia how much have I missed you, can't wait for the 18+ patch or version but for now the all ages will have to do. Some Grisaia is better than non at all.




  2. Finally got Comyu working again and now got myself three vn's to play...them being KoiChoco / Comyu/ Shikkaku no Sharnoth then i have a list longer than life to catch up to too xD it'll take time

  3. Hm after being a bit disappointed with Sunrider Academy...A good while after I decided to try the one that came out before it but it's a sequel story wise, Mask of Arcadius which was a pleasant surprise while by no means great it was decent enough to make me want to play Liberation Day afterwards, hope it's just as pleasantly surprising. 

  4. I may die from a moe overdose....





  5. Time for some more KaraKara...I swear I'm addicted :wafuu: 

  6. Well sadly lost a bunch of posts because of the data loss, everyone did but we know it was an accident and it's all okay

  7. Finished Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku and it left me wanting more....i loved it so damn much and though i know it has flaws and its nowhere near perfect...for me because i loved and enjoyed the shit out of it and got me hooked like non other i'll give it a 10

  8. Hope Dracu-Riot get finished translating...I need it T.T

  9. :leecher::maple::gasp::vanilla::isla::meguface:

    I hereby welcome the neko grills, Megumin and Islacchi to the Fuwa family, looking forward to using and abusing these new glorious emotes.


    Nekos ftw.

  10. I love my new background for my laptop


  11. qL8TNDh.png

    I'll just leave this here in case someone wants to see it. :ph34r:

  12. After finishing up Noble Works recently i must say that i loved it, it had a few short comings but overall was greatly enjoyable even if the bonus route kinda annoyed me by being so short x.x.

    Shizuru and Maya are  my favorites from NW, and yours?

  13. Koiken Otome please no more delays....My poor heart....Have some mercy for it. :komari: 

  14. 58kjlb1.jpg

    Gotta love that smug smile, Xenovia is so good :3

  15. Felt like sharing this amazing song with you all :3

  16. Chapter three and I still don't know why people dislike Kamidori.

  17. It's finally in my hands, booted it up right where I had saved after the prologue to find the patch working correctly....been waiting for it so long, I just want to take the time and thank the Flying Pantsu team for their hard work all these years.

    I thanked them on their page but I'll also say it here for I believe they deserve it.


    Hope everyone who's been waiting for it like myself will enjoy it as I will. 



  18. Hm, certain things make you contemplate and see things from a different perspective 

  19. Ah it's been quite a while since I enjoyed myself this much with the two games I'm playing, Koiken and Kamidori are both awesome to me :sachi: 

  20. Just got my hands on 17 volumes of the Highschool DxD Light novels, Nihihihihi. :makina: 

  21. 11eyes_original_visual_novel_cover.jpg

    Really did not see this one coming yet I'm so thankful for it, a huge thank you to the team responsible for it's translation and for their hard work.

  22. Accurate representation of how my mood was during this past hour or so




  23. Some freshly taken screenshots from 11Eyes: Saiko being cool and then her usual self and then some badassery by Yuki-Pon




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