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Posts posted by TheGuy21

  1. 20 hours ago, Tyrosyn said:

    For me, it was the exact opposite. When I started reading VNs, I was a stupid teenager (13 years old I think) who wanted to see naked 2D girls; the more the better!

    Nowadays, when some "serious" looking romance story tries to pull a harem route on me, I ragequit instantly. I want to read a love story, not some juvenile porn fanfiction.

    Well bro...I suggest you look elsewhere. Sure, there are a lot of amazing romance VNs out there, but...just saying, okay--we all have our own preferences. And not all 13 yr old or teenagers are stupid even though their age is young. Just saying all this bro. No offense intended.


    This is stupid, but I think you already read Katawa Shoujo, the romance there is amazing(you can turn of the h-scenes from the menu)...in case you haven't read it yet. I really recommend it.

  2. On 4/12/2016 at 2:38 AM, LoganW said:

    I loved this VN so much... Maybe a little too much..

    All the routes are great IMO.

    The only thing that annoyed me about that twin route is that Yoru did not get her own route. :rimu:

    Kotori's route was SO filling and just great in general.

    Agaha's route was the first I went down it confused me so much but ended up with a pretty sweet ending.

    I have a large amount of bias towards this VN though it being the first one I played and all so yeah :sacchan:

    And I recommend the patch... It's worth it :illya:



    I thought Yoru has her own route?? I thought you need to complete Asa's to get to Yoru, or vice versa.




    Well, if the patch you're talking about it the restoration patch, Ageha's is still being rewritten as it should be, also for people who don't understand Japanese without subtitles...the patch covers only half the problem. Sweet Love and most of the fan disc are UNTRANSLATED, so yeah...even the upcoming Cruise thingy, with I believe, Kanako and Akari added, as well as Hotaru(but I think she's already in the Sweet Love one but not in a separate route.

  3. On 4/12/2016 at 1:26 AM, Dergonu said:

    I'd say at least give them a try again once the patch comes out. :sacchan:

    I loved both of the routes, in fact

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    I really enjoyed the harem route. It's one of the only harem stories I've read/ watched where all the individuals in the relationship are equal in participation, if that makes sense.

    Also, I really recommend playing the H-scenes, both the twins have some pretty intersesting personality changes during the H-scenes that makes the routes more enjoyable.

    Especially Asa... Y-Yum :pyaa:


    Of course, if it was a complete bust for you, then maybe you shouldn't bother. But I honestly think they were pretty freaking great :illya:


    On 4/12/2016 at 1:21 AM, Fred the Barber said:

    I didn't enjoy either of those routes, to be completely honest. And I even rather enjoyed the weirdified Ageha route, and loved both Kotori and Amane routes. I admit I was more prudish at the time, but still, they just weren't very interesting. Also I kind of liked Yoru as a standalone character, and I felt like she got ripped off by the way her route went.

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    Keep in mind, I didn't even apply the H-scene patch. My experience of the whole remainder of the VN was extremely vanilla and innocent. The twin harem, especially coming in as the last route, was actually a complete shocker for me, and I ended up just feeling creepy the whole time I was reading it.

    Just my two cents. I might perceive them differently if I played them today, after my brain has changed so much in the past ~year, but I actually kind of doubt it.

    If I do replay this game some day (which I actually probably will, if/when the retranslation patch comes out), I'll just be playing Kotori, Amane, and Ageha's routes, probably in that order.

    What Dergonu said, try it out once the patch is done. Well, everything is opinionated.

  4. 14 minutes ago, mitchhamilton said:

    i just hope cruise sign comes to pc someday. ill still read it even if its in japanese. i wanna read the vice/presidents route, dangit! :wafuu:


    8 minutes ago, Dergonu said:

    Ah yeah, I don't have a vita so I will be waiting for a port. If they don't make one, then I will go to Japan and yell at them! :sacchan:

    ... Or buy a vita. You know, whatever.

    Asa and Yoru's routes are pretty good. Look forward to it. 

    Come on, loli twins. What more do you need :makina:



    Well, you both know something I don't--HOW TO READ JAPANESE!! DAMMIT!! I wish there was some type of food or something that would instantly let me learn Japanese 100%! Then it would be a cake-walk.



  5. 1 minute ago, Dergonu said:

    That version has the "restored" content. So, you get the H-scenes and normal content, but there is a lot of typos and stuff. It's better than nothing though :sachi:


    As for the cruise sign, it's in japanese. It's a Japanese release entierly.

    Ah yes hahaha, I've mostly been getting the typos more and more in Ageha's route(which I'm almost done with). Idk with Asa and Yoru's though.:makina:


    DAMMIT!! I knew it. It was hopeless... :vinty::wafuu::komari:

  6. 23 hours ago, Dergonu said:

    Cruise Sign is a PSvita port. It is adding a new route, Akari, but I think it will be a little shorter and it will also be 17+, meaning H-scenes might not be a part of it. The rest of the game itself is the same, just H-scenes cut most likely, because of the age rating.


    Anyways, about the translation, the main game is being re-translated, yes. There is a project on this forum:

    Basically, they are adding all the shit that Moenovel removed and fucked up.


    As for the flight diary fandisc and the snow present addon, no. At least not at the moment.

    Oh I see! Hmmm hmmmm. Well, is there any news as to whether the Cruise Sign will be translated or not, I could care less for the ecchi scenes(I do hope they put it and just censor part of it, or remove the sounds at least like in Criminal Girls, I believe.)


    Oh! I'll check on this link from time to time. Thanks!


    But...what if I have the ORIGINAL one from Pulltop, and just have a translated patch with it. Does this version still have Ageha's route butchered?


    Awww that's a shame. I hope after then trans of the MoeNovel one, they do the fandisc and the others.

  7. 7 hours ago, Zenophilious said:

    Flight Diary is the fandisc to Konosora, and Snow Presents is a side story that's not part of the original game.

    "Limited Edition" (mostly just shitty labeling to make people think it's worth more) version: "This version used to have a 'Wings' system needed to progress (given every 24 hours and also could be obtained by watching video or downloading app by sponsors), but has now been removed and is ad-free.  The app also includes alarm clock with voice by Habane Kotori (CV: Hoshizaki Iria)" aka slightly less cancerous mobile version that's still inherently bad because it's a mobile port.

    If you want to know what's in each release, just click on the link on VNDB.  It straight-up tells you what's in it and what exactly it is.  Took me under 5 minutes to find all this out and I know very little about Konosora.  VNDB exists for a reason, you should use it.


    6 hours ago, Dergonu said:

    Flight diary is a fan disc. It offers 2 new routes, Kanako and Hotaru. It also offers a few unique ero scenes, one with the twins, one with both the Himegi sisters. 

    There is also a story about what happened before the story in Kono oozora, seeing how the soaring club was formed, and story about how it is now, after the ending in the main Kono oozora game. 

    It is basically a sequel. 


    Snow Present is a sidestory set a year after Kotori´s route in the main game, and continues her route. 


    Both of the above is in Japanese, and have NOT been translated. 


    As for the moenovel version, it is a censored version of the main game, with altered scripts to make it more child friendly, cut H-content and such. If you have the patch installed, most of this content is put back in the game, with a fair share of typos and grammatical errors. Still, it is better than nothing. 

    Ohhhh. Souka souka. Thanks for the info! I think there's also one with the...Cruise thingy? Idk.


    Hmmmm...are there any plans on translating it? Since I know of one from Nosebleed, he said there's an upcoming patch with Ageha's scene completely redone cause it was "butchered" idk. That's the only news I know so far. And also, I forgot who told me but there'll be an IMHHW version for the PS VITA, I'm guessing it won't be translated, but will mainly have almost all the added routes and stuff, but at the same time...no h-scenes. Emirayt?

  8. I'll keep this brief. I seem to have the Pulltop version of IMHHW with the Sweet Love extension extra. Now I've been browsing around the net, I found "Snow Present", and "Flight Diary". Now I don't know the real difference it has with all of these. Not to mention the "fan disc" everybody keeps talking about. So if someone could clarify or at least explain to me the numerous version IMHHW has, I'd gladly appreciate it. Also there's an IMHHW MoeNovel version(which is in the iPhone that says: 'Limited Edition'), I am REALLY confused as to the numerous(amazing) versions this Visual Novel has.


    Thank you so much in advance for the one who'd explain~!

  9. 6 hours ago, andzalot55 said:

    First would be Kotori's route following up is Asa/Yoru route 'cause loli's.

    OHHH~~!!! A LOLICON BROOO:kosame::sacchan:


    I'll get to their route after Ageha's.


    5 hours ago, mitchhamilton said:

    Kotori Habane all the way!


    Slightly NSFW picture here.

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    4 hours ago, Einher said:

    Kotori had my heart (no pun intended) less than 1 hour into the game.

    My god, that pic :kosame:
    Thank you, kind sir.


    4 hours ago, mitchhamilton said:

    if you liked that one, you might love this one. :makina:



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    WHA--WHAT IS THIS BEAUTY!?!?! WHERE IS THIS?!?!? I MUST HAVE THIS!!!! I'm guessing it's either in the Sweet Love(untranslated) route, or the fandisc everyone is talking about.:vinty:



  10. Just now, Zidan209 said:

    I fetched a restoration patch, but does it only restore CGs? I don t really know because i play it still the first time. Normal english version, but patched. Well seems like i ll have to deal with it, and give up on Ageha

    Well, it says it only fixes the H-scenes being removed, there's a second patch coming to fix Ageha's route tho. You should talk to Nosebleed about it. But so far, I'm enjoying her route. I'll just have to make do.

  11. Just now, Dergonu said:

    Yeah its a PSvita port.



    By the way, Like Zeno said, don't post twice in a row. Instead, put it into one post. :P You can go back and edit a post to place the new reply in there if you want to add something.



    Yeah, about that. I didn't do that. I mean, I'm sure I didn't. I quoted every one individually. Tbh, before I logged off earlier, it was all neat, the next thing I know...Zeno was telling me to post is separately and I was like ._. then I checked my quotes, and BOOM! All into one. I swear, I swear on my life, I did not want to look like that.

  12. 4 hours ago, Zenophilious said:

    Jesus Christ, dude.  If you have something else to say, edit your most recent post and put it in there.  There's no need to octuple post  :ryuusui:

    ?  You're asking peoples' opinions on the game.  You can't just ignore one because it's not one you agree with.  If you wanted a circlejerk about how good it was, you should have said so in the first place.  The fact that other people like it is irrelevant to Kiriririri's opinion about it.

    Right. Terribly sorry.

  13. 15 hours ago, Kiriririri said:

    I hated every moment of it.

    They should learn how to draw. Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o already had a little better art but oh how much I hate the art in Konosora. (Maybe my hatemail got through.) Even all the characters annoyed me and this comes from a guy who always loves the shitty characters that everyone hates. :salt: 

    Whoa there partner. It's not that it sucks or anything, but I kinda do agree that they did screw up with the CGI scenes since it really didn't fit the VN experience. But...hey man, I ain't sayin' bad stuff about what you like so just respect what other people like. Don't generalize as well. If you hate it they say that you hate it, don't bring other people in it.


    Also, if you "hated every moment of it" why'd you even play it? Tsk tsk man.


    15 hours ago, Dergonu said:

    This is a real tough one for me. I love Amane's route so much, I want to vote for it, but I just have to vote for Kotori's. It's the best one, can't deny it :wafuu: 

    I think I enjoyed Amane's route a little more though. That lovable airhead is so damn cute. :sacchan:

    (Kanako best girl though :illya: )

    UGH! Finally someone gets it! Ifkr! Amane's innocence is just soooooo kawaiiiii! Kotori's was amazing in a number of different ways more than Amane. It's just that...Amane's personality is slightly better than Kotori's.


    AHAHAHAHA KANAKO~~ XD the "underwear girl" I wish there was a route for her also Akagi.


    9 hours ago, Mugi said:

    Yeah, I also think Amane had the best route. Didn't think the VN itself was nearly as bad as so many make it out to be, but that's just me. Still hoping the FD gets translated..

    Hahaha well Kotori was the best route for me. But hey, that lovable airhead is what's best. Sure, well, everything is opinionated in this world, what's great for me might not be as great for other people. And vice versa. Something most people are too dense to understand.




    14 hours ago, Zidan209 said:

    I actually did not finish any route yet, but i m going for Ageha.

    Ohhhh~~ Well, as mentioned by me before...Ageha's route is the most "ecchi" I believe. Also, to get Amane's route, you need to finish Kotori's. There's a walkthrough here in fuwanovel.


    15 hours ago, Tyrael said:

    Amane is best girl for sure


    how does one even combine the airhead and genius tags

    Nyahahahaha~~!! True dat. A genuine beauty without even trying! XD


    Nico Nico Nii~~


    13 hours ago, Arcadeotic said:

    Amane's route's themes and events clicked with me the most

    She's also an adorable airhead with a voluptous physique

    I'm sticking with Amane til the bitter end

    Ohhhhh~~ So many are rooting for Amane and Kotori. As of now, it's a tie between the two! Who will win, I wonder.


    UGH. I KNOW RIGHT?! ADORABLE!! Well, if you're sticking with her 'till the end, she's never leaving your side hahaha just cook and cook for her and, uhm....you know...do it with her....EVERYDAY since she does want it XD


    14 hours ago, Nosebleed said:

    Ageha was the best grill, it's just a shame Moenovel butchered her route </3

    I actually didn't enjoy Kotori's route that much. She was fine as a character, but I found her route to be the most... bland? It wasn't bad per se, but I felt like it paled in comparison to the rest, but maybe it's just because I didn't create a sweet spot for Kotori.

    Hmmmm...still doing her route. Why? What happened? How did they "butcher" it? Do you have the uncensored ver or the censored one?


    Ah yes, at first it was like that. But in the end, it worked out pretty well. I like her route so much cause there you could see a part of Isuka and also Kotori's development not just as a girl, but as herself. You come to love her despite her attitude because deep inside, she's basically a mega Tsundere. Which I so adore. I also like how the progression of feeling between Aoi and Kotori are, it's just super sweet compared to the others since Kotori was basically spoiled the whole time which was adorable.


    14 hours ago, Fred the Barber said:

    Really, really tough call between Kotori and Amane route. I end up leaning towards Amane, and probably just because I like her better, for basically the reasons Tyrael said.

    But Ageha is best girl, no question. Give me the takes-no-nonsense exceptionally capable deredere redhead, please. All my fetishes.

    Ahahahaha! Another point to our Mochizuiki-senpai. Well, it's really is a close battle between Kotori and Amane most of the time. But I for one must say this: if we want to measure the route in terms of cuteness...I'd go Asa all the way.


    UGH~!! SO TRUE. So, and Ageha here, eh? Nice. Well, we all have our own preferences. I'm just happy there are a lot of people who enjoyed the visual novel so much like me. It was a hell of a lot longer than the Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort. But better and more romantic.

  14. Okay so...I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IMHHW. Ugh. And I thought Koisuru Natsu was great! Seems I haven't had enough of Pulltop lately. Pulltop is like...idk...for me the definition of the perfect Visual Novel gaming company. The UI is clean, the art is very nice, the music(omg) is sublime, and just overall topnotch! So as the poll suggests, who's your fave route? Please, don't spoil some major things.


    I loved how the ending of Kotori's was, it was just so satisfying at the end! So much so with Amane as well, the part where she became kinda of like the narrator and the text was different and just, ugh, it was all perfect....HOT DAMN! Amazing stuff. But I enjoyed Kotori's route more because there we could see the progression of basically everything. Though in Amane's route, it shed more light on Isuka, Tatsuya, and Tobioka. Who knows what else is waiting for me in Ageha's, Asa's, and Yoru's route! What's more...the "epilogue", the Sweet Love of each route! I can't wait for it!(still looking for a patch cause it's all symbols)


    Anyway, I've rambled long enough. By now you must realize how much this VN has touched my life, or for that matter...how much VNs touch my life. So, why did you choose that route? Why did you like the girl you choose more than the others?


    P.S. Please don't spoil any major things in Ageha's, Asa's, and Yoru's route since I'm currently in the process of doing it. ALSO in the Sweet Love routes.

  15. On 3/14/2016 at 0:18 PM, Eclipsed said:

    Looking it up on Amazon, product description says 

    "This does NOT fit the PS Vita 1000 model. This is the for the 2nd gen model PS Vita 2000 (PCH 2000)."

    Don't just buy a Vita Slim.

    Heh. There we go, thanks for the info. Well, I guess I lucked out on that GE2 Rage Burst Accessory set. Too bad, it's really a shame since I really wanted that.


    Lol yeah, at least you aren't being a jerk. True. I like the original model better than the Slim. What's an extra hour if you don't enjoy the visuals? Also I prefer the build quality of the original VITA than the slim.

  16. I have the original PS VITA, but the God Eater 2 Rage Burst accessory set says it's for the PS VITA SLIM. SLIM. Now, if I buy that said accessory set, will I be able to use it for my original VITA, or not? Cause I really really REALLY want that accessory set.


    P.S. Don't try to comment dumb stuff like "just buy a VITA SLIM", etc. Just don't. Respect guys.

  17. I know Huniepop isn't a VN or such, it's a hybrid of sort. A dating sim of sorts. But I'm kind of confused on the version of Huniepop I own.


    You know how there's a "sex mini-game" after every 5th date at night? And when she climaxes, there's suppose to be a picture of her afterwards. Well here's the funny thing...the version I got shows the "top part" JUST FIIIIINNEE. Seriously, even half-way through the mini-game. But the bottom part...STILL has the Pantsu ON. Seriously. Search Huniepop pics, there are pics WITHOUT the pantsu after the mini-game. And...well, I kinda want THAT version or of there's like a patch for it. Also...some have like, the uhm...well, "stuff" after the mini-game WITHOUT PANTSU too. So if you guys can point me in the direction, I'd heavily appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

  18. My first major VN was Katawa Shoujo. I've always been a fan of books and reading. But I guess you can consider my first ever VN was I think Invisible Apartment or Depression Quest. I loved the experience of every VN I ever played, I love how one can immerse themselves in the environment of the character and learning about life and decision making, cause and effects much more all without having to leave the comfort of your seat. Every since then, I'd been really picky with the VNs I play, I enjoy a more mature story (you know what I mean hehe) at the same time with a slice of life. Every click, every sentence, every sound, every second I played VNs was a sublime experience for me.


    I'd say VNs helped shape my life in more ways than one. I've become even more mature in life, especially when you have to make choices. It's just something--in my opinion--that most or other games cannot copy, something which what makes VNs very unique in the spectacle and library of gaming/reading.


    I got into VNs because....I've always been a bookworm since I was a kid. I never had lots of friends or went out of the house, the people that were constantly with me...or rather, the 'things' that were constantly with me where books, drawing pads, and stationary. Being an introvert also made me what I am today, I don't dislike the concept of having to party or whatever, but I'd rather be at home spending the day with one or two friends just talking about life and such. I HATE small talk, I'd rather have you talk to me about sex, love, life, the universe, etc.

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