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Posts posted by zarathustra

  1. i'll go with translated (or soon to fully be) ones, assuming the majority of the userbase is not able to read japanese


    1. Subarashiki Hibi  -The best (soon to be) translated title, gives by itself a wide range of different experiences by being a complete thing at the same time-


    2. Cross Channel -Even if the translation is apparently bad, there's still so much content to be found here. The best character study i laid my hands upon-


    3. Muv Luv series -Second only to Cross Channel for character development (even though only Takeru is really well developed this time) and mixed with some strong plot and worldbuilding, to be compelling even if you don't value characters much (Alternative)-


    4. Sekien No Inganock -Outstanding worldbuilding with scenic portions (apparently the translation ruined this too). Repetion makes this magic -


    5. Forest -Arguably the most confusing and weird thing you will read in your life-


    6. I/O -Arguably the second most confusing and weird thing you will read in your life, this time with really strong Ghost in the Shell vibes and all around strong worldbuilding-


    7. Umineko no Naku Koro Ni series -Quite a good "deconstruction" of the mystery genre, if you want to say so. Prose falls short occasionally, but the amount of content is pretty overwhelming-


    8. Rewrite -Terra is the babies' version of Cross Channel. Some parts of the game are compelling and rich in their own right-


    9. YU-NO -The epilogue is really what i would call mindblowing and the point & click "minigame" for the first part of the game makes it exciting, to an extent. Not to mention it aged pretty well, considering how old is it-


    10. Sharin No Kuni -Just a good story all around with a great plotwist-

  2. after reading for like 2 or 3 hours I reached the part where eleonor appears (something that should take me 15 min) so many german words in katanaka and so many kanji...so far it's not impossible to read by any means (so far at least) but not something easy to do either, maybe later on the difficulty will increase.


    I'm not yet at that part, though the slice of life stuff was pretty chill even though it's so overcomplicated by SOL standards lmao (Shirou's scene more than anything)

    On the other hand, the prologue took me like forever. I think it was an hour and a half.


    Knowing a bit of German and Latin comes in handy in these cases

  3. Note that this is speculation and the way i interpret the story


    1- You can take the ending bench sequence with the ghosts, the second part of Tower of Friends and some bits of Miki's route as an hint that everything in the story only happened in Taichi's mind as he was trying to cope with his guilty conscience after having killed everybody.

    In this case he would have never "left" the real world. (i would like to note that this wouldn't make everything useless, as the character study and the coming of age is still all there, just with an additional layer.)

    2- Might be further proving of 1

    3- Tomoki and Sakuraba are the only ones with relatively low coefficent, if you don't count Misato that is said to be at least 30

  4. Hello fellow Subarashiki Hibi appreciator and welcome to Fuwanovel. I stalk your MAL profile and I can safely say that you have good taste. ^^ Aria and SubaHibi for life! (and Baldr Sky and Umineko and Cross+Channel and- I better stop)

    I ask, have you yet tried the trial to Sca-ji's Sakura no Uta? 


    Anyways, enjoy your stay here in our easygoing yet active community and I do hope we will have a chance to discuss/talk about these or other cool games in the future~


    oh nice to see you around here too even if we haven't talked on MAL yet (i'm quite shy ironically, friend req was the best approach i could muster)


    and no actually, i'm focused on finishing Subahibi first, though i would like to wait for the full gamen since it won't be long anyways

  5. Ty everyone for the welcome


    Welcome to the forums!  :)


    What's your favorite VN? 


    It's Baldr Sky



    Yo o/


    Just going to say... SubaHibi is awesome. xD


    So welcome, welcome! ^_^


    Yeah i'm trying to finish it up after having read the leaked 80% patch last year. I'm around WDI and it has been simplier than i thought to read so far

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