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Posts posted by onorub

  1. On 08/01/2017 at 10:09 AM, Vorathiel said:

    But is it good? Care to say anything more about it?

    Oh it was good. My least favorite Ryukishi story, but it's because the other ones set the bar so high.

    Anyways, finally started YU-NO. Ayumi has the best chemistry with the MC so far and it's disturbing.

    Update: Ayumi's route gotta be my biggest guilty pleasure of all time. That VN sold me on a guy screwing his stepmother, goddamnit!

    2nd Update: A "gameplay" combination between YU-NO and Fate/Stay Night would be the greatest VN of all time gameplay-wise. (in-between route puzzles + high amount of bad ends)

  2. Having played Higurashi, Umineko and Rose Guns Days, i felt like a big similarity between them was the theme of distrust. I'll try to explain while giving as less spoilers as i can, but be careful just to be safe.

    For Higurashi:


    Rika would keep dying because her friends would keep distrusting each other and it would distract them from what is actually going on, and once the friends erased that distrust, they were able to find out who the mastermind is and go against him.

    For Umineko:


    The main issue of the series is the distrust that Ange has towards her family by believing that one of them is a cold-hearted killer, and episode 8 is all about her letting go of that distrust to move on with her life.

    For Rose Guns Days:


    The biggest thing that kept the japanese from standing up to the chinese and the american was the distrust that the japanese had for each other, which ended up causing the collapse of the tradicional japanese society in the story. That is seen with the biggest hurdles for Rose being the distrust that not only the city merchants, but her own right-hand man had towards her.

    So, can you identify this theme in Higanbana and Iwaihime as well? Or do you feel i'm mistaken?

    Edit (jan 4th) - Having played Higanbana:


    A fair amount of students have some sort of distrust towards society that lessens their will to live, making them suitable prey for the youkai of the story.


  3. Finished Rose Guns Days after some marathoning and quite frankly, there was enough material there for a full other season.


    How do you hype up Gabriel and his troops like that and don't have some sort of final showdown between Primavera and them? It'd be like if Higurashi ended without Mion's club going after the mastermind and it's minions and they get defeated in a single scene for some other reason.


  4. On 18/12/2016 at 8:19 PM, onorub said:

    Started Rose Guns Days and i'm impressed at the balance between the fast-paced and slow-paced portions of the story. Both are just enough for you to not feel overwhelmed or bored, hooked so far.

    Finished Season 2 and


    i found the lack of character deaths so far to be quite odd. I guess Higurashi and Umineko made me bloodthirsty.


  5. From a moral standpoint, i'd say lpers should only play one route of the VN for the viewers to get a feel for the story. I remember reading a screentext lp of Kara no Shoujo where the guy got one ending and said on spoilers all the things that could've happened and it made me want to play the whole thing. On VNs with only one route, i don't have a set opinion on.

  6. Confession: i used to LOVE the true my heart song when i was a teenager, now i think the name of the company that made it being "lump of sugar" is pretty appropriate, because that song sounds like you're shoving lumps of sugar in your mouth until you die of diabetes.

  7. Finished all Dracu-Riot routes. Good time waster overall, but nothing i'd beat myself over for not reading.


    I feel a wasted opportunity was not having an harem route where the MC could go up against the big mastermind behind the whole "lychantrope manufaturing" organization.


  8. Clannad, Fate/Stay Night and YU-NO: Best choose-your-own-adventure feel

    Ever17: Best plot twists

    Steins;Gate and MajiKoi: Best set of characters

    G-Senjou no Maou: Best villains/antagonists

    Tsukihime and Saya no Uta: Best atmosphere

    Little Busters: Best common route

    Umineko and Higurashi: Best overall stories

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