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Everything posted by Kardororororo

  1. the way it retrieves files makes it impossible to do update2 and update3, as each update would have to contain (update1, update2 etc.) the entirety of the UI/images/translation for each individual game, which from me testin', will just cause them to repeatedly crash.
  2. it's always windows10, god knows how they do it, but it's always win10. this is what mine looks like. http://puu.sh/tahxw.png
  3. it's when Zhui appears, so it could be a uncommon error with that, never personally managed to run into it, but outside of japanese system locale, all I can recommend is to run StartUpTool.exe, then change directX to the しăȘい option (seen in screenshot below) and hit the button with (S) on it, might work.
  4. Because reasons, and we're humans with responsibilities other than computers.
  5. If he's not back by the time we finish Seishou, we'll just have to re-do Azumi.
  6. Never take my word for anythin', we may do it we may not.
  7. We co-joined skyspear for a little while before their leader and some others went AWOL.
  8. the first few reports are first few bins we did one by one.
  9. how to achieve mental breakdown; become a tester bonus points:
  10. I have an entire log of errors from a single bin of Sayaka, all of them broken lines.
  11. Can't remember the full solution, but there was somethin' with wairu's files and our files havin' a bit of a hissyfit or somethin', gonna argue about it with twdarkeh whenever I get ahold of him.
  12. Shoddy russian bote gaems

  13. Would like to point out the main reason for this is most likely the fact that this series was abandoned, twice. so at this point when it gets released, the rush-hype takes a bit longer to calm down. Let's keep the start of this thread civil, we can argue on page5 instead
  14. went through all the routes with a fresh save, you do need Kosugi, to unlock Kosugi, just visit the tutorial until you get her first unique scene, then keep visitin' the tutorial more until you get the H-scene, then it should unlock Takae when you press "Start" again
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