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Can someone please explain to me what's going on with the Ff Fabula nova crystalis series

Mikata jin

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What's the overall storyline?

I mean what exactly is happening in

Ff 13 & its console sequels?

And type 0?


Agito +?

Are they all Canon?

What's the chronological order?

Is Agito or Agito + getting a English release?

Also are you guys happy or angry about Ff XI coming to Android?

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The Fabula Nova Crystallis series turned out to be a clusterfuck. Agito ended up getting renamed, redesigned, and was released as Type 0. The Wikipedia article says that Type 0 shares the same "mythos" as 13, but that is its only relation. In reality, it's pretty much completely unrelated to 13 in any tangible way (it's even set in a different world). To add to the confusion, Square made a small IOS/Android companion game to Type 0 titled Final Fantasy Agito, which again has nothing to do with FF13 and is just some small side-game to go alongside Type 0. Agito+ was going to be a Vita port of that mobile game, but there's currently no sign of it. It is probably never going to come out in English, but it's of no importance anyways. Versus 13 was transformed into 15 and it now has nothing to do with that universe. The FF13 sequels are obviously canon to FF13, and take place sequentially. 

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A quick summary of the "overall storyline" for the first three:



You fight to save the world



You kinda failed but kinda succeeded in FFXIII.

You fight to save the




Lightning Returns

You totally failed in FFXIII-2, and the world is hopelessly screwed. You give up on the world.

You fight to save the people.

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