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Hi MrGamma

Torrents being gone is a permanent thing, unfortunately. It'll be up to you to be educated and resourceful to obtain what you want now *wink wink* but please do avoid anything with the Fuwanovel name from now on~

You can get an overview of Fuwanovel site changes here: http://blog.fuwanovel.net/2015/02/overview-of-site-changes/


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you should read this:




Games & Torrents

The biggest change for some of our users is that we will not be providing torrents on the new site. We’re going to have a lot of resources to help you find games (including a mobile VN database for both iOS and android) as well as patching guides to help you patch a game you obtained elsewhere. This will let us expand our database a lot, and on the PC front the initial goal is to get >250 of the most popular VNs into the database within 6 months.

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