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About Dissidia Duodecim Prologus


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So I was looking for a cheap Vita game and saw this, it seems interesting and it appears that the game is fun however, I'd like to know if I would be able to understand the story or should I play other games first, is it recommended I play this game first in terms of story does it have spoilers for other games fyi I have not played any dissidia or final fantasy game


edit: I'll get Dustforce now because it has far more content (according to howlongtobeat.com)  but I would still like to know

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Woah. Didn't hear of that one yet.

Apparently it's a prologue to the Duodecim game, so you'll be okay.

However, some parts of Prologus are present in the other Dissidia games.

Some other parts, yeah.

It'll be introduced there as well anyway.


Only thing you should probably know that Dissidia is set in some fantasy world where two deities battle it out with each other, namely Chaos and Cosmos. They summon warriors from different worlds, aka FF worlds, that will fight for them and establish a ruler for a certain time 'till the loop continues. You'll discover why the loop continues if you play the Duodecim game.


Goodluck. I'd recommend you playing Dissidia Duodecim. It's really enjoyable.

Also, don't bother with the first one. Duodecim has its storyline too.


tl;dr: You'll be okay with it if you don't mind not having a conclusion yet.

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He's talking about Prologus though, which I think is a different game?

From what I've read, it came with 012's package, and it's the thing you need to unlock Aerith as an assist character.

It also only has Lightning and Warrior of Light as the main characters.


But yeah. Don't play the first one.

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You don't need to play the first game, Dissidia 012 is both a prequel and the original game. You get characters levels and unlocked stuff from transferring first games data but that's it. 


He's talking about Prologus though, which I think is a different game?

From what I've read, it came with 012's package, and it's the thing you need to unlock Aerith as an assist character.

It also only has Lightning and Warrior of Light as the main characters.


But yeah. Don't play the first one.

I have Dissidia 012 and can surely say that it contains both the prologue and the original. You have to first play the prologue and after that the original part is unlocked.


Dissidia for me was one the best games I played on PSP. While it does have minor spoilers for the FF games, it doesn't really spoil you outright. I myself have played only a few of the FF games( 1,2 and 7), I don't think I got spoiled much on the other games but definitely did get the feeling that I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I had played the other FF game too.

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