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Cross channel questions


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Hello peeps,



I just finished my visual novel that i was previously reading and wanted to start reading cross channel. M only worry is that it gets to dark for my taste. So while trying to be spoiler free as possible, what are the darkest themes and how dark to they actually get. Thanks in advance and Happy Holidays.

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thanks for the reply guys, how dark you would say things get. Is it gruesome for gruesome sake, or does it serve some sort of purpose? And the borderline rape, does is help build some sort of characterization or just rape for rapes sake. Thanks in advance again.

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thanks for the reply guys, how dark you would say things get. Is it gruesome for gruesome sake, or does it serve some sort of purpose? And the borderline rape, does is help build some sort of characterization or just rape for rapes sake. Thanks in advance again.

No, it all serves a purpose, in the sense that you can mostly understand why the characters do it. So basically characterization.

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He is probably the single most perverted protagonist in any non-nukige VN translated to english, and probably holds a really high spot among the rest of the VNs as well. It was really off-putting at first but I gave the VN another chance and got further in, once I got to know the characters and the setting better, it all kind of fell into place and it become another interesting facet to the web of relations between everyone.

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