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The director slated for the show has a good track record, but the fact PA Works is involved scares me. They have not had one show that I've enjoyed.

P.A.Works have one of the best theatrical graphic quality works in every TV series thus far. Hanasaku Iroha has some really good scenes. Though I've yet to own any of their works on BD ... I do want Hanasaku Iroha on BD.
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First episode of Shirobako was interesting but certainly not flawless.


The idea of taking a peek at the in-depths of the production of animation in Japan is interesting, and it's well done. There's even references to a bunch of existing stuff.


The issue rather comes from the entertainment value. This really feels like purely slice of life: they didn't try to put a comedy or a personal story on it like you normally would (think Bakuman, Aoi Honoo, stuff like that). It really is a juxtaposition of scenes representing characters working in the animation industry. Issue being, you'd need to have interesting characters to make that worth watching (because it doesn't have the kind of informative value a documentary-type thing would and is not aimed to be that). And there's really lots of characters, it's hard to think so far as one of them as being interesting precisely because it doesn't seem to be the story of one or several of those characters (although there seems to be a main heroine and a main group of girls). It just doesn't feel like it's telling a story.


I'll keep watching because who knows, something might happen, and I'm interested in the animation industry description anyway, but so far it feels lackluster.

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