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So in the Skype call I had a 'great' idea. Let's make a story with a bunch of random idiotic and possibly plain strange ideas. 


So here's how I want this to go:

I want to make a story with a bunch of random points, items and other things. I have already asked in chat for some suggestions and I WILL use all of them.


I'm thinking of making a Chapter each week and editing it to this post.


To keep this bearable for me and so I don't have the write an amazing load of garbage I'll ask you all keep your suggestions to three each.


Setting and Suggestions

Setting: A world of penguins


Strike through = added to story

Penis, pubic hair, cum, traps
Peanuts, Bazookas, Monkeys
Cushions, oranges, mountains
Penguins, Garlic, a platypus' toe

A crowbar. a survivalist guide, a dvd rack of cool runnings

Mecha Battle


People who have given suggestions:

Monmon (In Skype)

Treacherousbox (In Skype)

Tenkuru (In Skype)

Hanako (In Skype)

Jptje (In Skype)


Yukiru (1/3)


Chapter 1

Cold. This is the first thing that flows through my mind, a mind that lost itself in the haze of unconsciousness. I scarcely remember how I got here, this strange foreign cold that threatens to break my mind from this delirious state. This cold soon meets another strange feeling, this feeling being that of touch. This touch does not feel like a human one, the touch is strange. It feels hard, smooth and foreign.


I force my heavy eyes to open and find the source of the cold and the touch. I do not know what to expect to find but I continue. The scene unveils before my blurry vision and I see…a penguin. I do not jump, scream or otherwise react to this revelation, but merely stare at the odd scene in front of me.


The strange scene becomes stranger after the unexpected happens, “You going to lie there, or get up?”


The penguin talks…it talked to me…it asked me a question…


“Well?” It did spoke again.


I jump and scream, unable to comprehend why a penguin is talking, unable to form words, unable to think anything but ‘panic’. A penguin is talking, and it is talking to me.


The penguin studies me, scanning me from head to toe. It feels slightly uncomfortable but not threatening, and I can conclude from its dialogue and obvious intelligence that it has the capacity to think further than ‘food’. Do penguins eat people? Hopefully I don’t get to find out.


It waddles slowly up to me and offers me a few strange objects, “Here, have these. It should help you get your senses back.” The strange creature drops a few peeled peanuts into my outstretched hand, granting me the sustenance by growling stomach apparently craves.


I deftly eat the small treats and return his studious gaze, also interested in his odd characteristics and standing. After a few minutes of sizing the oddly large penguin in front of me I turn my attention to my surroundings.


I see rock, craved by years of isolation into a habitable cave, surrounded by thin ice. A small amount of light appears to be penetrating the sanctum, giving the cave and eerie, yet beautiful, light. I reassess my surroundings and find the odd shimmer to not be reflecting off the ice, but an odd otherworldly gem. This cave is not full of ice…it is full of marvellous, shining gems; they cover the walls, roof, and various sections of the ground.


Accompanied by this revelation the penguin voices an odd query, “So, where is your master human?”

‘Master’? His question takes me aback, am I some sort of slave? Do I belong in a cage?

He obviously catches my confusion from my puzzled face and clarifies, “Oh boy, you are wild are you?”

Wild, as in some kind of animal?


Before I can voice my numerous questions a small, sharp pain strings the nape of my neck. I scratch the source, only to find a small, thin piece of plastic sticking from my neck.


Oh, it’s a dart.


That thought rushes through my mind, and then the world goes black.


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