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Couples and matching personalities


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I realise that my question is not directly related to VNs, but please hear me out. I am writing fanfics about some anime that I watch, and I hit a wall when it comes to couple pairings and their personalities. I have no clue as to what personalities would complement each other in a relationship. (Yes, I have not much experience in this field myself  :(


Anyways. if you have some ideal personalities in a couple, please share! I would appreciate it very much!

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Here's the thing with fanfics. You write a fanfic because you personally ship 2 (or more) characters together regardless of their personalities. They are fanmade and often reflect the author's own personal tastes. A fanfic is personal so you shouldn't ask what you think would look better but what pairing you want to write about the most. If you like a couple then you most likely will enjoy writing about it. If you can't come up with one then maybe you weren't that attached to it in the first place :P

If I were to write a fanfic I'd just have fun writing about some couples i love imagining in my head regardless of wether people think they look good or not. 

Don't get frustrated over this. Just write about what you think looks best. And since it's fanmade you can always make one for each pair if you feel like it.


I've shipped some characters that don't look good together personality wise (Like a dandere and tsundere) but i personally just thought it'd look cute. One thing i do (probably more often than i should) is make yuri pairings in non yuri related anime where there shouldn't even be romance in the first place and so the entire relationship clause is imagined by me only. Wether it'll work out or not I can't know so I have to make it work out in my head somehow. And I personally think every personality can match as long as you put effort into it and as long as you think looks good. Again fanfics are very personal.


So yeah it's very hard to say what personalities match because more often than so these pairings didn't even have that sort of relationship to begin with so you have to imagine it all in your head. So just do what you like and enjoy seeing~

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the best couples in anime in my opninion are Jinto and Lafiel from crest/banner of the star series and Holo and Lawrence from spice and wolf.


Lafiel has an stoic and harsh personality that is to be expected of someone in her position, while Jinto have a more calm and kind personality, but not on the stupid side, his calm demeanor is from someone who had surpassed many dificulties in life. They would never really match in a normal situation but they were put ina situation where they were forced to be together and thus a great friendship was born in that time.


Holo is a goddess of the harvest, and have quite a complicated personality, she is wise but also childish, she is agressive and has quite a lot of pride, but she knwos little about the complicated society of humans, even though she understande them at a more individual level, and Lawrence is a simple man with both feet in the ground, that is quite used to the life in human society, at start one might look and think they dont match at all, but the circunstances got them close together, they were both very lonely, while holo spent hundreds of years alone, Lawrence also spent to much of his short life in the road with only his horse for company.


You see, sometimes people dont need to have matching personalities, just something that link them together, in my opinion stories tend to get more intersting when the couple doesn't have a matching personality at all. 

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