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Looking for action/mystery/dark (or just really good) translated VN's in the last couple years.

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I went through most of the 'top 50 translated before you die" so I guess I can now die in peace but since that post is from 2013 I was hoping there are some pearls I have missed recently.

My preference goes to dark, action packed, mystery, crime or anything apart from Slice of Life/Romance but I'm open to trying anything. Bonus points go to novels with a protagonist who can get pretty dark.

Nitroplus titles are mostly that but unfortunately I read them all.. Thanks in advance :)


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Shortlist of translated dark non-romance focused VNs that are tled.

Tokyo Babel- Romance is non-standard (under stress) type, action and plot-focused.

Dies Irae- Ditto to above

Hello Lady

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