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Prblem with Kirikiri Z

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I am trying to translate a visual novel into English using Kirikiri engine. I also did all the steps on the web. First, I used Kirikiri Extract to extract my data.xp3. Then I searched for scenario in data folder. I used Translator++ to automatically translate all the script files (which are .ks files). After that, I injected all my English scenario files into my data folder. Finally, I repacked my data folder into patch.xp3. But it did not work. I tried to delete my original data.xp3 and replaced with new data.xp3 (which has a translated scenario inside), but it raised an error called script exception. I tried to encode all the files to Shift-JIS, but some still remained ANSI. I also tried not to repack the data folder and put it back into the game, but it did not work as well. Can anyone help me with this problem?

P/s: The game I am translating is:  Koakuma-chan no Yuuwaku!. The game uses Kirikiri Z core. :<<<<<<<<

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Posted (edited)

I have not thoroughly tested this, but KiriKiriTools seems to work for the initial proof of concept.

0. Download both the version.dll and Xp3Pack.exe
1. Somehow get Translator++ to give you all of the script assets (the *.ks files). Make sure they are shift-jis encoded.
2. Create a folder named "Patch".
3. Place the files exported in step 1 into the folder named Patch.
4. Open a command prompt.
5. Run the following command:  Xp3Pack.exe Patch
6. That should create a file called "Patch.xp3".  If not, rename the .xp3 to "Patch.xp3" Do not use Garbro for the above step. Xp3Pack creates the .xp3 in a special way. Feel free to use Garbro to make sure the files are actually in there.
7. Put version.dll and Patch.xp3 inside of the game folder's path.
8. Launch to see if the game loads the changes.
9. If it does, play through the entire game with fresh savedata to see where it crashes and fix stuff as appropriate.
10. Once you are sure it does not crash, create an entry on vndb.org and upload your patch somewhere so other people can use it to play the game.



Edited by Entai2965
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On 5/29/2024 at 9:06 AM, Entai2965 said:

I have not thoroughly tested this, but KiriKiriTools seems to work for the initial proof of concept.

0. Download both the version.dll and Xp3Pack.exe
1. Somehow get Translator++ to give you all of the script assets (the *.ks files). Make sure they are shift-jis encoded.
2. Create a folder named "Patch".
3. Place the files exported in step 1 into the folder named Patch.
4. Open a command prompt.
5. Run the following command:  Xp3Pack.exe Patch
6. That should create a file called "Patch.xp3".  If not, rename the .xp3 to "Patch.xp3" Do not use Garbro for the above step. Xp3Pack creates the .xp3 in a special way. Feel free to use Garbro to make sure the files are actually in there.
7. Put version.dll and Patch.xp3 inside of the game folder's path.
8. Launch to see if the game loads the changes.
9. If it does, play through the entire game with fresh savedata to see where it crashes and fix stuff as appropriate.
10. Once you are sure it does not crash, create an entry on vndb.org and upload your patch somewhere so other people can use it to play the game.



Sorry, I already followed your instruction. However, that game always return to the home screen, or automatically restart again and again. How can I solve it ? I think the problem comes from Patch.xp3.

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Troubleshoot. Are you able to reproduce the test in the screenshot above?

If you are, then does the game return to the home screen when loading Patch.xp3 filled with the original unmodified scripts or only the modified ones?

If it returns to the home screen even with the unmodified scripts, then the issue is the .dll or the Patch.xp3. If it does not and only returns to the home screen after loading changes, then the problem is the changes made to the scripts.

Can you play through part of the game, but not the rest? In that case, figure out which .ks file is crashing and why it is crashing. Is the encoding correct (shift-jis)? Did the T++ parser mess with some line it should not have? Try loading an unmodified version of that .ks and go through line-by-line making changes until it crashes so you can find the issue.

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8 hours ago, Entai2965 said:

Troubleshoot. Are you able to reproduce the test in the screenshot above?

If you are, then does the game return to the home screen when loading Patch.xp3 filled with the original unmodified scripts or only the modified ones?

If it returns to the home screen even with the unmodified scripts, then the issue is the .dll or the Patch.xp3. If it does not and only returns to the home screen after loading changes, then the problem is the changes made to the scripts.

Can you play through part of the game, but not the rest? In that case, figure out which .ks file is crashing and why it is crashing. Is the encoding correct (shift-jis)? Did the T++ parser mess with some line it should not have? Try loading an unmodified version of that .ks and go through line-by-line making changes until it crashes so you can find the issue.

Yeah, I tried to put the original file scripts (.ks scripts, the unmodified) in to Patch folder and used Xp3Pack.exe to repack again. I put Patch.xp3 and version.dll back to game directory. Yep, and the result is still the same, still encounter that error, not change compare when I put the translated scripts file in to Patch folder. Yep, I think issue is the .dll or the Patch.xp3. This is so bad, can't even play this game, ........... there must be a solution to this. :<<<<<<<<<<<<,. I am so depressed.


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Posted (edited)

Were you able to reproduce the workflow from the original post? As in, have a single file in the Patch folder and change a single line in that file? Does that single change load, or does that fail to load for you? If not, verify the file is shift-jis encoded.

Are you able to run the game normally when version.dll and Patch.xp3 are not in the main folder? If not, are you running the game with Japanese locale? JP VNs tend to need that. If you still cannot get it working without version.dll, Patch.xp3 and after using a locale emulator, then what OS are you using?

Edited by Entai2965
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  • 1 month later...

Actually, T++ itself has a KAG tool you can use to repack folders into .xp3 files, and it works for most of the cases, as long as the game doesn't use a special encryption method at least

This is where you find the repacking tool, hope it helps


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3 hours ago, ragnar0574 said:

Actually, T++ itself has a KAG tool you can use to repack folders into .xp3 files, and it works for most of the cases, as long as the game doesn't use a special encryption method at least

That would not have worked. Xp3Pack.exe creates the .xp3 in a special way. The version.dll used to read the unencrypted.xp3 used for scripts repackaged for this game requires using xp3pack.


[Xp3Pack] Creates unencrypted .xp3 archives for use with the KirikiriUnencryptedArchive DLL. Unlike other packing tools, it sets all hashes in the file table to zero; this serves as a marker for the DLL to bypass the game's decryption for those files.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/5/2024 at 12:43 PM, Entai2965 said:

Were you able to reproduce the workflow from the original post? As in, have a single file in the Patch folder and change a single line in that file? Does that single change load, or does that fail to load for you? If not, verify the file is shift-jis encoded.

Are you able to run the game normally when version.dll and Patch.xp3 are not in the main folder? If not, are you running the game with Japanese locale? JP VNs tend to need that. If you still cannot get it working without version.dll, Patch.xp3 and after using a locale emulator, then what OS are you using?

Sorry dude, I come back after a month. Yes, the game still run smoothly without Patch.xp3 and version.dll in game directory (mainfolder). I already set Locale to JP. All the game before I applied patch still run smoothly. I am using Window 11, but I think that is not a problem because I still run the other visual novels in my laptop. I am not sure the in Patch.xp3 has to contain include files such as k2compat, system or startup.tjs, because I only apply all the script files in scenario folder. I am using version 1.7 of Kirikiri Tools. I am not sure if you use Kirikiri Descrambler or not.

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Is there any possible way you can test it using Windows 10 or any previous version?

There is no way to guarantee that version.dll is compatible with Windows 11. I tested it on 10 I think, and it worked fine which might mean this is a Win 11 related issue. Normally that just means updating the version.dll, but the developer archived their repository meaning that they are not working on developing it anymore so it is unlikely to ever get updated.

Windows 11 creates a lot of problems for VNs especially unlocalized ones that ran fine on previous versions of Windows. It is not really an ideal platform to run VNs or even general software on.

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On 7/31/2024 at 2:41 AM, Entai2965 said:

Is there any possible way you can test it using Windows 10 or any previous version?

There is no way to guarantee that version.dll is compatible with Windows 11. I tested it on 10 I think, and it worked fine which might mean this is a Win 11 related issue. Normally that just means updating the version.dll, but the developer archived their repository meaning that they are not working on developing it anymore so it is unlikely to ever get updated.

Windows 11 creates a lot of problems for VNs especially unlocalized ones that ran fine on previous versions of Windows. It is not really an ideal platform to run VNs or even general software on.

Yes there is, and I tested on VMware (virtual machine) using window 10 Pro. I tested that game on Windows 10, and the result was similar to my original Win 11. All the files I shared from Win 11 to Win 10. After testing, I saw that the game can only run smoothly without Patch.xp3, on both Windows. I don't know if I am right or not. For all two Windows, I set the locale as Japanese. Here is the link to the video I tested that game on my Window and on my virtual machine window, with Patch.xp3 and without Patch.xp3. You can have a look and let me know If I did something wrong. 


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From your video, it looks like version.dll does not make the game crash because it loads just fine when that file is present. However, when Patch.xp3 is added, the version.dll is able to successfully load the scripts. Then the default scripts get replaced by the ones in Patch.xp3 and the game loops back to the starting screen. That indicates there is some sort of error in the scripts you are trying to load, not version.dll. To figure out where the error is, try loading just one script at a time starting from the first one with minimal modifications and then add files after that.

Would you mind trying out this test patch? It only translates the line above in my proof of concept and the first line of the game. Does the patch work to translate those two lines or does the game keep reloading back to the start screen?



   On 7/30/2024 at 8:32 AM, Sunny Weather said:

    I am not sure the in Patch.xp3 has to contain include files such as k2compat, system or startup.tjs, because I only apply all the script files in scenario folder.

Patch.xp3 only needs to contain the files you want to change. It is possible to load subfolders in Patch.xp3, but the game needs to be told to do that or it will ignore any files in subfolders.

Edited by Entai2965
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